twenty six

6 1 0

A bird ,a certain ave is flying and being avoided by earth .Its dying ,indeed but who cares ?--what matters is not its living or how much it spends in death. What matters is the truth ,the deadly truth.

That is hidden in a child ,a bare child running on naked dust erupting from the ground,the way it still smiles and forgets its worries just by running on the meadow and hearing laughter create wonderful voices that makes the lobe tingle ,the chest is immediately splashed and stained with wicked happiness .

Happiness where it moves away with the wind with every step taking away every piece of joy fragmented in the rough skin abolished by the rules and dignitaries of earth. Its is cruel and unlikely and just like this ave connects with this naked child both are reaching the ugly end of emersion .Both are being dealt with by the ignorance of the fruitless world we step both feets in gradually walking on puddles and staining our cover ups with dirty water .

Maybe to wash the pain away. Maybe the droplets might land perfectly to cover up the pain and instead of being clothed with enervation ,the being is called dirty .

The ave has landed on a roof. Just cooing to nothing at the middle of the night ,the heaving and dropping of its chest defines its impatience, its getting harder to continue without pairs ,there is no laughter with out the crier but why-why should really tears be the answer to such twisted verbal abuse .

The maliciousness from a drunk father and an absent mother is the correct clarity that it isn't always bed and roses .


The child won't beam forever,

Neither can it shed salty water for so long without compensation,it will compensate itself with the sweet drink coating the tongue and sweet music filling the ears .This time the noises are fading and the sleep in which reprimands have been dashed to ,is taking its own.

Are you happy now father ?--are you glad that finally I'm laying away to make a way for my tears to rush out from my eyelids .

Are you glad ?

Sure you'd be --be very happy .

Word count -372

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