Vingt et Un

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"Do you have to leave again? You just got back." Glimmer pouted as she begged Lapis to stay. He was leaving for the Capitol.

"Sorry, Glim, business and all." The 20 year old smiled sheepishly.

"But Gen and I can't train without you!"

"Don't be ridiculous." He pat her hair. "It's only for one week. You girls will be just fine."

"That's still not fair. You were there last week too!"

"And I'll keep on going. I have business there. I'll see you two when I come back, okay?"

Reluctantly, we both nodded. Glimmer and I had wanted Lapis to stay. He was our Trainer, but also our big brother. Pulling us into a tight embrace, he whispered his goodbyes and got in the car.

I had thought that Lapis going to the Capitol was only for business affairs, or advertisement endorsements. That's what he had told us, after all, and blindly, I trusted him. His sad demeanor, the pain in his emerald eyes, it all made sense now.

Cashmere and Gloss shared that same posture, the same kind of hidden torture. Lapis, like them, had been must have been forced into prostitution. Thinking back to it, he hadn't come to see me off with his sister and my parents. He wasn't there for the whole Reaping. He hadn't even been in the District. The last time I had seen him was a good few days before the event that had me sent to the Capitol.

Glimmer, she had wanted to volunteer this year, but ended up backing out. Did it have something to do with that? Was Glimmer not volunteering and him leaving linked? Had they both decided not to tell me? They couldn't have known I'd be picked anyway, it's not like I'd planned to be a Tribute this year.

The room was suddenly hot, anger seeping out of every pore on my skin. The Capitol would go as far as forcing children to fight, and then use them for their own personal pleasure. It must have destroyed Lapis, and Glimmer must have figured out somehow, with her no longer wanting to go through with the Games. I put on a jacket and headed out of my room.

The fascination I had felt with the decor, the stunning surrounding, turned to disgust. These people lived in such luxury, and still weren't satisfied.

I wasn't stupid. I knew that District 1 had many privileges, being the richest District in Panem and all, unlike most Districts. But the Capitol was on a whole other level of luxurious.

"Gen, what are you doing out here?" Marvel's groggy eyes peaked out of his room. His brown hair was disheveled.

"Sorry Marvel, I just need a breather." I muttered. My eyes stung.

"Do you- do you want to talk?" He looked worried, concern visible on his face.

"I- no, not really. Sorry."

"It's fine. Just take care. And if you ever need to talk, I'm here, alright?"

I gave him a small smile. One that didn't quite reach my eyes. "Thank you."

And then I matched up to the elevator, got in, and clicked on the button with a big, bold R.

The Unmatched Beauty (Cato Hadley) - Currently being Rewritten -Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant