Under My Skin - Part 64

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"But we need backup!" protested Cetz to the head of Watch Mission Control, the figure always in shadow on the screen. "We have a member of the Watch in need of transportation back to base and two of our agents have been compromised."

Olivia and her assistant were still as statues in the eye of the video feet. The air was tense, like the anticipation of being shocked by a badly wired lamp. Rachel was standing by with two cups of coffee and Grant was keeping an ear on the conversation as he worked on the broken device.

"This mission falls under the jurisdiction of Martin Zachs," reasoned WMS. "It was that way before your team got there, and it will remain so. Zachs has already been apprised of your situation and he is acting as backup for your team."

"You are keeping him in charge when two of his subordinates are suspects in the abduction of Massaru?"

"All the better that he takes care of them."

Cetz bit his lips to keep himself from cussing the man out. Did his predecessor ever have such a hard time talking sense into his superiors?

"You can keep tabs on your team, listening only, and call us again if the situation worsens." The connection shut off.

Cetz growled and reached out for the coffee by Rachel. Before she could warn him, the liquid lava hit his throat.

"Godammit!" he yelled as his mouth was burned.

Rachel hissed in sympathy and held out the other, much cooler cup. "That was my cup, this one is yours."

"Thanks," he growled in a lisp. "Now I need ice."

Grant poked his head out of his workshop. "Rachel, can you come over here for a minute?"


On the stairs between the seventeenth and eighteenth floor of the Luvor hotel, there was a sharp ringing in Will's SkySprecht. As he was adjusting the range of sound he heard his name called from above. Before he registered who the voice belonged to, his gun was raised.


"Aw, sonofabitch!" said Louis through the Sprecht.

Even now the Head of Watch Security wore a suit. The jacket was open revealing shoulder holsters and a rumpled shirt, and he had a gun in his hand hanging at his side. He looked honestly stressed.

"Agent William," he acknowledged with a frown. "Do you mind?"

Will lowered his gun as he approached the landing. "Sorry."

"Is Doctor Devi alright?"

Will nodded, knowing Cetz would be able to hear him and would get the hint. "He's with Louis, safe and sound and out of the way. According to Cetz you're working with us?"

"Technically, you are working with me."

Louis piped up again. "Almost as bad an idea as yours, Will."

Will brushed back his hair, readjusting his Sprecht as he did so. His com was still ringing. "I'm trying to retrieve the BT prototype."

"Then you can join me on the way up," said Zachs, monotone as he turned to climb the stairs up.

"You're after the prototype too?"

"No." Zachs looked over his shoulder to Will, his eyes narrowed and cold. "My own men betrayed me, William. They betrayed all that I've been working for. I'm checking all floors between here and the top. You can join me until we reach your twentieth floor."

Will nodded and followed, a cold trill going down spine. Even Louis had never had such a cold look in his eyes. "I never thought you'd be so keen on vengeance."

"If that startles you, Agent William, then I am sorry."

The ringing in Will's ear leveled out and then heightened in pitch. Will hissed and cupped his ear.

"Something wrong?" asked Zachs.

"My com is acting up."

"It's not me," said Louis. "I can hear fine."

"Perhaps you need a change of battery," suggested Zachs.

"No, I can hear my team fine; it's just a sharp noise in the background."

Zachs lifted an eyebrow. "Then let's hope you can ignore it." 

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