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"Oh! We're here! We're here!" Amethyst exclaimed. I nearly choked on my scrambled eggs at her sudden outburst.

We were dressed casually, but still had to impress. I had passed the last 2 hours picking out clothes with Amethyst until she was finally satisfied. I really just wanted to eat now.

She had spent a good time reprimanding me, and cursing my red, puffy eyes, so early in the morning. I had cried that night, in the comfort of my own presence. And even though tears had messily streamed down my face throughout the dark hours, my mind had actually been at rest for the first time, since the Reaping.

Breakfast had been silent for the most part. Marvel would crack up a few jokes from time to time in hopes to liven up the mood. My angry demeanor and hunger must have been obvious. As grateful as I was for his efforts, just because he made me laugh did not mean I would forget we were imminently meeting our doom. And that I had been dressed and undressed by our Capitol escort so many times that I had lost all feeling in my limbs.

Gloss let out a short grunt. Frustration? Or relief from leaving the train? I didn't know.

"Go ahead, wave at them. Work your charms, kiddos."

Marvel drew the curtains back, and we were met with a mass of colorful faces. I had thought Amethyst was eccentric, but boy was I wrong. I guess she was fashionable after all.

"Are those tusks on that man's face?" Marvel's voice was painted with disbelief.

I turned to where he was looking and snorted. The man sported large tusks on either sides of his cheeks.

There was a twinkle in Marvel's eyes, and the snake like killing intent I had felt at the Reaping had somewhat disappeared.

I waved at the crowd and smiled, much like how I did when I had been reaped. Marvel followed suite. The mass was eating it up, cheering and dancing around. Little did they know that we were laughing and giggling because their attires were ridiculous. Glimmer would have a fit if she saw this.

Amethyst cleared her throat, obviously not too pleased at us for mocking "haute couture".

"Come on, come on! We must leave so you can go get prepped by your design team."

Both Cashmere and Gloss visibly stiffened at this. Why? The younger of the two lightly grasped my wrist.

"The pain only lasts a short while." Were the words she whispered in my ear. What did that mean?

The Unmatched Beauty (Cato Hadley) - Currently being Rewritten -Where stories live. Discover now