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"Carlos, I know you want to do this with your boyfriend but Ben can't go," Mal stated firmly. "He doesn't know the isle like we do and there are more important reasons he can't go beyond that." Ben, Evie, Carlos, Lonnie and the rest of the Auradon Kids stood looking at Mal confused. She was well-intentioned, but she couldn't outright tell everyone why Ben couldn't go. She locked her green eyes with Ben's hazel eyes trying to will him to understand but it didn't seem to work.

"Why can't I go? I want to be there to protect Carlos... It's our fault that Jay left anyway..." Ben's face visibly falling from anger to sadness. He didn't mean to come on so strong with Carlos that Jay felt pushed out. It was inevitable though. He just wanted to be good friends with the guy not break his heart. Carlos wheeled around on Ben giving him a look.

"No, it isn't our fault, it's my fault Ben. Instead of trying to get him to understand I ran straight to the person he told me to avoid the moment we had a fight. I needed space from Jay but not this much space." Carlos sighed heavily making Ben scrunch up his face at the unintentional implication.

"Wait, are you saying coming home with me was a mistake? That last night was a mistake?" Ben could feel the pain begin in his heart and Carlos went wide-eyed not meaning that. But how was he supposed to interpret it any other way? He made it sound like being with Ben had been a mistake and that really hurt him.

"What?! No! Of course, last night wasn't a mistake. I just mean I should have tried to get him to understand my perspective beforehand so that this didn't happen." Carlos was visibly defeated. He was fucking things up left and right, but he didn't mean to. He was trying his best to fix things not make them worse. Ben took Carlos' hand and gave it a squeeze. He was overreacting a bit but it sure sounded one way but he meant it another. The black- and white-haired teen gave him a sad smile before fixing his attention back on Mal.

"I still don't understand why Ben can't go." Carlos frowned annoyed. Mal rubbed her eyes and spoke deliberately slowly to avoid snapping at him or screaming.

"Look, like it or not Ben can't go to the isle. He doesn't fit in there, he doesn't know the place like we do, he is the last person Jay probably wants to see right now, and due to pre-existing conditions, he physically cannot go without severe risk to himself." She fixed Carlos and Ben with deadly serious stares. The truth was if Ben entered that magic barrier it could cause complications to the magic spells cast on him. Both the memory spell and the bigger spell contained evil magic, her magic. It wouldn't work on the isle and could easily short out the spells. The last thing they needed was to have some catastrophe caused by Ben's spells backfiring while they tried to bring Jay back.

The only good thing for Jay was that of all the parents on the isle Jay's was the least of a threat to him. He could handle himself when it came to his father, Jafar, but that doesn't mean everyone on the isle would be happy to see him back, notably Uma and her wharf rats. Uma despised anyone who made themselves an ally or associated with Mal and her crew. The VK's were a threat to her and all over some petty childhood stuff that Uma couldn't let go of. Regardless of how it was Jay needed to come back to Auradon, it was too good of a chance for him to waste and this all would quickly feel wrong without him here.

"Fine. I won't go." Ben resigned himself rather defeated He didn't want this to get out of hand as it did in his dreams. He knew full well what those pirates were capable of and he didn't want to be at the end of their swords, that said the decision didn't sit well with Ben. Regardless of how Jay feels for Carlos or Carlos feels about whose fault it is, Ben felt guilt for Jay feeling the need to run back to the isle. To him, this was someone he knew had the potential to be like a brother to him and so far he was doing nothing but ruining that. For the moment the VK's got here Ben felt like he was mostly making mistakes with them in the attempt to kindle some kind of friendship.

"Good the last thing we need is Uma kidnapping you again." Carlos smiled a little bit at the now harmless memory. Mal and Evie made faces at each other while the Auradon Kids all looked more lost by the second.

"Again?" Lonnie asked giving Ben a look of immediate disapproval. He chuckled a bit shook his head mouthing "Dreams" to her before she slowly nodded reluctantly. She didn't like the idea of Ben getting pushed into harm's way for someone he barely knows as far as she is concerned, dreams be damned. "Alright, well if Ben can't go. I'll go instead. You guys will need help and no offense, but I can chill with you guys far better. Ben sticks out like a very princely sore thumb." All the Vk's shared looks before looking to Ben for approval. Ben couldn't help but smile, big sister Lonnie always coming in to save the day for him. For once Ben wanted to be the brave one, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Just be careful and don't kill anyone." Ben teased her making really cheesy Kung fu moves. It was an ongoing joke between them since her mother taught her to defend herself that Lonnie was some super trained Kung fu assassin that could take down anyone. Lonnie laughed and gave Ben a playful shove.

"Don't be such a dork." Lonnie teased back her smile unmistakable.

"So Lonnie is going? Totes brave. You'll need like a full makeover though" Audrey piped up making the VK's cringe at the use of the word "Totes". Auradon was still so weird to them. However, Audrey was correct about one thing. Lonnie would need to look like a VK. Evie circled the girl with a curious smirk.

"I'll handle it. No problem." Evie and Mal high fived slyly and chuckled. Turning an Auradon kid into a Villain kid would seriously be fun despite the situation.

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