Under My Skin - Part 59

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7:55 P.M. Luvor Ballroom and ConferenceCenter

Their earpieces beeped. It was Cetz.

"Guys, where are you?"

"I'm in the ballroom by the entrance," said Reese.

"And we're about go back in to the Luvor to retrieve the virus and the BT Prototype," said Will. "Why?"

"The leak has compromised the base and taken Massaru."

Louis huffed into the com. "Great. One step forward, two steps back."

"That's not all," said Cetz. "Olivia has been going over our security cameras and the two men that worked under Zachs, Agents Ian and Fuller, have been missing for the last two hours. We think they were the leak."

"The two big dudes in suits at Watch Two during lockdown?" asked Will.

"Bingo," said Cetz. "Whatever you guys are going to do, do it fast. I want you back here to regroup as soon as possible. Reese, back them up. I'm sending Beni right back once Palmer is dropped off. And use secondary communication."

Secondary communication. That was Cetz's tip off to use the Sky Sprechts in case their Watch issued communicators were being tapped. Cetz signed off and Will and Louis switched to the blue Sky Sprechts. Meanwhile, Reese would have to keep visual contact with Will and Louis, his only communication being with the base until Beni returned.

"Let's get this over with," muttered Louis as they retreated away from the loading dock to an alcove near the back entrance of the Luvor. "If we're going to get back in your way you better hand everything over."

Will nodded, taking off his jacket and unbuckling his holster from under his vest. Fishing around in various pockets he brought out a thin roll of duct tape, a gun magazine, Swiss army knife, a box of matches that held anything but matches, a tiny bag that did hold matches, a few capsules full of Will's favorite flash explosive non-dairy creamer, and various other miscellaneous items until he came to his mint tin. That he kept. Even without his jacket on, Will's torso looked surprisingly solid.

"That's all?" drawled Louis as he stowed Will's equipment away in his tux. "No doves or magic handkerchiefs?"

"Those are in my other "tux"," said Will with a grin.

Louis blinked and shook his head. "I really don't want to know."

Equipment settled, Will held out his hand for Louis' shades.

"Ready when you are."

Louis handed them over and stared at the closest streetlight. His eyes ached, like he hadn't enough tears. The bright wavelengths of light like a sunburn pulsed across his skin, going deeper into his flesh until the center of him was buzzing. A moment later, his vision blurred and he was struck by vertigo. He kept his feet and managed to shrink without falling over like he was sometimes prone to do. The next time he looked up Will was hovering protectively over him, a giant, and a hand on either side of the ground as he crouched closer.

"You okay?" breathed Will.

Louis heard the voice in double though the Sky Sprecht. "Back up a bit and I won't feel like you're about to fall on me."

"Sorry." Will sat back on his haunches and opened his vest. He set his hand on the ground next to Louis. "Shall we?"

Heat came off of Will's palm as Louis crawled into it, digging his hand into one of the folds between the cupped fingers. The hand moved upwards and he faced the white inside of Will's vest, the pocket over his left breast held open with two fingers. He crawled to the edge of the hand and slipped in, the fabric warm around him. The fabric tightened as Will buttoned up his vest, making Louis draw deep breaths against panic as he was pressed nearly flat. The pocket, though big enough to hold him with his legs and arms out, seemed smaller, less safe. A cold wash of fear went through his chest, the inklings of claustrophobia. Will put on his jacket and the pressure against Louis' small body increased.

Louis had a flash of his nightmare, being strangled by bed sheets, and damn if the vest lining wasn't like a sheet. He could not freak out now. For once he wished he could hear Will's heartbeat to soothe him.

Why wasn't he hearing Will's heartbeat? Wasn't he right above it?

Louis felt a hand cup over him gently through the fabric. "Hang in there Louis, we're going in."

"This plan of your better work," Louis hissed.  

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