Under My Skin - Part 58

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7:41 P.M. Luvor Ballroom and ConferenceCenter

With Louis on one side and Will on the other, Palmer was half escorted half carried to the van waiting in the alley by the Luvor. Every other breath from the scientist was a plea to see his wife.

"Please, you don't understand, I need to see her."

"She's fine," snapped Louis. "She's lived four months without your traitorous ass around; she can handle not seeing you for the rest of her short life, because that's how long you're going to be in prison."

Will glared at his partner over Palmer's head. "That's below the belt."

"So was what he did."

Beni was already waiting by the van with her shoes in one hand and the keys in the other.

"Where's Reese," asked Will.

"Inside," replied Beni. "Making sure security finds Kore's men."

They hauled Palmer into the back of the van, checked him over for any contraband for his trip back to base, and then sat him down. Beni took her place at the driver's seat, ready to burn rubber. The scientist curled against the back seat, drawn into a ball like a vulture sulking after being hit by a rock. Apparently what Louis had said had an effect.

"First off," snapped Louis. "Do you know who we are?"

"Military police?"

"Close enough. Now we need two things from you. One, the missing virus protein, and two, the BT-prototype."

"BT what?"

"The device you stole from Kore's caves," said Will. "The one containing pulse emitters."

"That? Don't destroy it; I'm not using it for any bad purpose. I'm trying—"

"To find a way to heal your wife's cancer," snapped Louis. "We kind of guessed that genius. Now where are they?"

"Will you let me see my wife?" pleaded the scientist.

"You sold a military biological weapon to an arms dealer and you think you can bargain with us?"

"Technically he only gave them half a biological weapon," said Will, refusing to wilt under Louis' glare. "Well he did." He turned back to Palmer. "We'll think about your request once the virus and BT are where they belong."

Palmer shook his head, defeated and then pointed to the van door. "The twentieth floor of the hotel, in the financial conference centers. There's construction on the west half of the floor. Office suite 2021. I've been holed up there for the past two weeks, taking the fire escape to get down for tonight."

"You knew there was a place for you to hide out in the very hotel of your wife's fundraiser?" asked Will.

"No, the man that told me about Randal Kore did."

The three agents glanced at each other warily.

"Do you know this man's name?" said Will.

"No, he contacted me by disposable cell phone only, and he used a voice modulator."

Louis handcuffed the scientist to the van's back seat and the three of them hopped out of the van.

"Now, shut up, stay put, and think about what you've done and what we now have to clean up." Louis slammed the door shut against Palmer's pleas.

"If Palmer has a middle man than this is bigger than we thought," said Beni.

"And the one pulling his strings might still be here," added Will.

"Palmer needs to get to base before his puppet master comes knocking," said Louis. "Beni, can you get to base and back within the hour?"

Beni crossed her arms and tilted her head, as if insulted. "Is that a rhetorical question?"

Will tapped his earpiece. "Reese can you give us a rundown of what's going on inside?"

"Good news!" chirped Reese. "The champagne is still flowing and Kara is talking to some financial supporters. However, Will, your harem wants to know where you've run off to."

"I'm so glad you're having a good time," drawled Will.

"What about security?" asked Louis.

"Bad news," said Reese. "Security made quick work of the guys left outside and the party is going on, but anyone coming in or out of the place is being searched now for weapons. You guys won't be able to come in armed. They're spreading the security sweep to the rest of the hotel and the conference center. Also, they had a camera on the loading dock. They didn't get a clear shot of Will, but Louis stuck out enough that all the security guys have a photo of him."



7:46 P.M. Watch Two

"Someone was kidnapped from your base?" asked Zachs with a light air of annoyance. "At what point did my instructions about Watch Security get dumped in the trash? I was there for a week..." Zach's continued his tirade about how Cetz had failed basic security.

Cetz had gotten Zachs to talk to him on video conference via the van Zachs was in keeping tabs on his men. He needed to see the man's face, had to make sure that the weasel was looking him in the eye and telling the truth.

"One question, Martin," interrupted Cetz. "Where are your helpers?"

"Pardon?" Then the disgust on Zachs' face melted to realization. "You think someone in my office took your doctor?"

"You were the last men in Watch Two with full access, testing our defenses. Of course I think it was some one in your office! Not to mention we found part of one of your security scanning wands left behind with a half dead agent."

Zachs actually looked taken aback, lost. "Agents Ian and Fuller are part of the Watch One team around the Luvor."

Cetz cut off the connection and turned back to Olivia, sitting straight as a poker at her station. "Adjust the vocal and facial recognition to scan for Ian and Fuller of Watch One Security Division."

"I can bring up the security videos of them from last week and patch it into the scanning program," said Olivia.

Cetz nodded. He needed to talk to the team.


7:51 P.M. Luvor Ballroom and ConferenceCenter

Beni was on her way back to Watch Two, probably breaking every speed limit and cursing out every Sunday driver along the way. Reese was keeping an eye out in the ballroom, and Will and Louis stood in the shadow of the hotel, a stone's throw away from the loading dock.

"Have you contacted Cetz yet?" asked Louis, still focusing on the loading dock.

"I can't, every time I do I get a busy signal," said Will. "What the heck is going on at base?"

"Great," hissed Louis. "Okay, we just need to bypass the camera, go over the atrium wall, and get inside the service entrance without people noticing.

"And go through a hotel with every guard looking for you," said Will chewing his bottom lip. Then he smiled. "Or I could walk through the front entrance and pass security by being my charming self."


"You'll have my firearms."

"And where will I be in this scenario?"

"My vest pocket."

Louis spun about, his silver shaded eyes boring into his partner's like drills. "Hell, no."

Their earpieces beeped. It was Cetz.

"Guys, where are you?"

"I'm in the ballroom by the entrance," said Reese.

"And we're about go back in," said Will. "Why?"

"The leak is in the Luvor."  

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