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With these words I had planned to go past them but Taehyun goes to the side I want to go to.

"No, you're staying. We already told you, you're not going. You're gonna listen now. Kai.", he says and calls for Huka who gets away from the wall.

Taehyun puts his hands together, pressed against each other and the fingers pointing up, then starts to mumble something. And some seconds later he stops and puts the hands in from of him. A magic circle appears in front of them and suddenly everything around me changes, the light gets orange, then Yellow and then white. Till we're suddenly in an unknown room, it looks like one of the classrooms, the walls painted in a light yellow and the brown wooden floor. But there's neither a door nor windows. But it's still as bright in here as if the sun was shining inside a room.

He just casted a spell to transfer us in another dimension, one he can freely form by himself and which doesn't listen to the physics of the earth.


Before I can even think of trying to do something Hueningkai closed his eyes and as he opens them back up again they don't look like those of a human anymore. Those are dragon eyes, the color changed to a bright shining and sparkling red. And I can feel that I can't move anymore.

"The dragons grip. Never thought I would feel that in my life.", I say.

It feels like a giant hand grabbed you, you can't move but it doesn't hurt.

"I didn't though I would ever have to use it. Especially on you Hyung. We all respect and love you as Friends. But Yeonjun loves you even more. Just listen to what he has to say."

"First of all I wanna know since when you Know about each other, if you know what Yeonjun is and what are you Beomgyu."

"That's easy, I'm just a normal human Hyung. I'm the only one here without any powers.", Beomgyu explains, smiling a little bit about having to say such a sentence.

"We know about each other for a while now. I knew all of you from the beginning since that's my ability as a wizard. We know that Yeonjun is the Devil's son. But that doesn't change about who he is. He's part human, his mother was a human.", Taehyun then explains, which shocks me even more.

"That's even worse than just a demon. You're just commanding demons to slay humans."

"I think you have the wrong picture there Soobin. It's different than you think. My dad keeps the demons in control and is the one responsible that they don't go wild. Before I was born he may have been more evil but now he's just way too soft, sometimes even for my liking. That was all because he got to know my mom. And we don't kill people, we only take them to the underworld where they turn into demons. But that's only the already evil people. And if they leave hell sooner they aren't controllable and we try to kill them before they hurt someone.", he explains but I still don't really believe him.

"Oh yeah? Then how come my mom got killed by a demon?"

"I already asked my dad about it. Around that time there was a powerful demon, he was my dad's warrior. But he turned against us, he managed to get so strong that he's even dangerous to us. He had killed every search troup we sent out for him. He's still there and he is only getting more dangerous for all of us. Nobody knows his goal or what his intentions are. And he's probably the one responsible. Soobin Sweetie, I knew you were an exorcist before we got together. I was afraid of not being able to be with you but my dad already told me he doesn't care that much about it, he said he can't do anything about it and it's up to me. I was afraid that this would get between us so I was happy when we got together. But now that this really seems to be pulling us apart... It breaks my heart more than you think."

To be honest. With every single word it hurt me too. I Know somewhere in my mind that what he says could be right, maybe even is right, that he had no reason to lie to me. But I somehow am afraid.

"If it would help you I would even let you extinguish my demon side."

Words which make my eyes widen, but also the eyes of the other three.

"Yeonjun don't! We have no idea what that would do to you!", Hueningkai screams and with that accidentally takes back the spell, the grip which held me.

I take advantage of that to do the only right thing now.

Walk towards Yeonjun and just let myself fall onto him, kiss him. He seems surprised but still kisses back, I can feel a trear running down his cheek.

"I trust you. You better not have told me a lie.", I tell him while resting my forehead against his. He starts to cry, more and more tears leave his eyes.

"I don't think he did.", Beomgyu giggles while watching us.

"Didn't think I would ever see Yeonjun cry, he never did.", Says Taehyun and I'm surprised he never did too.

"I never had a reason to cry before. Let me cry, I'm glad okay?", Yeonjun says, trying to calm his crying a bit but failing.

Devil's son - YeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now