Under My Skin - Part 18

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"This is amazing," said Rachel in awe as she took in the scans coming from the BT. "Look at Louis's brain function; his nerves are off the charts. Same with Will's."

"You got some perverse fascination with this machine, Abracadabra," said Cetz.

"It's a damn good machine. And don't call me Abra... Oh, wow." Rachel tapped the screen and zoomed in on a section of Will's chest. She tapped through the display options until she got to one that was nothing but tangled lines of ghost-like electricity.

"What is it?" asked Cetz.

"I don't know, but I'm getting a theory why Louis is able to survive in there."

"Nice to know, but virus first."

"Yes, boss. Scanning for the canister."


It took Louis a minute to consciously follow Will's heartbeat, but once he did, the nerve-freezing tension in his body melted away. Inside Will, the snarling sound of the BT was muted, leaving some semblance of safety from the machine. Once he was able to relax, he took a closer look at the insides of Will's stomach. And of the hot puddle he sat in.

"Aw, c'mon!"

Cetz voice came over the SkySprect. "You okay Will?"

"Will nothing!" exclaimed Louis. "I'm freaking soaked! Who decided to give this idiot water?"

A chuckle reverberated around him. "I think Louis is fine."

"You call this fine?!"

"You're alive, that's fine enough for me."

Louis rolled his eyes. "At least the swallowing was faster."

"Easier too," agreed Will.

"Don't get used to it, Fanboy," said Louis trying to rub some of the excess gel off his gloves. "This stuff is disgusting."

Louis found his footing and sloshed around the stomach.

"I don't see the virus."


The BT control beeped as the screen brought up a dot in Will's body, and Rachel started in shock.

"Will, don't move; don't even twitch."

On camera the agent's face went still, his mouth straightened to a worried line. "What's wrong?"

"The canister is a hair away from going into your intestine. Louis, the pyloric sphincter, grab it quick."  

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