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After about 15 minutes I hear a sound coming for the hallway, which is why I put my phone down to see if it is what I thought it could be. And I'm right.

In the middle of the room there's a portal, big enough for a human to go through, on the other side of the portal is Yeonjun, standing in some kind of dimension I guess. It's like only a black floor and you don't Know how big that whole thing is, it seems endless since it's only black. But for some reason you can see Yeonjun's just fine like there's light in there. And that's the confusing thing.

"You ready to go Huka?", he asks.

"One second!", I say, running back to the living room to grab my phone which I left there.

As I go back I also notice the other portals next to Yeonjun, one if them definitely is Taehyun's home.

Then I see Taehyun stepping through the portal, standing on that mysterious floor as well.

"What's wrong Huening?", Taehyun asks me, noticing that I'm still not going through the portal.

I've gone through such portals already but that space or dimension Yeonjun is standing in doesn't make me feel comfortable at all.

So I let my dragon form out and jump through it, flying a bit above the floor as soon I'm on the other side.

"Does this room really make you feel that uncomfortable?", Yeonjun giggles.

"Yes it does! I don't trust this ground!", I answer pouting since he seems to be making fun if me.

"Sorry that I just used this endless dimension as way to gather and then go through to Beomgyu. You can fly anyways, so you could save yourself. And Taehyun also knows a flying spell I guess."

"Indeed I do. But I would need some tools to be able to make the spell faster and easier."

"Not important now. We're just visiting Beomgyu. Now let's go.", he laughs before he opens another portal and closes the other two behind him, this time it's Beomgyu's living room.

And he looks surprised that there's suddenly a portal next to him.

"Okay, that was surprising. Taehyun's portal makes a sound and takes some seconds to appear but yours just pops up out of nowhere and just is there.", Beomgyu says, still not having moved and sitting on the couch with wide eyes.

"He clearly has more powerful and more powers and abilities than me, what else did you expect? The devil's son. The name alone tells everyone that he has a lot of powers and is stronger than us.", Taehyun laughs while stepping through the portal, I follow him flying through and landing again on the ground of Beomgyu's floor, Yeonjun also follows.

"Finally normal floor.", I sigh.

"What?", Beomgyu asks confused.

"He was scared of one of my dimensions, I used an endless black one and he didn't trust it at all."

"I wouldn't trust that either if it looks like you could fall."

"And I'm used to it since I can go to some dimensions too.", Taehyun explains, that helps me understanding why he didn't care at all and just normally stepped on it.

"Oh right, I wanted to show you my Devil form too.", Yeonjun suddenly says, taking of his shirt which confuses the other two while I take on my normal human form again.

"Why the shirt...", Beomgyu asks then.

"He has wings too so he has to take it off. I'm wearing a jacket which covers it but to be honest I wear a shirt with holes in the back for the wings. I mean, how else should they come through? If you still take them out it just ripps the short.", I explain since I know how it works with the wings.

Yeonjun nods to agree with my explanation and before the other two could say anything else Yeonjun suddenly is surrounded by flames a bit around him in the air and then there's his wings, slowly comingout if his back. I also notice the tail which also comes out, the horns too.

"And here's the form. There you go. I won't show the strong one, that's too much.", he says while looking as of he had just done the most natural thing, not really thinking that we three would be this surprised. But we are.

Also since this form actually makes him look really majestic.

Devil's son - YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now