Under My Skin - Part 76

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Rachel sent Will home with a prescription and a strict diet. When he would be back was still up in the air, but Rachel had other things to worry about. The next day she opened a message in her inbox while taking her third coffee break of the day.

Kara Palmer had been admitted to Saint Fredrick's due to hypercalcemia and her condition was deteriorating.

Rachel sunk back in her chair, pulling her hair out of the usual ponytail and picking the long blonde strands out of the elastic band.

It was sickening, all they had gone through, all the sacrifices made on both sides of the mission, and no one got what they wanted, what they needed, except Retten and the military lab with their damn virus that started this whole thing.

"Fuckin' bastards," Rachel muttered to herself, swallowing down the acrid words with a sip of coffee.

Once the hair band was back in place she made her rounds. The message stayed with her as she checked up on Massaru and saw Franklin for his checkup.

"Candy cane out of the mouth, Franklin."


If he was well enough to complain than he was more than capable of doing his full shifts. After she let Franklin go she walked towards the break room for another cup of coffee. She was surprised to see Louis sleeping on his cot in the spare office that had been temporarily designated as his private room. Usually around this time he was at his desk, working on back reports or playing solitaire or using Will's desk as a hoop for balled up napkins. Was waiting for the committee's decision finally wearing on him past his usual annoyance? Or perhaps he actually missed listening to his Fanboy partner. Or his coffee had met its limit.

Rounds done, and on her sixth cup of coffee, she requested a private video connection to Watch One. It didn't take long for a response.

Doctor Maria Kilo tapped the screen from the other side. The swell of her belly was half hidden behind a desk while the rest of her sat cradled in a plush office chair.

"Doctor Sampson," Doctor Kilo said with a smirk. "Nice to see you. I got the banana chips you sent. My potassium level loves you."

Rachel allowed herself a smile as she pulled her hair band out. "I didn't know if you'd still like them. How much longer until you're due?"

"Three months." Doctor Kilo laughed at the startled look on Rachel's face and explained. "Twins."

"Wow. Congratulations."

Doctor Kilo leaned back and grabbed a container full of the mentioned banana chips. "Now, I know you didn't call me just to check up on my future spawn." She nibbled on a chip. "As much as I love banana chips it will take a lot more for me to talk about how the committee is coming along concerning Agent Louis Patriarch."

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious," said Rachel. "But that's not why I called. It's about Doctor Terrance Palmer."

Doctor Kilo nodded gravely. "I heard about his wife. Palmer is still in our custody but with the territorial tussle between us and the army police I doubt he'll be able to get visitation rights."

Rachel grimaced. "It's pathetic and tragic and I'm not going to get into that right now. Have you seen his research?"

"His file came across my desk," admitted Kilo. "But most of it was far beyond my area of expertise."

"Even concerning the part about Pulse Emitters?"

"Especially that. My contact with BTs and their technology is minimal. You'd be better suited to his research than I." Kilo twirled a chip between her fingers like a coin. "Why do you ask?"

"Don't you think some if it should be looked into?"

Kilo's hand paused. "Bit of a bleeding heart?"


The dark haired doctor looked thoughtful for a moment, and then she tossed the chip into the container. "What did you have in mind?"


The balled up napkin bounced off the edge of Will's desk and landed in the chair along with a dozen other napkins. Louis drained the last of his coffee, glaring at the Tech that walked by with a smirk at him. They had been doing that a lot lately.

Reese sat sullenly at his desk, picking at an exposed safe lock and occasionally turned parts of the mechanism. The rust head had been so down lately even his hair looked dull. Beni rarely showed her face around Main Tech anymore unless called up by Cetz. She spent most of her time in the garage working on renovations to the BT vans.

Meanwhile Louis waited, simmered, and wished those scientists would hurry the hell up. He stared at the case that had come with the sunglasses Will had given him, fingering the seamless hinges and the velvet inside. His thumb brushed back and forth across the indentation in the velvet, memorizing the shape and feel.

He must have dozed because when he snapped his head up from the case half the agents in Main Tech were gone. Even Reese had left It was 1 A.M. and he didn't have the energy to get more coffee. He got up, stretched, and trudged to his makeshift office.

There wasn't much in there except a few empty file cabinets and a desk that held his suitcase. He shrugged off his shirt, slipped off his shoes and fell to the cot. Forget brushing his teeth, he'd do that in the morning. He reached over to his phone, still plugged into the outlet, and tapped the sleep app. Blessed darkness.

A rapping at the door woke him up. How long had he slept? Two hours? His phone said 8 A.M., seven hours. Screw the damn phone; he was going to punch whoever was at the door. He put on his shades and threw the door open.

"Good Morning," chirped Will with that idiot Fanboy smile.

Louis blinked, his lip curling slightly, and then blinked again. He smelled dark Italian roast. Will had coffee. Good coffee.

"Gimme," Louis said. Will handed over the mug and Louis took a long satisfying drink without a breath. He didn't notice Will eyeing his bare chest and the curve of his throat as he sucked down every last drop. Finished, he groaned in satisfaction, the caffeine hitting his system like sparks off a Tesla Coil.

"Better?" asked Will.

"You don't have to die today. Let's leave it at that."

After a shower and change of clothes, Louis stopped by the cafeteria for some toast and the break room for more coffee before heading to Main Tech. Will met him outside the break room, a mug of tea in hand. The two of them walked in amicable silence until Will spoke up.

"So, I was thinking we should use code names while using the SkySprechts. I know no one else can hear them, but it couldn't hurt. Maybe something like Coffee and the Bandit, you know, a play on Smokey and the Bandit or—"

"That's it," ground out Louis, stopping and drawing to the side of the semi busy hallway. It was too early in the morning for Fanboy stuff, even with coffee. "Your promise starts right now."

"The... now?"

"Yes, now. No references or jokes connected to Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Bond Films, Japanese cartoons, or anything else related to your Fanboy nature for the next seven days. I spent hours inside that damn rust-head for your little plan in the Luvor because you promised me a week of peace. And I want it."

Will let out a sigh and checked his watch. "Okay. One week starting now."


"Let's hope you'll be able to spend all of it here," Will said quietly.

Louis lowered his eyes to his mug and continued walking. "I hope so too."

Will bit his lip, and then the serious look on his face fled. "So... about that plan I had..."

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