Harry Situation

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Ben sat tied up next to a tree near the campfire the Trio of pirates had made. He had his eyes closed and was just doing his best not to think too much about what was happening to him, the threat on his life. He felt something move next to him and he peeked his eyes open long enough to see Harry had come to sit next to him, a smirk on his face as always playing with him.

"Well Hello, princey..." Harry cooed stroking his cold hook's curve gently across Ben's cheek. Ben could feel anger bubbling in his gut, he was definitely not in the mood to be flirted with.

"Harry." He replied blandly, forcing out all the mix of emotions he naturally felt for the man. Not one of them was a good thing, he didn't like Harry. Not just because of what he did to Carlos but of what he did when he was captured in his dreams. Ben knew some part of his dreams was real and the last thing he wanted was to be groped and possibly more by some hook wielding pirate with no sense of self-respect. Harry flirted with anyone who would entertain him, but Ben didn't want to entertain him, he was a taken man with enough self-respect not to flirt with anything with a pulse. So a silence fell between the two of them an uncomfortable one as Harry seemed to read the unpleased expression on Ben's face.

"What am I not good enough for you? High and mighty too above the isle to find us attractive." Harry's ego seemed a little bruised by Ben's obvious unwillingness to flirt with him.

"I'm taken and you aren't my type," Ben said coldly not really giving a single care for the flirtatious pirate's feelings. He was being held hostage in exchange for the power to take over the kingdom. Was he serious right now?

"It is cause I'm from the isle isn't it?" Harry spat out angrily earning Gil and Uma's attention now.

"No. My boyfriend is from the isle. I just don't like you, Harry." Ben glared at him and Uma actually seemed intrigued by this, the prince of Auradon in love with someone from the isle.

"Who?" she asked getting up and stalking over in her carefree way, similar to jay. Ben bit his lip, he wasn't really wanting to share this information because it could come to bite him in the ass but they waited for him to speak. With a heavy sigh, he looked at Uma ignoring the look from Harry that made him feel sick.

"Carlos De Vil," Ben replied, and Uma's eyebrows rose in surprise before looking to Harry.

"Leave the hostage alone Harry, we don't want spoiled goods." She almost for a second looked like she had some respect for Ben. It was a strange feeling, but Harry reluctantly moved away leaving him alone again. All Ben could think about now was Carlos and being back with him, whole and safe. He didn't want anything to happen to him. In his dreams, he would willingly give his life to protect Carlos and the same rang true for now. Ben would do anything to keep Carlos safe. He loved him more than anything.

Meanwhile back at the Mal and Evie's dorm the five of them, the VK's plus Lonnie were sitting around while the fake wand finished being made. "Let's go over the plan one more time," Lonnie recommended and reluctantly everyone nodded, they wouldn't have a second chance to do this.

"So the plan is, we get Fairy Godmother to bless this wand with a trap spell disguised as raw magic. When we give Uma the wand, she uses the wand triggers the trap and we get Ben. While Uma is trapped, we round the three pirates up and take them back to the isle. Simple, clean, and without fail." Mal said calmly, "Easy peasy."

"Not really... what if Uma wants proof that the wand is real?" Lonnie askes and everyone frowns. They hadn't thought of that.

"We just have to hope she will take us on our word, besides she should be able to sense the magic coming from the wand as real. As long as we use the magic from Fairy Godmother the fake should seem almost identical to the real one." Mal argues in hopes of calming everyone.

"If anything goes wrong our priority should be getting Ben to Carlos so the two can run away to safety. If we need to, I'm sure we can fight them as long as they don't have leverage." Jay pipes us from being quiet. Him being supportive of Carlos and Ben comes as a kind of a shock to everyone. 'What?" He says awkwardly exchanging glances with everyone.

"We just don't exactly expect you to be on team Ben after everything you know?" Evie mentions shrugging apologetically. Jay shrugs back a bit sighing.

"When I got my memories of everything back, I realized that if time had not rewound Carlos and I would have never dated. He was never mine, to begin with. It put things in perspective, I guess. I don't know dude. I'm just trying to do the right thing." He shrugged and Carlos smiled a little bit giving Jay a small side hug. Evie and Lonnie made cute noises at the two boys' friendship. Carlos rolled his eyes and Jay flushed a bit.

"Now isn't exactly the time to be acting all cute. So what's the backup plan?" Carlos said seriously, not wanting to leave anything to chance, this was Ben's life and he wouldn't want anything to take him away again like last time.

"If worse come to worse we let Uma remove the spell and hope for the best. If she removes the spell the backlash should knock her unconscious. The only downside is it could kill Ben in the process. It's only a last resort but we have to be prepared for that reality." Mal frowns and everyone seems grim as Evie's timer on her phone goes off.

"Wand should be ready... Let's do this." Evie says getting up to go get the wand. It was now or never.

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