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About half an hour after mine and Beomgyu's arrival the door finally rings again and Soobin and Huening come inside.

"Took you two long enough.", I say slightly amused because Huening is carrying all three packages. And Soobin didn't lie at all when he said that those were the larger packages than normal ones, I wonder why this boy has so many snacks.

"Well, first Huka brought too many Snacks, then he still took two more packages with him even though I already had the three so I had to send him back again. He didn't wanna listen when I said we don't need that much.", Soobin sighs as he takes of his shoes and jacket, giving the jacket to Yeonjun who was waiting for him to hang the clothes up so that they wouldn't lay around on the ground.

The shoes he just puts beside Yeonjun's.

Then he takes the snacks out of Huening's hands, so he can take off his stuff too, Soobin just puts the packages on the table in the kitchen.

"Why did you bring that many Kai...", Beomgyu asks him while shaking his head slightly.

"I thought the more the better. It usually always is."

"No, it isn't. Especially since not everyone is as obsessed with snacks as you are."

"Excuse me for liking sweet stuff and snacks!", Huening says and then pouts, which has me giggling, why are those two so funny when they fight over the most stupid things.

"Okay, let's not fight right away as we all arrive over something that little. You guys should rather choose which game you want to play. By the way Soobin, where's you bag? You know, with the stuff for sleeping over.", Yeonjun says and with that Soobin stops laughing over Beomgyu and Kai.

"Crap, I forgot it."

With that said it first turns silent. And only one second later everyone but him bursts out into laughter.

"Good job Hyung!", Beomgyu brings out in between, while Huening is already on the floor.

"Well thanks for that guys. I'm going then.", he says, pouting a little and walking back to the door to put on his shoes and jacket.

"No, don't go. I said without you I won't do the sleepover.", Yeonjun then holds him back.

"Hyung, I'm gonna come back. I just need to get my stuff."

"I won't let you go. Just take some of my stuff just like last yesterday okay? It's fine."

"Hyung, I don't live that far away."

"Still. I want to make sure you stay. So stay here with me."

Soobin sighs and then gives in. No matter how hard they try to deny it. They got each other wrapped around their fingers, I'm telling you. I can feel that my mom is watching too so she has to be noticing this too. Right now I'm at the point already where I wouldn't be surprised if those two maybe get together.

We then start this afternoon by playing some games on the TV, I don't know how many but definitely way to many games. And we end the evening with watching a film, Yeonjun really used that to get Soobin laying half on him and Beomgyu also used it to rest his head on my shoulders, while Huening rests on my legs.

Some clingy friends I got there. But that only makes them adorable.

After an hour we all decide to go to bed, since we're pretty tired and don't wanna stay awake till 4am again like Soobin, Beom and Huening did last time. Just like he said Beom sleeps with Soobin on the couch, it certainly is big enough but I'm still not sure if Soobin really won't fall out.

I go to bed before Yeonjun does, looking around if everyone is comfortable but since Huening is already asleep I would say yes. Soobin wears one of Yeonjun's oversized shirts, it's funny that it doesn't seem that much oversized on him than on Yeonjun.

Suddenly in the middle of the night a loud sound wakes me up, scaring me half to death.

"Okay Soobin Hyung, that's enough now. You're sleeping with Yeonjun again!", I hear Beomgyu, seems like Soobin fell out again.

"Fine, I'd rather do that than fall out 3 more times."

Good to know that this Hyung already fell out three times. Poor him, that must hurt.

Some minutes after Soobin went to Yeonjun's bedroom I stand up too, but only to go to the toilet. But in there I plan on checking the outside of this house.

I get an amulet out of my pocket and open it, inside of the stone there's some grey dust. It may seem regular but it's not. It reacts to me being a wizard, you can recognize that Because it changes it's color, turning into a darker shaded blue.

I then use the dust and let it fly into a bigger cloud in front of me. I can use magic dust for many purposes but right now I'm using it to look around outside of the house. And I notice something. Soobin seems to have set up a circle against evil. But thank God it's only a weak one so Yeonjun isn't effected by it in any way.

Being relieved I want to go back but before reaching the living room I walk past Yeonjun's bedroom. And there I can see those two cuddling together, Soobin laying on top of Yeonjun while huging him, Yeonjun huging back.

No wonder Soobin never falls out with him.

Back in the living room I notice Huening who's just casually lying there. But only one problem. His half dragon form is showing.

"You're as hopeless as Yeonjun is sometimes. Thought Soobin's not better too, I still notice him easily. But Yeonjun seems to be to blind for that.", I mumble to myself while shaking my head slightly before I snap with my fingers, turning him back into his whole human form.

"You owe me something for this Maknae."

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