Under My Skin - Part 73

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Watch One sent for Martin Zachs, Agent Ian, and Palmer late Sunday evening. Their departure was quiet, but it was a relief for all those that involved. The memory of Zachs was like an infection, leaving them to wonder if anyone else in the Watch could be turned as easily as he had. What bribes could turn them to such a man.

Early Monday morning Reese came into work with his own bribe, a four-pack of Monster, and set it on Beni's desk.

"That's one weak-ass apology," said Louis, standing behind him.

"You're one to talk." Reese then noticed the blond was wearing a black suit and tie. "What's with the Men in Black?"

"Got a meeting with the higher ups to prove that they're dicks and we were right not to tell them about me."

"Pft. Good luck with that." Reese took off his jacket and collapsed in his chair. "Have you seen Will yet today?"

"He's still sleeping. Why?"

"I wanted to see if he had any ideas of what I should do for Beni."

Louis fetched the empty mug off his desk. "Why don't you ask Massaru instead?"

"Massaru?" Reese would have asked more but Louis had walked off for a refill. What could the Indian doctor possibly know about a temperamental Asian woman who could out-drive cops and held grudges for months on end?

Ten minutes later Beni stalked in and Reese fiddled with the bottom drawer of his desk, picking out his safecracking kit for cleaning, which it didn't need but he wanted to look busy without actually doing work. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Beni notice the energy drinks. She slowly took one out of the box and popped the tab. When she saw him glancing at her she frowned, her eyes going to laser slits and she pushed the rest of his offering to the side of her desk.

"Morning," he said tentatively.

Beni replied by putting out her arm and showing him the back of her open hand.

This was an improvement. A variation of "talk to the hand" but an improvement. "No giving me the bird today?"

"No, I'm giving you the whole damn flock."

Talking with Massaru sounded like a very good idea.


Louis tapped on Cetz's office door and let himself in when welcomed. Four hours before the meeting was to begin and Cetz and Rachel were already suited up and going over their reports. Louis stood by the door, his hands in his pockets and head down. Despite the professional suit he looked tired.

"Cetz," said Louis. "Can I have a moment? Alone."

Rachel got the hint and grabbed her thermos. "I'll get some more coffee."

The door clicked behind her, but Louis didn't move, keeping his back to the wall. He lifted his head to Cetz who sat hunched over his desk but had all his attention to the agent.

"How much say do I have whether I stay here or go to Watch One?" asked Louis.

"Not much, less than half," said Cetz, even and low, like he was reciting times tables. "If you decide to go there's not much we can do to stop you. But if you want to stay that will take some fighting." His voice went bitter. "They're not likely to leave such an important thing in my hands at the moment."

"What are the chances of them curing me?"

"I don't know. They're more advanced when it comes to funding; already working on a BT-12." At this Louis sneered, but Cetz continued. "And they have more people to dispose towards research. But we are on an even playing field when it comes to what we know; unless they somehow find file 391."

"You think they want to cure me?"

"I don't know."

Louis tilted his head and pursed his lips. "Really?"

Cetz sighed and sat back in his seat. "No, I don't think they'll actively look for a cure. They want to know how it works and all the limitations to it. They won't dissect you, but they will study you. But Louis, we aren't looking for a cure either. Rachel is trying to figure this out just as they would. They're not an evil corporation or government project that wants to stick you in a lab for the rest of your days; they're just like Watch Two except different people and a bigger budget."

"If it's different people then it's not like Watch Two," muttered Louis. "What are the chances they'll transfer Will with me?"

"Small, unless you requested it. Rachel thinks there's a difference between the connections you make with Will verses the ones you made while inside Reese, but there isn't anything definitive in her research yet. They might sign you up with another partner—"

"Cetz," interrupted Louis. "Do you want me transferred to Watch One?"

Cetz blinked. He didn't think his thoughts would matter to Louis. "No."

"And if I stayed what would my job be?"

"Your job wouldn't change; you'd still be Agent Louis Patriarch."

Louis nodded slowly, almost to himself. Then he pulled his hands out of his pockets and stood straight from the wall, smoothing his suit jacket. "Then let's fight these bastards."

Cetz smiled, proud. "I can't be the only reason you want to stay."

"No. But you do get hard-ass points for shooting Zachs in the neck."

A snort escaped Cetz and then he called out to Rachel that she could come back in.  

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