Morning Worries

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Ben and Carlos sat on the carriage going to his coronation. Ben was nervous but Carlos looked disturbed. Ben took his hands in his own and slipped his golden ring onto Carlos finger with a smile.

"Everything is going to be okay Carlos. I promise." He kissed his hand to comfort him but Carlos didn't seem very comforted by it. "What's wrong?" He finally asked concerned, usually, his touch and kiss would ease his spirits but for one reason or another, they didn't.

"I just have a really bad feeling about this Ben, is it too late to reschedule?" Ben couldn't help but let out a confused and amused chuckle.

"Carlos, this event took months to plan pup. We can't just reschedule it." He leaned in a kissed his love gently in an attempt to soothe his concern. "Everything will be fine, even if I make a complete fool of myself somehow. I know things will work out." Ben gave him one of his beaming smiles to ease his nerves.

"Ben... I should..." Carlos paused for a second before sighing and forcing a smile. "Alright... I believe you." He leaned over and kissed his cheek. Ben's smile grew bigger. They arrived not long after and when Fairy Godmother anointed Ben with her wand to crown him king, Jane snatched it from her in an attempt to make herself beautiful. Carlos snatched the out of control wand from the girl and everyone was suddenly staring, Ben most of all.

"Give me the wand Carlos..." Ben's own voice hinted with concern despite his attempts to sound soothing.

"Stay back," Carlos begged holding the wand pointed at him as the other VK's came running. Everything seemed to be going so fast. Carlos looked so lost and afraid, Ben just wanted to save him, to protect him.

Ben sat up in bed with another night of cold sweats and dreams. He had had that dream before. He knew how it ended. He hoped that it would be the same result if the VK's tried it again this time. After last night Ben believed in Carlos, he wanted to try being more than friends with time, how could he not believe in him? However, the thought that this time might be different made his stomach fill with unease, maybe he was making a huge mistake. He shook those thoughts from his mind and got up to shower, shave and, get dressed. He checked his phone; sure enough, Carlos had texted him.

"Good Morning Ben. I hope you slept well, I did, the beds are so comfy here. I bet your bed is super comfy." Ben chuckled to himself at how adorable Carlos could be in his sincerity and texted back.

"Good Morning Carlos, I slept okay. Yes, my bed is pretty comfy, you can come take a nap on it sometime and see for yourself." Despite the possibly less than innocent thoughts he could have of Carlos in his bed, Ben would be more than content to cuddle up with him and just spend some hours napping together.

"Don't tempt me Ben, a nap always sounds good to me. Got any plans for today?" Carlos texted back again remembering the dreams where Carlos would simply want to nap in the middle of school. Despite how irresponsible it was, it was also pretty damn cute to see him sleeping behind his textbook. Carlos looked damn near angelic when he slept, Ben knew that as a fact but when he naps, he likes to curl up like a dog or puppy and nestle his head just right to get comfortable. In some of his dreams, Carlos preferred Ben's chest or shoulder to a pillow which always made it that much more heartwarming.

"No, not really, I could show you around town and maybe take you and the VK's shopping. I saw Evie working on some outfit designs in her room, we could pick her up some fabrics. Or I could take you to go see a movie or something... It's totally okay if you don't want to though. You just got here and I want you to do the things you want to do, so if I can help in any way let me know..." Ben couldn't deny that he secretly hoped to spend more time with Carlos today, it was a weekend after all and tomorrow meant school again. He figured if he were going to ask, he might as well ask now and kick himself later.

"Sure all of that sounds like a lot of fun, we should bring the other VK's cause I don't know what material that Evie needs and they would enjoy a movie too. We haven't really seen a lot of movies on the isle. There's not much there beyond Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Arcade and even then, that's more for the younger villain kids." Ben couldn't help but be a tiny bit disappointed that it wasn't just the two of them, but he wanted to make friends with all the VK's, so he wasn't completely disappointed.

"Can you ask them if they want to come for me? I'm gonna grab breakfast and speak with my parents before I come over to pick you guys up okay? Text me if plans change. Okay?" Ben texted back heading down the stairs to breakfast, his parents already sitting enjoying their favorites. Belle always enjoyed slices of baguette with jam, tea, and on occasion some eggs. Adam preferred a heartier meal in general. Ben's simple eggs, toast, and bacon were waiting for him. He slipped into his seat when Carlos text back.

"Alright my prince. See you in a bit." Ben couldn't help but blush and smile as he started to eat.

"Someone seems to be doing a lot better." Belle smiled cheerily behind her cup of breakfast tea. Ben's blush turned crimson and he smiled in return nodding.

"I've made plans to spend the day with the VK's, I mean the villain descendants." Ben corrected not knowing if his parents even knew what VK meant. Belle and Adam shared a look that made Ben want to groan but instead he focused on his meal. He wasn't going to let his parents judging his decisions or whatever get him down. He was too happy about spending time with the VK's and Carlos to really care.

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