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They say the race to happinesses is far ,but i will get there .They've written about elevators not being a way to success,i will run there.

The wind is whispering in my ears and the sun is watching over me ,the birds are cheering and cuckooing above me .This is my music ,my motivation as i run .My legs are guiding me to the end .

They say there is peace in the promise land .It is filled with milk and honey .

I will find it..

Ugly mistake I move ,it is not so very far ,I'll go .Why did i begat you ?--My knees are aching like needles piercing my bare skin and drawing my flesh ,my heart is failing .if you want to end your life ,go ahead.

I.Will.Not.Kill.You !!

The water in my eyelids are falling. This saccharine feeling falls like an avalanche on my bare body .The blisters of life tears through my skin revealing blood ,it pours .

My wanton blood pours ,it falls slowly.

Stop being so pessimistic and just die ..no one wants you here anyways .

A thorn is digging in my toe and my nails are screeching ,my arms are flying and I've been hit .

I must get to it..to peace .

Is it the wind?

My body have failed me once again ,I've been disgraced by life once again and now,i am an object of ludibrium .

The sun has closed its eyes ,i can no more hear the birds ,the grasses have stayed still waiting for my downfall.

As my forehead meets the dust ,blood erupts before meeting dry land .Earth has loosed a soul ,an ugly unimportant soul .

I cackle to my naked body just beneath me as my ineptitude has been finally revealed. Dust swallows my being ...

For i have just become air .

Word count: 312

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