Make the Trade

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"Where is Jay, Hook. We know you and your little wharf rats with Uma know where people are. Where's Jay?!" Mal growled in Harry hook's face. Harry smirked and leaned forward planting a kiss on Mal's lips making her spit on him and wipe her mouth angrily.

"None of your business love." Hook spat back at her with a devious smirk. Carlos took Mal's place and stuck his foot right on Hook's crotch grinding his foot a bit making Harry hiss and force a smirk on his face. "If you wanted to play baby, all you had to do was a-"He was cut off by Carlos grinding his heel harder into his groin making Harry groan. "Fine! Fine! We knicked Jay and have him held up at Ursula's fish and chips. Fuck just stop!" Carlos kept going for a minute before stopping and smirking and him.

"I always did have a way with you didn't I hooky?" Carlos teased him with a dangerous look in his eye that rarely did anyone sees. It was a look of bottled rage and anger that he learned from his mother. A look of a De Vil. "If you ever come after the ones I care about again. I won't use my foot next time, I'll use your own hook." He seethed and shove him back in the chair before turning to everyone else. The look in his eyes made Lonnie and even Evie flinch. Mal was cool and unbothered by it, she withstood her mother's showdowns, Carlos' glare was nothing by comparison.

"We use him as leverage. We trade hook for Jay." Mal sighs plainly. "There's not really much of any other choice and I certainly have no intention of letting him go. Leverage is to be used not wasted." Everyone seemed unbothered by this except for Lonnie. She was raised to be good and to have a heart, this felt wrong to her, but she knew this wasn't her land. This wasn't a place of honor and respect. This wasn't a place for good people. It all sickeningly slotted into place as she came to the realization of where she actually was. Up until this point this place had been mostly a curiosity to her, something interesting and fun. Now she was seeing the reality of the Isle and it was harsh. Kidnapping people, hurting them, using them for leverage, it all came with a pang of guilt for Lonnie, but she knew she couldn't complain. This is how they did things here and she had to accept that.

Mal untied Hook from the chair but kept him tied up. They led him out and down to the wharf, to Ursala's fish and chips. Once inside all of the Wharf rats and Uma stopped mocking the television and turned to the Vk's, Lonnie and the bound Hook. Uma's expression betrayed her, she was pissed. She had planned to use Jay as leverage against the VK's to get what she wanted, Fairy Godmother's wand. Her plan went smoothly but she didn't anticipate them capturing hook.

"We trade. Hook for Jay, Now." Mal demanded no longer in the mood for games, not that she ever really was. Uma growled and nodded to her wharf rats who brought out a beaten up and rough-looking Jay. Carlos gritted his teeth and lead Harry to the canter of the room where Jay was. Carlos quickly took jay and switching between the two. He pulled jay back towards the door and used one of the swords from the sword check by the door to unbind him.

"This isn't the last of me Mal. I will get what I want, one way or another." Uma hissed and the Core Four VK's plus Lonnie left for the hideout. They needed to take care of jay before they went anywhere. Carlos got their measly excuse for a first aid kit and started cleaning his scrapes and cuts. Jay hissed at the pain but didn't say anything at first. Finally, Carlos Met his eyes with a fierceness.

"Why did you run away? You idiot! You big stupid idiot. You didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. You just got all pissed of and got yourself kidnapped. If Lonnie hadn't managed to take on Harry, we wouldn't even have you here right now, who knows what that little sea witch would have wanted. You are so stupid, Jay. God." Carlos couldn't help but fume, as much as he needed to make things right with Jay there was nothing smart about what he had done. He should have known better; the Isle isn't kind to lone wolves. You find a gang or crew and you stick with them for safety not just for fun.

"Oh, I'm stupid huh? Stupid because I didn't want to be pushed to the sidelines while you went and sucked face with your little prince boy toy." Jay spat back. "I was trying to adjust to the stupid way people are in Auradon and you weren't there. You were to busy running off to lover boy every chance you got." He hissed and seethed, his face a rainbow of painful sickly colors between the anger, the bruises and the bandages his face looked more like an abstract painting of a face rather than a normal one.

"I get it, I screwed up, but you didn't want me to see Ben at all. Admit it. You were jealous because I had moved on. You don't understand what things are like between me and Ben. You don't even know what is going on. We have a history. Those dreams he has? I'm starting to remember them myself. I remember being with him, Jay. I don't even know how that is possible, but I love him and you are going to have to accept that." Carlos was red-faced with both frustration and embarrassment. He hadn't said he loved Ben like this yet and it made his heart swell despite its ache.

"Yeah, I was jealous. You know how I feel about you. I want you to be happy but so much about Ben is sketchy. I don't trust it. Something is off about him and I can't put my finger on it. I just wanted to protect you." Jay sighed heavily looking into Carlos eyes. The two shared a moment before Jay captured Carlos into a kiss. Everyone, especially Lonnie was stunned into silence. Carlos gently pushed Jay away.

"I'm sorry Jay but I just can't. I appreciate you looking out for me but I'm a big boy and can take care of myself. We need to head back anyway. Don't argue. You're coming back to Auradon. This place isn't safe." Carlos commanded and Jay's face fell but he didn't say anything just nodding. The group made their way to the limo and left the Isle behind, or so they thought. The ride back was tense and Lonnie looked conflicted. Carlos shared a look with her nodding, silently agreeing to tell Ben what happened which seemed to put Lonnie at ease. She didn't want her best friend getting hurt. Once back at Auradon Prep everyone got out except Carlos.

"You coming 'Los?" Evie asked Carlos but he shook his head. It was late and he and Jay needed time apart after everything that just happened. Evie seemed to understand and took Jay back to his dorm. Carlos asked Chip to drop him off at the castle.

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