Under My Skin - Part 70

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Rachel waited in the doorway of Cetz's office with her report. He was near the end of a private video conference with Watch One, and he looked tense when he signed off. She closed the door behind her.

"How bad?" she asked.

Cetz rubbed his eyes, trying to blot out the world. "The good news, they're letting us keep Zachs for first crack at interrogation once he heals up, though they're sending a personal guard from Watch Mission Control to keep an eye on him and Agent Ian. They'll take the second round with them at Base One."

"And the bad news?"

"They found the files Zachs stole from us, the ones about Louis and Will. They're forming a private committee to go over the data. We also need to send copies of all we have about Louis' condition, which means Will and Louis need to redo their official statements of the mission. They also want to talk with us on Monday 11A.M. to discuss our "willful withholding of information concerning your agents". Four days to think of something to take care of our asses. I'm going to hate Monday."

Rachel sat with a cold sinking feeling in her gut. "Do you think they'll take away Louis?"

"I don't know. I want to say they would trust our judgment, but they have better equipment and funding to explore his ability. And I know a few scientists over at Base One that would love to use him as a guinea pig. The Watch Head looked pretty pissed about not being informed but I'm hoping they'll believe our caution concerning the leak. Meanwhile Louis needs to stay here." Cetz took his hands from his eyes and leaned back in his chair. "How are Reese, Massaru, and Louis?"

"Massaru is being treated for his injuries," said Rachel, flipping through her report. "Broken index finger on the right hand, shallow flesh wounds, mostly superficial. He'll mend. Reese is dealing with a sore throat and acid reflux, but his scan was strange."

"How so?"

"In the Soak scan Reese didn't share as many connections with Louis as Will did. And both Massaru's and Louis' oxygen levels were below the normal level."

Cetz frowned. "Is it because Reese's body had to deal with two people at once, or is Will better able to handle making such connections?"

"I don't know," said Rachel. "I'd have to test it. But I wouldn't be surprised if Watch One asks for Will as well as Louis for testing."

"How is Will?"

"His internal injuries are not as bad off as they were before, but it's going to take a few weeks for him to recover from the bruising on his ribs, and them another week for just to make sure. Last I saw him he was sleeping. And Louis was... quiet. He cleaned up and went for his coffee."

"Some things never change," said Cetz with a half hearted smile.

"Cetz." Rachel pointed to the long black case that leaned against the corner of the brightly lit office. "You used a tranquilizer."

The Head of Watch Two suddenly looked exhausted. "Yeah."

"Did you mean to?"

Cetz pulled at his hands, looking at them as if the black of his sniper riffle had left marks on them. "There's a reason I keep the bullets at the bottom of the ammo storage and the tranqs on top. I heard the shot and thought Cetz had killed one of my agents. I took the first thing that my hand touched."

Rachel nodded, got up, and took the black case back to the closet, tucking it behind a long coat and a box of files until it was nearly hidden, a ghost no one would point out unless they were looking for it. And then she took out the collapsible cot from the top shelf, setting it on the floor by his desk.

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