Under My Skin - Part 55

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"What are your agents doing in my jurisdiction?" said Zachs.

Cetz mentally cursed. The last thing he wanted was another confrontation. Apparently the theory that Palmer would risk exposure to see his wife was popular. "We're completing a mission."

"What mission? Nothing has been approved by Watch Mission Control for your team to do anything."

Cetz was glad they weren't communicating through video conference, because the look on his face was murderous. Rachel spoke up. "Zachs, Watch Two was instructed to come back with the virus."

"What are you doing?" whispered Cetz to Rachel.

"Saving our butts," Rachel hissed back.

"Indeed, doctor," continued Zaches. "I commend your team for-"

"The virus isn't complete," said Rachel. "What Louis came back with was a prototype missing an essential protein. Surely the scientists at Watch One have seen that the virus isn't the super plague they expected?"

Cetz took up the argument, seeing where Rachel was going with her reasoning. "We have reason to believe that Doctor Terrance Palmer has the essential protein that would turn that virus into a weapon. Our objective is to apprehend Palmer and intercept the missing part of that virus. All we are doing is completing our original mission."

Zachs sighed. "My team's objective is to apprehend Palmer as well."

"Then we'll have to work together." Cetz swallowed the bitterness on his tongue. The thought of working together with Zachs made him sick.

"After you get confirmation from Watch Mission Control. Zachs out."

The com frequency clicked off. Olivia tapped her feet, resetting the frequencies for communication for Watch One. Cetz rubbed his face and groaned.

"I'm feeling a moment of déjà screw," said Cetz.

"Déjà screw?" asked Rachel.

"Yes, the feeling that somehow, somewhere, this guy has screwed us over before and will probably do so again. Olivia, get our team in the Luvor back on the secondary line. They need to know what's going on."

In the corner of Main Tech, a light on the wall wavered. Grant frowned at the board for the power grid and tapped on his keyboard until the light steadied.


"I'm going to kill that meddling, anal, sonofabitch!" hissed Louis next to a tall potted fern.

"He can probably hear you," warned Will through the com. Will was on the other side of the ballroom, standing in the shadows of one of the pillars. Kara Palmer was still speaking, her voice cracking in places.

"Good!" said Louis.

"I need all of you to cool your jets until I get approval from WMC," explained Cetz. "Stay in your positions, and don't act unless absolutely necessary. Call me if anything develops." The com connection clicked off.

Louis shook his head and eyed the dozens of tuxes and waiter uniforms through his shades. "We don't even know which of these guys are agents of Watch One."

"Or girls," said Beni.

"Might I suggest we all stay away from vases with pearl ribbon, just in case," suggested Reese.

Louis inched further into the lee of the fern he stood beside and saw Will do the same across the room. The crowd broke into applause. Kara was wheeled from the stage and she leaned towards her caretaker.

"She's headed towards the restroom," reported Beni, still by the stage. "I'll follow. Will, back me up."

"Gladly. Mrs. Badderguard's entourage is getting closer."

The band and singer started up their music again. Louis suppressed a smirk as he saw Will calmly follow Beni into the corridor. He liked seeing the rookie flustered. He didn't know why, he just did.

But he didn't like seeing Will surrounded and pampered by fluttery eyed girls. He didn't know why to that either.


"What on earth," said Massaru after he got out of the bathroom and found his room dark. He could have sworn he had left the lights on.

Though he knew the Med room backwards and forwards after having to spend so much time in it, Massaru Devi's hand reached along the wall for the light. The last thing he needed was to trip over the IV stand or one of the heart monitor wires and break his leg. It was one thing to play the invalid; he didn't want a real reason to be stuck in a hospital bed.

A hand grabbed him in the dark and clamped a foul smelling cloth over his mouth.


7:14 P.M. Luvor Ballroom

Wilson clenched his fists at his side, trying not to scratch at his collar. The fundraiser was scheduled to go on until midnight. He didn't think he could take four more hours of this. At least he was being paid time and a half. A metal clatter rung out from the kitchens. The waiters and staff were hard pressed to keep the food coming for the multitude of guests, not only the ones in the ballroom, but the ones in the attached hotel calling for room service.

At least he wasn't a cook or waiter.

After a second clatter of trays he heard yelling.

"What are you doing here?"

"Please, you have to hide me!"

"Go back to where you came from."

Wilson sighed. Probably another homeless vagrant. He entered the kitchen, his thumb resting on the holster that held the hotel's issued tasers. More crashing followed.  

Under My SkinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang