Under My Skin - Part 54

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6:49 P.M. Luvor Ballroom

Beni was keeping an eye on Kara, insinuating herself as part of the woman's attentive crowd, Reese had finished his round of the silent auction room, and somehow Louis had found a carafe of coffee amongst the flutes of champagne and was sipping a mug quietly to himself near the main entrance. Will, situated near the kitchens, frowned as he glanced around a ribbon decorated pillar towards the kitchen doors. The security guard he had run into earlier stood sentinel, wearing a tux and an armband that denoted him as security. Will couldn't shake off the uneasy sense of familiarity when he looked at that man.

"What's up, Fanboy?" said Louis through the com. "You haven't moved for the last minute."

"Just something familiar about that guy," Will muttered.

A woman with a New England accent called out behind him. A moment later she tapped his shoulder. "Ron, darling, why didn't you hear me?"

Will turned around. "Pardon me, madam?"

The woman, an iron haired matron in a billowing white dress, fanned her face in embarrassment. "Oh dear, forgive me, from the back you look just like an acquaintance of mine, Ronald Durwitch." She held up her hand, a conspiratorial twinkle in her eye. "I'm Elise Badderguard, and you are...?"

Will smacked on the charming smile, slipping into the part he dreamed of since he was a teenager, took her hand and bowed over it. "Rowen, James Rowen."

Louis groaned over the com. "Oh, no you didn't."

Mrs. Badderguard practically beamed. "Well, Mr. Rowen, let me make up for mistaking you."

Suddenly Will found himself dragged to a small clique of glittering, heavily perfumed women and introduced around. After a few minutes of being asked questions about his taste in music, theater, and finances (of which he lied), Will wondered if him being mistaken for "Ron" had simply been a ploy for Mrs. Badderguard to introduce him to her unmarried daughters.

"Way to go there, slick," said Reese through the com. "Got a whole harem by yourself."

Will repressed a groan. He didn't want a harem; he wanted to catch bad guys. How did he get the womanizing part of the James Bond role?

"Never get caught by the matchmakers, Fanboy," chided Louis. "They're like vultures."

Now you warn me, thought Will.

The women chatted on.

"She's so brave to create something like this."

"My cousin's best friend, Darcy, she got cancer too, poor thing. Treatments got her over it. Won't Mrs. Palmer get better."

"It's not that easy for Kara, brave woman," chided Mrs. Badderguard. "She has to handle things on her own. Her husband up and abandoned her a few months after she was diagnosed. And yet she still smiles and comes to these functions."

Will tilted his head. "I thought Dr. Palmer was away due to his work? I heard he was a bio-chemical engineer working for the government."

"It doesn't matter if that man is working for the British Prime Minister," pointed out the woman. "He should be home with his wife."

Will nodded. It was that loving, marital devotion they were counting on to catch Palmer and get the other half of the virus.

The music stopped and the dance floor emptied. A bell chimed, signaling the people to take their seats for the evening's main speech. Will took the opportunity to depart from Mrs. Badderguard and her daughters, taking his place behind a statue near the kitchen entrance. Kara was pushed up to the stage and put before the low podium; and Beni stood at the corner of the stage, keeping herself behind a podium, but still able to see everyone. Reese kept himself at the main entrance. The reedy, yet passionate voice that piped up on the speaker system made everyone silent and attentive. If Will had the time he would have admired this woman.

"Still nothing on facial or vocal recognition," said Cetz over the com. "And everything is quiet outside."

Will spotted Louis across the room, his eyebrows drawn as he looked from one decorated table to the next.

"See something, Louis?" asked Will.

"Something's not right," admitted Louis after a few seconds. "Beni, you handled the vase centerpieces on the tables, right?"

"Yes," said Beni. "A hundred of them."

"They were all white vases with white roses and white ribbon, correct?" said Louis.

"Yes, white on white on white," said Beni.

"Do you want to duke it out with the decorator for her color palette?" said Reese.

"There are vases out there with pearl ribbon," said Louis.

Will frowned and looked towards one of the larger vases to the side of the room. It had streams of pearl ribbon. "White ribbon is for bone cancer, pearl is for lung cancer."

Slowly, Will approached the vase and lifted the ribbons away until the green foam the roses were punched into were revealed. Nestled amongst the stems was a tiny microphone. Will plucked it out and disconnected its battery. He walked away, pocketing the device. A chill plummeted down his spine. "They're bugged."

Louis swore. "Cetz, where not alone here."


"Olivia, frequency sweep," commanded Cetz.

"On it."

Rachel was on her feet beside Cetz.

"Could Kole have come in and added the bugs?" she asked.

"Possibly," said Cetz. "I don't know what kind of stuff he's using, but if he's got ears in there than he's men are probably around too. Team B, keep alert. Kole's people might already be there."

Static and whistles came from the speakers until one voice broke over the noise.

"I was wondering when your people would barge into a Watch One operation, Cetz."

The Head of Watch Two grimaced, swallowing down the cold fist in his throat. "Hello again, Zachs."  

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