Under My Skin - Part 2

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"He used five scoops for one cup?" exclaimed Agent William Rowe, as he filled his mug with hot water for his tea. He and Beni were in the side kitchen of the cafeteria, the break room for Watch Two.

It was a calm morning at the base. The Watch definition of calm meant busy but not yet chaos. The Tech Lab was nearing the end of cataloguing the equipment brought back from the Freewill compound, and the Med Lab was going through the basics; tracking results to experiments, and an intern cutting the fruit for Bella the lab chimp's breakfast. Massaru was on bed rest due to an infection that had set into his stitches. For the last week he had been on a barrage of antibiotics. And Will visited him every day at lunch.

Due to Cetz being cooped in his office since yesterday night, many people speculated that the base would be in for a mission soon. That or Cetz had fallen asleep.

Beni Chan nodded as she passed Will a teabag. "Five heaping scoops of instant coffee for one cup. It was a long time ago, and Louis was having a bad couple of days. We call them his "five scoop" days."

Will shook his head as he set up the coffee machine for Louis's brew. "Well, he's getting the normal stuff today. I glanced over his schedule on his desk, and he still has a couple of exams with Rachel."

"Why does he have so many meetings with her?" she asked.

"I don't know. He still doesn't tell me much."

Reese, black suit and tie, red hair perfectly combed back, walked into the break room with a giant white paper bag lifted in triumph. "I bring Mana from Heaven!" he crowed with a manic grin.

"You finally got to the front of the line at Dunkin' Donuts this morning?" asked Beni.

"Yep! Had to give a few to security, but there's plenty left."

"Then bring it forth, man!" said Will. His watch, linked up to the Watch security scanners, beeped before he could pick out his pastry. "Whoa, Louis is here early."

With that he filled the large red mug he'd bought for Louis from the coffee machine, and then wove through the day staff to get to his partner's desk. When the shaded, growling blonde approached, Will put on his best smile.

"Good morning!"

"Whatever." He grabbed the mug, checking it for any obscene messages or overly cute pictures, and then took a big gulp and plopped at his desk. The calendar on his desk was highlighted. "Damn, not another appointment."

"Why is she bringing you in for checkups?" asked Will, his curiosity piqued. "It's been over a month since Freewill."

"None of your business," muttered the blonde as he slouched towards the Med lab.

"Want me to come with?"

"No!" exclaimed Louis.

Will jumped back. "Okay... just asking."

With a snarl, his partner stalked away, coffee in hand.

The younger agent sighed and moved to his own desk. He should go back to the break room and have donuts with Reese and Beni, but he lost his appetite. Tea would do for now.

*One step forward, two steps back.*

Everyone's head turned towards Cetz's door as it opened and the boss stomped out. He disappeared towards the cafeteria, and five minutes later he came back with a doughnut and a frown on his face. His cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk as he stuffed his face, and then faced Watch Two.

"Everyone, meeting in one hour."  

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