Under My Skin - Part 60

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"There a reason you have a stethoscope up your sleeve, sir?"

"It's my profession," said Reese, snatching his device back from the security guard doing an all too thorough body search. "I'm a medical student and I don't like to be without it."

"It's just odd," the guard said crisply.

"What do you think I'm going to do with this? Listen through doors and crack open safes? Hah! That only works in movies." And my adopted profession but I refuse to go into that at the moment.

The security guard seemed satisfied with his answer. After a final pat down he let Reese go. Once alone, Reese let out a shaky breath. It had been like dealing with the police all over again. He was lucky he had stashed his guns out of the way once he had noticed the guards searching people. Grabbing what he could only guess was some kind of meat paste on a fancy cracker and leafy stuff for garnish; he retreated back to a pillar near the entrance but out of the way of security guards checking the entering guests.

Will was at the entrance being patted down. At first glance the young agent looked fine, keeping up an act of slight annoyance at being thought of as a threat. But when the guard's hands strayed to Will's chest, a moment of panic flashed on his face. Will was hiding something.

Reese glanced around the ballroom for a quick distraction. There were plenty of things he could do, but most of them would get him kicked out of the party quicker than a protesting vegan at a beef rally. Then he spied one of the girls from Will's little harem off to the side and pouting. He had an idea.

Reese walked casually over to the girl and tapped her on the shoulder. "Pardon me, miss. But is that the man you and your friends were looking for earlier?" He pointed to Will who was hesitantly taking off his jacket under the guard's supervision.

"James!" chirped the girl with a smile as she dashed off.

"Help is on the way," muttered Reese. "Though I don't know how helpful she will be. Lucky bastard."



Will barely had time to take the called out name as a warning before his shoulders were seized by a pair of white gloved hands and he was face to face with one of the young women he had been introduced to earlier. Mrs. Badderguard's daughter. She looked ready to pounce on him and he automatically cupped his hand over Louis. He was lucky he remembered her name.

"Violet, you startled me!"

"Where have you been? Mother and the rest of us have been searching for you since Kara's speech finished."

"I needed some fresh air." Will looked to the guard going through the pockets in his jacket. "Are we done here?"

"Please let us be done here," said Louis numbly.

The guard's eyes narrowed. "If I could see the contents of your pockets, sir?"

"There is no need for that," protested Violet as she grabbed the jacket and held it open. "See, there's nothing here. Now come on, James."

"Yes, go on, James," cooed Louis.

Before the harried guard could protest, the young lady pulled Will by the hand towards the ballroom. He could feel Louis shuddering against his palm and he wished he dared talk to him. Violet helped him back into his jacket, smoothing her hands down the lapels with a smile. Will gently took her hands away from his chest, holding them gently, as if about to kiss them.

"I'm sorry I missed out on that dance I owed you," said Will, slipping back into the role.

"There's still time. I'd like to have a little time with you alone. No thanks to those perfectly dreadful security men," say Violet with a coy smile. "They see villains in everyone."

"Wrap it up, Fanboy," hissed Louis through the Sprecht. "Or should I remind you that, shrunken or not, I can still shoot a pin sized hole in this tux of yours.

Will could imagine where Violet's conversation was heading, and he didn't have time for it. Might as well be blunt. "They have reason to be, Violet. One of their men was attacked earlier tonight."

"Will," growled Louis.

The girl's eyes widened. "What happened?"

Will gently tugged her hands until they stood next to the wall, away from the bugged centerpieces. He kept his voice hushed. "I want you to stay close to your mother and friends. If anything seems to be off key, leave immediately."

"What's going on?"

"I can't tell you."

"I'm not some stupid rich girl, James."

"It involves the safety of Kara Palmer." It's wasn't specifically a lie. More of Kore's men could still be about looking for a way to get Palmer, and Zachs' men couldn't be counted on. Will brought her hands up closer to his lips. Her eyes were wide with confusion. "Promise me?"

Violet hesitated, but Will kept his eyes locked on hers until she gave in with a worried pout. "I promise."

"Good. Now wish me luck."

Violet pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Be safe."

"I'll try." With that, Will dashed away, Louis' curses in his ear.

"Fuckin' Fanboy idiot. Massaru could be in a torture chamber right now and you're flirting with some simpering idiot with breasts..."

"To be fair," said Will. "I wasn't even glancing at her breasts."


"Real smooth you lucky bastard," said Reese as he rounded the corner into the hallway separating the Ballroom from the hotel lobby.

"Save it," grumbled Will. He put his hand back over Louis, he could hear him panting over the Sprecht. "We need to get somewhere private for Louis. Fast."

"I know just the place," said Reese, grabbing his arm. "Secondary rendezvous."


"Awake, are we?"

The smell of drywall and paint made Massaru's awakening a harsh one. He was in a chair in a small dark room, and behind him he could sense a person standing, silent as stone. His head pounded and his wrists, tied behind his back, were twisted. Blinking, Massaru tried to get his thoughts in order. Hadn't he been in his room, looking through the Watch photo book? He couldn't remember.

"Was the ride a little rough, my dear dissector?" The voice was nasal and tinny through the speakers of a laptop in front of him.

Massaru straightened. Dear dissector. Only one person had ever called him that. The screen flickered on. Retten smiled back at him.  

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