the silhouette of stars

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are you shining just for me? because i don't feel much like shining tonight. my spirits are waning and my eyes feel heavy - but you make me want to be better. because when my shining is but a silhouette, and your silhouette is one of stars, i feel as if you're giving so so much and i'm giving nothing at all. but the beautiful thing about your silhouette is, though it is shining and bright - and gives hope to all those it lays upon,
it is not pressuring or contriteful. it does not lay a burden on my heart to be better than i can. it gives me hope, hope to be exactly what i can - not what others expect me to be - it gives me hope that you would continue to love me, even when i can't be exactly what i was yesterday. because my soul is cold, and your hands are flaming, warming my spiteful heart.

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