twenty one

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They were days when you were gone .
I'd stay and watch the sun set hoping and waiting you might return .

They where awful days when I'd sing your favourite song hoping somehow you'd sing along .You weren't there ,so i couldn't hear your voice suit my ears .

The days went catastrophic when it'd rain and the thunder will remind me of your rage .How you hated me snoring ,how you thought i was boring,Just because maybe I'd refused to accompany you to a club or some wayward party. You said you where trapped ,trapped in my awful cage .

Weeks entwined to strings of depressed days when I'd take a walk in the park alone and I'd hear a cat meow ,you always hated cats .

They're happy days when I'll laugh and pluck a flower just to inhale the great ness, to fill me with joy .To make me happy ,to make me rejoice that i am born .

They're glad moments when I'd run in the garden and butterflies will land on my shoulders ,they reminded me of my freedom .I never felt that with you .

They're sad moment's when I'd wish I'd never met you .

I'd drown a cup of coffee ,I'd drown a bottle of liquor .I'd eat chocolates and lick Vanilla ice creams to console me .

But now i listen ,i listen to the birds in the sky .Telling me it's not Ok.

I talk to the wind and they answer me ,i laugh with the flowers as they tickle me .

I giggle on my sheets and drag them with me to the ground .So we'd roll together to the end of the vermilion wall ,just so i could bump my head and feel pain .

You went away but you didn't go alone .

You went away with me .

P.s -I still love you .

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