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Good to know the informations from Taehyun and the rest. I can understand that Soobin's embarrassed to tell me he can't swim but at the same time it's important to know, even if only I get the information. I can help or save him if necessary.

"I'm excited to go!"

If you see this boy beside you, being all happy and ready to arrive, you wouldn't guess he actually can't swim and if the water is too deep he could drown.

As soon as we arrive we all change, Soobin wants to change alone so I accept it. But there's this one thing I notice.
He still has a shirt on while everyone one, including me, only wears swimming trunks and the girls bikinis.

"Soobin?", I ask him confused.

"Sorry... I'm just so shy about being nacked, even if it's just the upper body...", he says, face red while looking down. This is way too cute.

"It's fine, I can understand. But it's easier for you to not have a shirt on because if that gets wet it will get very heavy."

"Fine, I'm taking it off... Just please don't stare, I'm not that good looking.", he gives in, turns around and pulls his shirt off.

As soon as he turns back around I have to swallow all the lust back down, I almost went crazy just then. Not good looking my ass. He does have abs, really good ones too. Oh what I would give just to be able and allowed to touch him right now...

"Hyung, you're starring!"

"Uh... Sorry, I was just surprised. You're too good looking, you're more than just perfect cutie. Don't ever tell me otherwise. Now let's go, the others already went ahead.", I tell him, his head gets even more red the more compliments I give him. And the closer I get to him while talking before taking his hand and pulling him with me.

From then on it's actually quite nice, Soobin keeps his distance from the deeper water, the deepest he goes is the one meter one, so it's all good till then. I still keep him company and watch over him.

But then something not so good happens. I just wanted to take a short break with Soobin but one of his classmates suddenly approached him, talks to him. I didn't think anything bad so I turned around to quickly drink something.

And as soon as I turn around I see how his classmates push Soobin into the deeper pool. I mean, sure, they don't know he can't swim but still, this isn't fun for him or me. In a matter of seconds I put my water bottle down, swallow the drink and run towards the pool in which Soobin just fell, the problem is that he's on the other side, that's some meters away from me so even if I dive there it takes some times. And I can't use too much of my demon powers, even if nothing shows it wouldn't be human strength.

So after jumping in the water and swimming as fast as I'm allowed without looking suspicious I have to watch Soobin who just continues sinking and loosing air. I won't let him drown, that's for sure but still.

As soon as I grab his arm he already is about to start getting unconscious but I can tell that he's lucky enough to not have breathed in too much water. Without thinking twice I do the only thing I can do right now to save him without blowing my cover, if I haven't already since I've held my breath for a long time now, an ability of my demon genes.

Sorry Taehyun, sorry Hueningkai and sorry Beomgyu. This is the only thing I can do right now.

I put my hand on his face and turn his head towards mine, before I put my lips on his.

The only thing I could think of now, sharing my air with him. This will also help him to keep the cover and not letting the others find out he can't swim. If he acts along with me now.

After he opens his eyes again in shock and he seems to have enough air I get us both up, even I needed air after this, especially since Soobin took most of it. We both cough a bit, seems like even I breathed in a bit of water for short time.

"Oh my God, are you both okay?", the classmates ask, I get that they all thought we would drown, even me. And I'm the one who saved Soobin. And he wasn't that far away from it.

"Yeah, I think so.", I answer before whisperingto Soobin, "play along to keep it a secret that you can't swim."

"Soobin why did you do that. Did you just want to scare me or what?", I then "ask" him.

"Sorry, but I trusted you to come and get me. And you did.", he answers, playing along as I hoped. Thank God.

"It worked, you scared me."

"Everyone alright? You all better don't push anyone in again, I don't want anything to happen anymore today!", a teacher of my class scolds everyone of us, I go to the edge of the pool with Soobin so he can finally get out now. It's about time, I think we both had enough of the water today.

"Ouch!", he suddenly says while getting out and I see why. I have no idea where he just did that but he hurt himself. His ankle bleeds and is starting to get blue, seems like he just also twisted it a bit while going out.

And at times like this I wonder why I love this clumsy boy.

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