Vingt Trois

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I took out my frustrations in training the next day, opting to slicing and dicing inanimate objects. I was so focused on obliterating a nonexistent opponent, that I was only shaken out of my trance by an angry, booming voice.

"You took my knife!"

I turned away from my mutilated dummy, focusing my attention on the loud yelling. It was Cato, who was towering over the male Tribute from 6, rage evident in his eyes. The younger boy flinched back, terrified.

"I- I didn't take it! I swear!"

"You did! I left it right there!" He pointed to the place where the boy was sitting.

Clove let out a bark of laughter from where she stood, at the knife throwing station, twirling said weapon in hand. She was immensely entertained by the scene.

I made my way up to her and took the knife out of her hands.

"Hey! Gen! What the hell-!"

I ignored her cries of protest and made my way to the forming crowd of onlookers. The arguing continued to escalate in volume, and if it went on any further, the Peacekeepers would have to intervene. Inhaling deeply, I yelled over the two boys' voices.

"Cato!" He whirled to look at me, fuming.

"Stay out of this, Genevieve." He said through gritted teeth.

"You can use mine if you want to. Let him take your knife." I glared at the kid, who was oblivious to the fact that I was actually saving him. For now. "He'll get what's coming." I stuck out the knife handle towards him, keeping a light hold on the blade.

The blond's erratic blue eyes calmed a bit, glancing at the knife in my hand. He then turned back to the boy. "I'm coming for you first in that arena, hear that?" He growled.

The boy seemed to have collapsed on the floor, both from shock and relief, and after a while, scurried back to his District partner, who from then on avoided him like the plague. He had become the "Careers' new target" after all.

Storming up to me, leaving only a few inches in between us, Cato grabbed my hand and pulled the knife out of my grasp. "Does that mean you'll let me teach you how to properly aim?" Despite the playful tone in his voice, his whole demeanor screamed "angry".

Aware that his current state was nowhere near level headed given the situation, I stiffly nodded. His posture relaxed, lips lifted upwards, and he then dragged me towards where Clove stood. There girl no longer appeared to be aggravated from the theft I had committed a few minutes ago, but amused at me being pushed and pulled around by the blond ox.

"That was quite the show up there, Cato. Any more and the Peacekeepers would have had to break in." A smirk was plastered on her face.

"Shut up, Clove. Now leave. Nini and I are using this station."

"You're kicking me out of my domain? Cold, Hadley."

"Bite me, Kentwell."

"I don't think so. You seem to have Nini willing to do that for you already." She teased.

I stiffened, frozen in momentary shock at her insinuation.

"For once," I rolled my eyes, despite my face heating up, "I agree with Cato. Please, shut up, Clove." I wanted to bury my face in my hands to hide a most definitely obvious blush.

She threw her head back, almost snapping it off her neck, and cackled. "Alright, alright, you lovebirds. Have fuuuun~"

"What lovebirds?" I called out after her, only go receive no response.

I turned to look at her District Partner"

"Guess it's just us now." Cato spoke up.

"Just great." I groaned. "I totally needed this."

"Now, now." His hand lightly pat my hip, holding me steady, and he handed the knife back to me. "I'm not all that bad. I'll help you with your posture, here."

Grabbing my hips, he turned my body to face the targets. He stood behind me, chest to my back.

His body heat seeped through my clothes from behind, and I wondered for a while if there wasn't a fire nearby. One of his hands was on my hip, the other holding my knife wielding arm.

"Breathe in, focus." His voice was smooth for once. Not his usual cocky and arrogant. "Your hand needs to be held like this." He demonstrated. "Arm movement is important and all, but it really comes down the wrist. Flick it sharply and precisely. Too much force and it'll go off course."

He moved to stand next to me; and grabbed a knife, and threw it at the target, hitting the bullseye.

"Now you try it. It's easy."

Easy for you to say.

I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes for a moment, before opening them and throwing the knife. It stuck near the center.

Cato happily hummed, content. "That was decent. You'll have to keep on practicing, obviously."

"I know." I rolled my eyes. At this rate my eyeballs would someday get stuck at the back of my eye sockets. "But thanks, Cato. I mean it."

"Pleasure's mine, Nini. Do I get a hug now?"

Of course he'd ruin the moment. "As if!"

I'm sorry if I haven't published in a while. I've had this chapter written for quite some time but I wasn't satisfied with what I've written, so I've had to delete a few chapters and drafts along the way (total of 5 I think). So far, this is the best I could come up with, but I'm still not fully set on it, so until further notice, it might get taken down, depending on if I'll be able to improve it. I currently have 3 more chapters written that I'll have to go through now, so please be patient. And thank you for still reading!

The Unmatched Beauty (Cato Hadley) - Currently being Rewritten -Where stories live. Discover now