Day at the Mall

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Ben pulled up out front of the school and pulled his phone out texting Carlos. "I'm here." Within five minutes the four VK's walked out of the school and crawled into the car. Carlos obviously crawled into the passenger seat while the other three climbed into the back. "Hey guys" Ben smiled and was only met with luke warm receptions from Jay and Mal. While Evie and Carlos gave much cheerier hello's. Ben started driving and before long the group pulled into Auradon's number one Mall. It was a multi-story building busy with people. Ben parked and got out, the VK's following suit and he lead them into the Mal. Ben took a second to look at the Mall map, going to point out the best ways to get to different stores but when he turned around everyone but Carlos was already wandering off. Carlos gave him an apologetic smile.

"I was going to warn you that they were probably going to go off on their own but it was a little too late." His smile was bright as he let loose a couple chuckles. Ben blushed a little embarrassed shrugging.

"Guess it is just you and me then huh? Unless... you wanted to go off on your own too?" Ben secretly hoped he didn't but he wasn't going to force Carlos to hang out with him, he probably already came off kind of desperate, he didn't need to add to that. Thankfully, Carlos came over and hooked their arms together and grinned toothily.

"You're stuck with me. Where do you want to go?" Carlos was faking a funny accent that Ben mimicked.

"I don't know good sir, where would you like to go?" Ben and Carlos started laughing with each other as they set off into the mall. Ben took him around to the different stores, buying him a new phone case that was black and white, some matching headphones, even a brand-new laptop for him to do his school work on. Ben was pretty much spoiling Carlos rotten, but he didn't seem to mind. He just wanted to give him everything he knew he couldn't have back on the isle. The first time they actually slowed down was in a little ice cream shop. Ben ordered a big triple chocolate sundae for them to share with peanut butter and caramel drizzle. He wasn't really surprised when Carlos ended up eating nearly all of it. He knew from his dreams it would be his favorite. He knew so much about the things that Carlos liked that at times it seemed a little eerie that he knew exactly what to pick for Carlos. He didn't seem to mind at all since a lot of this was a new experience for him, they don't have ice cream on the isle.

"You really liked that didn't you?" Ben teased wiping Carlos' mouth off with a napkin removing a decent amount of smeared chocolate ice cream. Another fact about him that remained true from his dreams was how much of a messy eater he was. Carlos couldn't help but blush at the gesture and Ben smiled charmingly.

"Guess you can't take me anywhere." Carlos joked cleaning the spoon off with his tongue. Ben got lost for a second watching his tongue lick up the sundae off the spoon. Carlos smirked and carefully sucked it clean before setting it back in the dish letting out a soft pleased moan. "Mmm that was really good." He teased but Ben's eyes were glazed over and his face was now a bright shade of crimson. Carlos cleared his throat and Ben snapped back to reality.

"Huh what? Sorry I kind of zoned out there for a second..." Ben's face was riddled with shame and embarrassment. Carlos tilted his head a little amused and rested his chin on his palm.

"I was just saying how good the sundae was... Ben, I was just curious, how matured was our relationship in your dreams?" The question nearly knocked the wind out of Ben. He wasn't really prepared for this line of questioning.

"M-matured? What exactly do you mean by that?" Carlos smirked and gave him a somewhat sassy look of "You know exactly what I mean". Ben swallowed hard and bit his lip locking eyes with Carlos.

"Very. We were together in my dreams for what I'd guess would be two years. I only know because I had dreams of two separate Christmas times with you as a couple..." Ben shrugged trying to play it off innocently but Carlos seemed to want to push.

"Ben, am I supposed to pretend like you didn't just nearly drool over me licking a spoon? Cause it was actually really kind of cute." Carlos teased with a playful wink making Ben's cheeks burn.

"God, I'm so sorry. I'm doing my best to control myself. I probably seem kind of desperate." Ben deflated a little looking down ashamed, but Carlos lifted his chin and smiled warmly, making Ben's inside's all fuzzy.

"No. I like it. It's flattering and kind of hot to have a guy so completely smitten with me Ben. I told you I liked you and I meant it." Ben perked up at this and nodded. "Besides, on the isle being like us isn't exactly welcome. It's seen as a weakness and people over there exploit weakness. He sounded really hurt saying it as if someone had done that exactly to him. Ben already knew all about Harry Hook.

"I'm sorry about Harry..." Ben frowned, and Carlos seemed surprised that he knew that name. Carlos' expression scrunched up into disgust. "Sorry I didn't mean to bring up any sore spots. I just... I know everything Carlos... It's kind of hard to navigate this pretending not to know." Carlos seemed to understand and nodded with a small smile.

"Guess that just means I don't have to explain it. Which is good because I don't think I'd want to anyway. So enough of that. Can we go watch a movie?" Ben nodded and the two headed into the movie theater They got popcorn and drinks and settled into comfortable seats that even reclined. Carlos pushed the arm rest between them back and slid over cuddling into Ben. Ben draped his arms around Carlos and the two settled into the movie. Ben couldn't help thinking about Harry Hook. When he had met him in his dreams under less than ideal circumstances it all sort of became clear the type of guy he was. A Sexually fluid pirate who used his charm and good looks to seduce and lower peoples guard before going in for the kill. He had tried it on Ben but it didn't work very well. Ben was pulled out of his thoughts by Carlos looking into his eyes. Ben smiled and met his gaze. The movie was nearly over but Carlos didn't seem to be invested. He was more interested in Ben right now.

Carlos carefully slid a hand up to Ben's cheek before leaning in to kiss him on the lips. The kiss was slow and gentle, but the feelings it stirred and the intensity of it was beyond anything either had felt before. Ben was momentarily overwhelmed, deepening the kiss a little bit and nipping at his bottom lip as the sweet kiss turned into something naturally more passionate. When they separated they both seemed a little surprised but both grew giant grins as the movie ended.

By the time they walked out Jay, Mal, and Evie were already waiting for them to leave. They headed back to Auradon Prep and Ben parked letting everyone climb out. Carlos hesitated as his friends headed inside together, he looked at Ben. "Mind if I come back with you and try out your bed? You said it was super comfy..." Carlos questioned nervously. Ben seemed surprised and nodded. They set off for the castle and Ben lead him inside.

Once they were to Ben's room he was secretly thankful for the maids picking up his room as it had been a complete mess before. Carlos smiled and jumped onto Ben's bed sprawling out sighing in relief.

"I didn't think anything could get better than the dorm beds but oh my god..." Carlos chuckled a bit rolling around on the previously perfectly made bed. Ben slid onto the bed next to him and laid on his side watching Carlos. His mind surprisingly hadn't gone to the more inappropriate places of his mind but was rather caught up with the moment. Carlos was with him alone on his bed. They were together and his heart thumped in his chest reminding him how much he truly felt for this boy. Carlos seemed to notice him staring and smirked.

"Zoning out on me again?" Carlos teased making Ben squirm at the implications.

"No... I just still can't believe it is you and that you are here with me... I'm just happy." Ben grinned and kissed his cheek. He nodded back at Ben.

"You don't mind me staying the night do you?" Carlos was already crawling underneath the covers to get comfy. Ben laughed and shook his head.

"You're always welcome to stay here Carlos." Ben got up slipping into his pajamas in the private bathroom. By the time he came out Carlos was out like a light, snoring softly, snuggled up with Ben's pillow. He slid into bed with him and pulled his head onto Ben's chest before being lulled to sleep himself by the comfort of having his dream boy so close.

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