Under My Skin - Part 22

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Cetz sat on the edge of his desk facing the Head of Watch Security. He wished he had bought that plant for the office; it would have given him something else to look at.

"The report says Kore is mobilizing his resources. Why?" Ctez prompted.

"I suspect it has to do with your team's recent involvement in his weapons depot. Last the report on the cave's security was updated there were no traces of video surveillance, but the report was done a week before the mission, things might have changed since then. If that is the case then Kore might have gotten a look at your agents. And now he might be out to find them." Zachs sat down and crossed his ankle over his knee. "Hence the lockdown, for your protection."

"There are a couple of "ifs" in there." Something didn't add up with Zachs' presence at Watch Two. The Kore issue was an excuse, Cetz knew it.

"Better safe than sorry," said Zachs with a smile that unnerved Cetz. "Was the mission successful?"

"In that we got the virus away from Kore's cave depot, yes."

Zach's calm face fell into a frown. "You're excluding something. Where is the virus?"

Technically he wasn't lying, and Cetz took refuge in that. "With Agent Louis Patriarch."

"Ah, I've heard his reputation. If I remember correctly, he and his partner were two of the men that dealt with the Freewill compound. Where is Louis now?"

Just look him in the eye and believe what you're saying, Cetz thought to himself. "He didn't come back with the retrieval team, only his partner did."

Zachs stiffened in his seat. "He's still out there with the virus?"

"If you don't believe me then check the security records for his clearance into the base," Cetz snapped back. It was a lucky thing that the security scan couldn't detect Louis at such a small size. "Wherever he is, I assure you, he will keep the virus safe."

"Where did you detect him last?"

"The last I saw his tracking signal he was still in Wilson forest Reserve." Again, another half lie, and if Zachs tried looking into it he'd find nothing with the E.S.S. up. "Why are you so concerned? This wouldn't be the first time you've ordered lockdown with my people still outside in harm's way. In fact the last time you did so, Louis was one of the guys caught outside."

"Really, are you going to bring that up now?"

"Only to make a point. You're messing with my people without a thought."

"On the contrary," clipped Zachs with a curl of his lip. "Giving thought to their safety is my job and main concern." The suited man took a breath and smoothed the lapels of his jacket, his face smoothing out to blankness at the same time. "Who is Louis's partner now?"

"William Rowe, he's been with Louis for about four months."

"Can I speak with him?"

Cetz's gut told him to stall. He had to explain things to Will before he let Zachs question him. "I'll have to arrange for you to meet with Rachel first. There was a cave-in during the mission, and he suffered some deep bruises and scraps. He's resting in Med Tech right now under her care."

"Good," said Zachs, apparently satisfied. "And afterwards I shall start my survey of the base."

"You're still going to continue the inspection while on lockdown?"

"Yes, killing two birds with one stone, one might say."

Cetz sighed and picked up the phone to the intercom. "Let me have someone show you to our cafeteria while I smooth things over with Rachel."

"Much obliged."

Right under Cetz's hearing was a short ring, like metal being tapped. He glanced at the Ethernet pipe in the back of his office while picking up the phone. After a minute a minor Tech secretary showed the trio down the hall to the elevators. Cetz grimaced as they left, picking up the phone again and pushing the button to call Med Tech.

"Choke on a peach pit you snake," he said under his breath.

"Excuse me?!" said a voice on the line.

"No! No not you, someone else. Sorry. Is Rachel available?"

"Are you going to talk to her like that?"

"Hell no." The last thing he needed was Rachel mad at him, again, especially when she needed sleep.


Reese took the stethoscope off the Ethernet pipe and put the instrument away in his jacket. The storage closet was lit only by Beni's penlight. They were pressed against each other by the wall connected to Cetz's office. Boxes of computer paper threatened to topple over and bury them, so they kept their movement careful and slow.

"Zachs has to be here for something other than Kore's mobilization," whispered Reese. "That's not enough to warrant a lockdown under normal circumstances."

"Could he be here to personally take the virus to Watch Headquarters? He seemed very agitated that Louis wasn't back." Beni grimaced. "I knew we should have searched for him."

"He'll be fine," said Reese. "We just need to keep an eye on Will."

"He didn't seem that bad when we picked him up. Why is he in Med Tech?"


The Asian lifted an eye brow, her penlight making the shadows on her face demonic. "Does any of this have to do with the secret between Will and Louis?"

"Would you quit-"

The two agents were momentarily blinded as the storage room door swung open. Cetz glared at them from the doorway.

"Either you've been playing doctor with the pipe that runs through my office... or you've been playing doctor with each other."

Beni and Reese jumped back from each other, making the heavy boxes fall. They stumbled out of the way, both of them shouting: "No!"

"Hell no!" said Reese

"Good God no," agreed Beni.

"I mean we work together."

"I've seen him barf."

"She's not really my type."

"And have you seen his scrawny ass?"

"And she—what's wrong with my ass?"

"You practically don't have one. It's a wonder your pants stay up."

"I'm sorry it doesn't stick out, it's called genetics."

"A pancake ass is what it's called. Don't you work out your gluts?"


"Shut up!" commanded Cetz, his voice low and authoritative. The agents froze, their eyes steady on him, awaiting his orders. "We'll talk about your eavesdropping later. Beni, I need you to go through all info we got on Kore's depot and the area around it. I want a thorough review on anything we might have missed on our first analysis. Reese, I need you get a pot of coffee going and get Grant a cookie or something; he's probably freaking out that someone came in and messed with his stuff. And then I want you to go to Rachel and help her with anything she needs. You're probably going to have to check on Massaru."

Cetz took a breath. The two agents were sill frozen. "What are you waiting for, go!"

They scattered like roaches, skirting around him as they fled in opposite directions in the hallway. In the doorway Cetz allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. It was one of those tiny, rare moments where it was cool to be Boss.

Reese poked his head back around the corner. "Caf or decaf?"

"Caf! Always caf!" snapped Cetz.

"Caf! Full caf! Gotcha, sorry!"

And the moment has passed.

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