Under My Skin - Part 32

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Rachel clenched her jaw and set her mug of coffee down before she gave into the temptation to hurl it across the office. "What do you mean Zachs wants to see Louis?"

"He's only going to leave once he knows the virus is in Watch hands and he's interviewed him," said Cetz.

"So you think I can just pull him out?" Rachel got to her feet, pacing from one side of Cetz's office to the other. "Do you have any idea how much trauma Will's body has gone through in the last 24 hours? We don't even know the extent of his injuries, or Louis's. If he starts heaving like he did the first time we got Louis out who knows what will happen to his insides."

"I was in the observation room same as you," ground out Cetz. "I saw how much pain he was in, and I don't like the idea of doing any more harm. But I don't have any more ideas!"

Rachel hissed out a breath between her gritted teeth. "Suppose we find a way to get Louis out without causing Will harm. How could you make it look like Louis got to an outside checkpoint when no one can come in or out of the base?"

Cetz finished off his coffee with one gulp, swallowing the burn and huffing to cool his mouth. It was a partial self punishment for his snapping at Rachel. He still hadn't figured out how Rachel managed to drink her coffee so hot. She glared at him as she awaited his response. Cetz gasped and blew.

"That, I have an idea for," he said, a little calmer. "Zachs was interested in seeing the BT-10 in action."

"Oh, hell no. One, I'm not letting him see how that works for nothing. Two, activating the 10 on lockdown would drain all the power from the Electronic... signal...?" Rachel frowned, pursed her lips, and then lifted an eyebrow. "Am I thinking what I think you've already been thinking?"

"Most likely. We'll have to talk Grant into finagling the electrical grid while Zachs' goons are looming over his shoulders, but I think it could work. Meanwhile, you said you came from Will."

Rachel nodded, a little calmer, and leaned against her seat. "He and Louis think Zachs is actually looking for Doctor Palmer, and he's keeping us on lockdown so he can find him first. Do you think this has something to do with the leak?"

"Maybe." Cetz leaned back, his face soured.

"Did Zachs already check the BT lab?"

"Yeah, I was with him."

"Think I can go back in there and retrieve the data from the BT console? If I'm going to find a way to get Louis out I'll need it."

"Yeah, you should be fine. I'll get Grant to direct enough power to operate the console. The Security goons are with Zachs so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Thanks. I'll get an update to you in an hour." Rachel took a breath and picked up her coffee again and went to the door. "I'm going to need a major miracle to pull this off."

"Or you can use abracadabra," suggested Cetz with forced humor.

"Hell no."


Louis relaxed once Will had fallen asleep. A few rubs of the stomach wall and Will had been out like a light. It was a good thing to know if he ever needed the rookie to shut up.

He curled into the folds of stomach muscle and sighed. The stomach was empty except for the constant puddle, and considering how long it had been since either of them ate, he had a feeling he'd be waking up to a loud growl.

"If Reese comes in to wake him again I'll kick his red haired concave ass out of the door. From inside here!"

Sleep took him, and he slept deeper then he had in weeks.


Reese was pulled from the bore of searching through video files to meet Cetz in one of the many conference rooms. Cetz seemed apologetic, but antsy, like he was working off potent fumes instead of straight fuel.

"I know you and Beni are trying to piece together Kore's movements, but right now I need you to narrow down your search to find this guy." Cetz laid down the file holding the photos and papers concerning Doctor Palmer. "Search all video and audio for his name, voice, and likeness. We have video of him doing a lecture for you to use as vocal reference on the main database. He might be on the Surveillance data, he might not, but I need to know. And try to keep this on the down low from Zachs."

Reese glanced at the door. "What about video from Will's camera?"

"It's in storage still, what about it?" said Cetz.

"No it's not." Reese leaned forward and lowered his voice. "When Beni was retrieving surveillance data she found the two cameras in the BT lab. I told her to keep them in her desk and give them to you once lockdown was over."

Cetz grimaced. "Did she download the data?"

"No, I told her not to, but I can guess what's on them."

Cetz leaned back with his arms crossed. "You still haven't told her."

Reese shook his head. "I wouldn't know how. She knows I'm keeping something secret, but she's not questioning it anymore."

"Considering the circumstances I think you should keep it that way for now." Cetz sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. "You, and only you, can go through Will's camera, but only the later half when he's coming out of the cave."

"How can I tell which camera is which?"

"Louis's camera is numbered 001 and Will's is 002. Keep the former locked away until Zachs is gone."

"Gotcha," Reese nodded. "Anything else I need to know?"

"No, dismissed."

The safecracker paused with his hand on the door handle. "Just so you know; there really isn't anything between me and Beni."

"I know," said Cetz.

Reese nodded and left, only to stick his head in three seconds later. "And in your honest opinion do I—"

"Flat as a board."

The redhead's face scrunched up and he left muttering under his breath.

Cetz chuckled in the empty room. "That is going to haunt him for months."

He sighed and rubbed his face again, trying to wake up. He still had so many things to figure out; Will's health, Louis's safety and security, the leak, the virus, all the other investigations the other agents were doing, and what the hell Zachs was doing here. God forbid if anything else went wrong.  

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