The Core Four

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By the time that noon had rolled around, Ben was dressed in his most well-fitting and handsome blue and gold suit waiting nervously outside of Auradon Prep with Lonnie and Fairy Godmother. Ben hadn't smiled this much or looked this nervous even in what felt like months. Lonnie stepped up next to him smiling.

"What has you in such a good mood? You've been nothing but out of it and mopey lately, but suddenly you look like you snorted a rainbow or something." Lonnie teased a little playfully. She didn't expect for Ben to suddenly become three different shades of crimson. Her eyebrow arched and she suddenly could see him in a new light. Joking aside whatever had him in a good mood might be embarrassing or very important to him.

"You know those dreams I have been having? This proclamation was one of my dreams... If these four descendants look and are named like what I think they are then maybe these dreams aren't just fantasy. Maybe they are some kind of warning or premonition or something." Ben hasn't sounded like himself in a while but right now he sounded a lot more like normal Ben. Lonnie nodded a bit catching her bottom lip between her teeth chewing on it a bit nervously when the limo bringing the new students could be coming up the drive. Ben visibly shifted nervously looking at Lonnie who gave him a reassuring nod despite not feeling reassured at all. She didn't know if any of this was a good thing but she knew she needed to support her friend. He was clearly going through a rough time a needed someone to just believe in him right now instead of questioning him like they had been doing up to that point. Swallowing her own rising worry Lonnie put on a large smile and moved onto focusing on the limo.

The limousine pulled up to a stop in front of the three and the school. The driver got out and opened the back door. Ben was holding his breath without meaning to so Lonnie did her best to put her hand on his shoulder to remind him to breathe. The first one out was who Ben knew from his dreams as Mal, daughter of Maleficent. She had purple tresses of hair, piercing green eyes, and a serious look. Her ensemble of clothing was that of purple, pink, and green leather amongst other fabrics. Ben remembered her from his dreams as the one who attempted to spell him into being her boyfriend but ultimately became one of his best friends instead. His mind seemed to soothe at his attempts to remember his dreams, face scrunching up ever so slightly with focus. The next one out was a blue-haired looking princess type he knew as Evie, Daughter of the Evil Queen. She had hair like sapphires and a matching set of clothes. Her eyes read curious but excited, bubbly even. She truly was beautiful but remembers from his dreams that her true beauty lies within her personality and heart, not just in her looks. After her Jay stepped out, a long-haired brunette boy who was the son of Jafar. He worse sleeveless scarlet and gold-colored clothing to show off his bulging biceps. If Ben were into that type of man, Ben's face would be bright red right now. Ben knew that Jay was a fun soul who would do well on any team, especially tourney.

Finally, out came a teen with black rooted frosty white hair and a black and white outfit with accents of red. His eyes were the color of amber and chocolate, they too were full of curiosity and a mild excitement. His name was Carlos De Vil, Son of Cruella De Vil and the dream boy who had snared Ben's heart. Ben audibly gasped at his appearance which drew everyone's attention immediately.

"Something wrong?" Lonnie asked with concern. Ben's face had gone a bright red now, one that he could not even hope to hide. She couldn't contain her own surprise. Ben was... blushing?! She fixed the monochromatic boy with an intense stare for a moment before looking over them all. To Lonnie they were strangers but to Ben, they were the ones haunting his dreams every night. He knew them as friends.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep!" Fairy Godmother started excitedly. Ben nodded and focused though it was clear that the Villain descendants, also known for short as VK's or Villain Kids, were more interested in the prince himself. Ben and Carlos locked eyes as Fairy godmother droned on about the school and curfews. Ben's face heated up as another blush crept onto his face despite his best attempts. He wanted nothing more than to run over to him and pull the boy into a deep longing kiss. He had to fight every urge. He didn't realize he was staring until Lonnie nudge him as it was his turn to introduce himself.

"H-hello. I'm prince Benjamin but you can just call me Ben. I know you four." He smiled handsomely which confused the four of them.

"Oh really? Who are we?" Mal piped up curiously, watching him clearly not trusting him.

"You are mal, daughter of Maleficent." He looked at each one as he went. "Princess Evie Daughter of Evil Queen," He gave her a knowing smile, in his dreams always liking to be called a princess even if her mother didn't technically have status anymore. "Jay, son of Jafar." Gave him a toothy grin. He paused looking at Carlos again, his face once again flushing a bright ruby. "And last but never least Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil..." Carlos and Ben shared a long look into one another's eyes. There was a fleeting look of recognition from the Vk's eyes before he looked away, cheeks dusted pink. Ben wanted to capture him and kiss his cheeks till they burned a fiercer red. Down Boy. Ben thought to himself know he was getting far to ahead of himself.

Mal looked at the VK's actually impressed. "So you know our names, doesn't mean you know us." Mal reiterated. Ben smirked at this and waited for Fairy Godmother to leave before speaking.

"Oh I know plenty about you. Mal, you want nothing but to prove to your mother that you have what it takes to be evil like her." Nearly all the VK's looked visibly shocked along with Lonnie who was beyond bewildered. "Evie is a whole lot more than a pretty face but she was told to get a prince who had a mother in law wing with lots and lots of mirrors." Evie's jaw completely dropped from hearing her mother's words verbatim. "Jay is a thief who steals for his dad's shop and has probably swiped stuff from the limo." Jay groaned and pulled some things from his pockets and tossed them back in the limo annoyed. "Carlos is... "Ben pauses and the two lock eyes again. "afraid of dogs... and loves chocolate. Though he probably doesn't know what it is yet." Ben let out a goofy laugh smiling.

"Oh and you all are going to try to steal Fairy Godmother's wand." Now it was the VK's turn to go stiff. They all looked at him with wide eyes, including Lonnie. She had no idea what was going on. How did he know all these strangers so well...? His dreams? Were they really premonitions or were they something else? Why did he invite them if they were going to steal the wand. She was completely lost at this point. Ben just smiled triumphantly.

"Maleficent told you to steal the wand right?" None of them moved, their plan immediately went up in smoke before it began. Mal ignored the question.

"Why did you bring us here if you knew we were going to try to steal the wand?" Carlos spoke up, making Ben feel his heart race at how wonderful his voice sounded.

"Because I know things are nicer here and you all deserve a chance to be happy."

"We don't need pity from you and your girlfriend." Mal spit at him angry that she had been caught.

"It isn't pity and she isn't my girlfriend. I'm gay." He smiled bluntly earning another round of amazed and confused looks. He locked eyes with Carlos again to find him blushing heavily now. Ben couldn't help himself any longer he strode over to Carlos and smiled, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"I know you are too." Carlos gasped softly before Jay shoved Ben away, knocking him down onto his back with a thud. Carlos frowned and shoved Jay back offering Ben a hand up.

"Don't threaten our friend." Jay hissed angrily and protectively. Carlos groaned at this and shoved Jay again once Ben was standing.

"He wasn't threatening me Jay, don't be like that." Carlos seemed annoyed that Jay felt the need to step in when he didn't even know what was going on.

"How about we get everyone set up in their dorms?" Lonnie piped up and everyone seemed to nod at how commanding she sounded despite it being a question. Lonnie turned and started leading them to the dorms. Ben followed closely behind with the VK's bringing up the rear. Lonnie gave Ben a quick look that meant "You have a lot of explaining to do." Before getting back to business.

Inside Ben was happy, he finally felt like he wasn't going insane. Sure, he had no idea what these dreams were now but it was nice to know that whatever they were they weren't fake, they were real. He was real. Carlos De Vil was real, cute, and everything Ben wanted.

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