Under My Skin - Part 4

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Massaru rubbed his head and rearranged the sheets on his hospital bed to better cover his feet, the heart monitor beeping the steady beat as it had for the last few weeks. The infection in his side was mending, and his head injury was nearly gone. On the tray table sat a pile of three ring binders. He had been going through the photo books of Watch One personnel, trying to see if one of the people there had also been at Freewill. Cetz had a hunch that there was a leak in Watch One, a leak that had alerted the commanding madman, Retten, to Watch Two movements. Massaru had agreed with Cetz' hunch, but proving it was an entirely different matter.

Meanwhile, he couldn't leave Watch Two, not when he could possibly have a lead that could expose the leak. Not when that same leak could find him and eliminate him. Then where would he be?

The Indian doctor looked over to matted photo of his wife and son he had on his bedside table. William had done as he promised and looked up what had happened to Massaru's family after he had begun the undercover infiltration of the Freewill cult two years ago. Massaru's wife, Parvati was fine, and his son, Ram, was engaged to a lovely young woman. No date had been set, but he still feared that he might miss the wedding of his only son.

People walked at a fast pace in the hall outside his room. It looked like there was something afoot.


Will and Louis were being geared up for the caves. They were given flashlights, water, canned air, and a case to hold the virus. They were both also fitted with small cameras that clipped to their SkySprecht ear buds, to document what other contraband was being hidden in Randal Kore's mines. Both of the feeds went directly to the Watch Two communications screens, and William grinned and waved, seeing himself reflected on the screen hooked up to Louis's camera.

"Cut it out, fanboy," growled Louis.

"This is your air sensor," explained one of the scientists as he clipped a round device, much like a pager, to both the agents' belts. "It reads the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. If the light is in the green, you're fine. Yellow is a warning and you should consult the screen on top to see the toxicity level. Red, you get your oxygen masks on and turn the air valve. You each have enough for three hours, so use it wisely."

"In other words don't get lost," interjected Cetz as he walked into the armory with a map and set it down. "We got a rough internal of the caves, mostly based off of old historical records, you'll have to go by this and hope for the best.

"There are motion sensors at the entrance of the cave with a twelve digit code. Reese will take care of that, and then once you are done securing the virus you will meet him here." Cetz pointed to a place on the map of the Wilson Nature Reserve. "From there he will take you to the van and you can come back to base. Any questions?"

"Do we get a merit badge once we're done?" Louis asked sardonically.

"If you're good I'll let you roast marshmallows by the fire." Cetz was called on his headset and told the pair of agents he'd be back in a moment. Louis and Will hunched over the maps, perusing them and committing the landscape to their mission. The younger agent kept glancing up at the way Louis's blonde hair fell, brushing his cheek and the edge of his sunglasses. He wished Louis would take them off.

Louis felt the eyes upon him.

"What is it," bit out Louis.

Will's eyes darted back to the maps. "Nothing, I just wondered if you were a boy scout."

"Cub scout, then I quit."

"Oh..." Will brushed his hair back with his fingers, readjusting the SkySprecht. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Not again," hissed Louis as he stood straight and crossed his arms. "What is it, fanboy?"

Will spoke softly, keeping their conversation private from the busy scientists in Armor Tech. "You're claustrophobic and we're going into a cave tunnel; dark, small, and underground."

Louis quirked an eyebrow and deftly flicked his finger against Will's middle, making the younger agent flinch. "I think I've been in worse places. I'll be fine."  

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