Just A Dream

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Uma, Harry, and Gil were taken by Mal and Fairy Godmother back to the Isle and locked back under the barrier. The details of what had happened to the prince were kept under wraps to keep the public from panicking over something that had already been dealt with.

Carlos and Ben initially were inseparable from the moment that Ben was cleared by Fairy Godmother as to being healthy and whole. They headed back to the castle and curled up in bed together cuddling. Carlos had his head on Ben's shoulder as his chest had a nasty bruise forming from the CPR. It wasn't long before Ben fell asleep in the comfort of Carlos's embrace.

Ben stood at an altar before the entire kingdom with Carlos' hands in his own. "I do" Ben smiled eyes watering as he pulled Carlos in for a kiss as Fairy Godmother announced them as husbands. It was a beautiful moment that was followed by images of a honeymoon across the kingdoms just the two of them. Everything was peaceful and beautiful as Carlos was backlit by a sunset, half-naked and looking like an angel. "Ben" He called out lovingly. "Oh, Benny Boo," Carlos said again and Ben woke up.

Carlos sat smiling in the early hours of the morning, far too early for either of them to be awake. He smiled and snuggled up into Ben's neck. "What were you dreaming about you were making noises in your sleep." He chuckled and Ben smiled actually finally feeling rested for the first time in what felt like months.

"I was dreaming about us Pup... Us getting married and going on our honeymoon." Ben ran his fingers through lover's hair. Carlos seemed quiet for a moment before sitting up.

"I don't remember that happening?" He looked down at Ben a little surprised before he shook his head realizing what Carlos was thinking.

"No, it wasn't one of those dreams. It was just a normal dream. There were no feelings like it was a memory... it's more of a hope." Ben smiled sitting up to pull Carlos into a loving kiss. He let the kiss run away with them a bit, getting a little heated and just loving each other before they parted Carlos smiling.

"You want to marry me? Me? Carlos De Vil? You sure you really want a future with me, my prince?" Carlos actually seemed surprised and a little confused.

"Yes. Yes, you Carlos De Vil. I want to marry you someday. Don't feel rushed we finally just got back together... it was just a dream." He sounded content to leave it at that, pulling Carlos into another loving kiss that the two of them cherished, it was nice to just simply be in love without any stress. Just two young men falling in love together.

"But you don't get dreams, right? Or are you having normal dreams now?" Carlos seemed curious and Ben just shrugged a bit.

"I guess when Uma removed the spell it stopped the dreams from happening somehow?" He didn't really seem to care about the answer too much, he cared about living in the moment and appreciating that. Carlos seemed to understand but still wanted answers. She removed a major spell from him and the only side effect seemed to be him practically dying. It was a major consequence but apparently, the dreams were to.

"Actually... now that you bring it up a lot of the dream memories are a lot fuzzier... I can still remember them but they aren't as clear as before. The only ones that are still clear are the ones about you." Ben's face scrunched up a bit as he tried to recall things now. He heard it for the first time in a long time "Don't forget." He looked surprised looking at Carlos who smiled warmly.

"I said don't forget babe. I won't forget either. I love you and I don't want you to forget about us. We got two extra years to be together and learn about our relationship. Not many people get that kind of thing." Ben felt tears prickle at the corners of his eyes as he smiled. This was everything he wanted right here. He loved Carlos and that was all that mattered to him.

Within an hour the two had nestled back to sleep but were later reawaken by Ben's phone alarm for school. Ben groaned and Carlos yawned smiling.

"You know, Fairy Godmother might let us get today off for everything that happened yesterday. I mean you did nearly die." Carlos reasoned and Ben thought for a second before pulling out his phone and calling the school. Without surprise, Fairy Godmother agreed to give the two of them the day off school due to special circumstances. The two nestled back into bed wide awake now but trying to go back to sleep.

"What are we going to do with a whole day to ourselves?" Ben asked perking his head up at an angle to look at Carlos's face. He stuck his tongue out at Ben playfully and smiled.

"I'm not leaving this bed unless I have to, all day. I don't know what you plan to do my prince but I am now in a committed relationship with this bed. Ben scoffed dramatically and chuckled.

"I've been replaced by a bed... why does this not surprise me one bit knowing you?" Ben laughed with Carlos who shrugged.

"It's less a replacement and more of an addition. Besides no one could replace you, my prince. Even if you had... gone... yesterday you would never be that easily forgotten. I love you more than any extremely comfortable plushy bed." Carlos forced a smile, the events of the day prior clearly replaying painfully in his head again. Ben rolled over on top of Carlos attacking him with kisses making him squeal and giggle till Ben stopped.

"I think I know what I'm going to do today," Ben said huskily and nipped at Carlos's ear. His face went bright red looking up at Ben with a small smirk.

"Want me to beg?" Carlos teased pulling Ben down into a deep kiss rolling him back over so Carlos was on top of Ben now. That's how they spent the first day of Ben's freedom from the past. They spent it together and in love. Ben wasn't alone anymore, and his heart didn't ache. It swooned knowing that as long as he had Carlos he would never forget and their love would never be forgotten.

(A/N: Next story is Love is a Battlefield. Just a reminder. Please let me know what you thought of this story. <3 I hope you liked it.  I love you all <3.

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