Window of Magic

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Ben paced outside of Mal and Evie's dorm nervously. He really didn't want to have a repeat of the last time Mal peaked at whatever was going on with him, but it was inevitable. He needed help from someone who understood magic and something in his gut told him this wasn't something he could go to fairy godmother about. A lot of what Ben was doing lately was going of hunches and feelings, but he didn't have much more to go off of. This was all a bunch of guesswork and if Mal could at least answer some questions then it would be worth it. So with a held breath, Ben worked up the nerve to knock.

"Go away." Mal immediately called back. Not but seconds later Evie opened the door smiling.

"Hi, Ben. Carlos isn't here if you're looking for him." She smiles playing with her hair a bit.

"No, actually I'm here to see Mal..." Ben slowly losing his nerve as her expression turned to surprise. Evie moved out of the way and let him in. Mal looked up from her homework and groaned.

"What do you want?" She arched a thin purple eyebrow at him. He swallowed his pride and took a step forward. All his mind kept telling him was how bad of an idea this was but at the same time how it was the only idea he had.

"I need your help. I have no clue what is going on with me and I need someone who can help me figure that out. Right now you're the only person I know of that I can trust." Despite how much he didn't like this option he knew she could do it.

"So you've stopped being a wuss and finally realized you need my help? Wow. I expected to wait a whole lot longer. Does this have something to do with you passing out in the cafeteria cause that was hilarious." Mal snorts a short little laugh and grins. Ben can feel the embarrassment written across his face making her laugh more. "Alright, Alright. I'll help you. You poor pathetic thing." Normally he would make an argument but honestly, she wasn't exactly wrong. He was pretty pathetic right now, constantly plagued with what he assumed were side effects. Side effects that were making his entire life way more difficult than they needed to be.

Mal set her homework aside and pulled out her spell book and started leafing through it quickly til she found the spell she was looking for. "I suggest sitting down. If this spell reacts the same way as the first one it might be best if you don't pass out in the bathroom again." She actually seemed serious, so Ben sat down on Evie's bed quietly waiting nervously. Mal made a window with her fingers peering through it at him. "Window of magic I call to thee, open up so that I can see." As her fingers spread a thin veil of magic formed a small window in the air lined in a smoky green frame of Mal's magic. As she peered through the veil at Ben her face contorted in confusion. She looked more closely moving the window through the hair closer to him. He couldn't help but hold his breath under her vibrant green gaze. She looked unnerved and it was making Ben want to panic. Eventually, Mal waved the window away with a flick of her wrist turning it into a quickly dispersed cloud of green smoke. She just stared at him for a long moment as if gathering herself.

"So... this is complicated. I can't tell you what the big spell on you is because I can honestly say, I've never seen spell work like this. However, I do know that you have another spell on you. I believe the two spells together are creating your dreams somehow. The problem is the second spell is my magic, but I can honestly say I've never casted a spell like that in my life. I don't know what is going on with you Ben but it is beyond what I currently know. However, I did get permission to read some of the library's books on magic. I'll do some digging and see what I can come up with." Mal let out a heavy and confused sigh. Ben just sat confused and even more concerned than before. It wasn't like there was some magical guide on how to deal with all this. This just tells him that for all he knows someone very powerful cast a spell on him that's causing his dreams. So basically, he knows nothing... except he does.

"You said that one of your spells was on me... could you tell me what spell it was?" He tried to ask as kindly as possible. Mal flipped through her book slowly for a couple of minutes before opening to a spell titled, Memory Spell. She handed him the book and he looked it over. Apparently, it's a spell to alter or preserve memories from being erased. Ben was even more confused but now what she told him about the two spells creating his dreams made sense. Perhaps whatever was supposed to remember had something to do with his dreams. It definitely explained how he knew so much about the VK's and Carlos, but it didn't explain his more recent episodes. The graveyard and that dream about his death. Those didn't feel like the dreams he had been having and it unnerved him even more.

"Thank you, Mal," He handed her spell book back and stood up feeling a little light-headed. She gave a nod and motioned to the door. Ben nodded himself and headed out the door. As he was rounding the corner he bumped directly into Carlos. "Sorry... Carlos. Are you okay?" Ben asked due to the upset look on his face. The shorter of the two leaned in and hugged him tightly burying his face.

"Me and Jay are fighting at the moment and I was coming to find you to see if I could spend the night again." Carlos looked up at him with sad puppy dog eyes and Ben couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"You don't have to beg. Of course, you can spend the night. Just bring clothes so we can just get you dressed at the castle instead of getting up early to bring you back to the dorms." He said playing with Carlos' fluffy white and black hair. Carlos gestured at his backpack and grinned.

"Way ahead of you." He grinned toothily and the two headed off to Ben's Car going back to the castle for the night. 

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