Escaping the Isle

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Uma was furious, she was fuming with rage as the VK's left the fish and chips shop with Jay in tow. It wasn't fair, everything was going so well until Hook messed up. "Damn it, Harry! I was this close to getting what I wanted. This close to forcing the VK's to get me the magic wand. Why did you have to go and blow it?!" She screamed at him. Harry was to busy adjusting the bag of ice on his crotch sighing.

"That one lass that came with them fought off me and half the crew on her own. It isn't like we were prepared to fight someone like that. I'm sorry captain." Harry groaned. She wanted to continue to be mad at him, she was but seeing how much discomfort he was in felt like punishment enough for now.

Uma needed a new plan, with Jay safe and sound the VK's would most likely be heading back to Auradon somehow. That was it. They had to be leaving through the barrier which means they have a way of getting out. If they can get out then that means so can she. It wasn't foolproof, but it was a better idea than being stuck here.

"Harry and Gil, come with me. We're getting off this miserable rock." Uma growled and lead her first and second mates to the barrier where the bridge spans. "Hide. When the barrier opens, we dive through. Be ready to swim." Uma commanded and they did just that. Uma hid behind some barrels, Hook dipped behind a tarp over some wooden pallets and Gil hid inside an open barrel. They waited there for nearly half an hour before the limo drove by, opening the barrier with it. On their cue, the three sprang out after the limo and dove through the closing hole in the barrier.

Immediately Uma could feel the swell of magic within her and she used it to speed their travel across the water by summoning waves to push them along as they swam to shore. Free. Free was the only thing on Uma's mind. The wind was clear, the air was clean, the place was beautiful, and no one would send her back. The trio of pirates regrouped and climbed the hill towards the forest. There were berry bushes and trees full of fruit. The pirates took all that they could carry and walked deeper into the forest to make camp. Uma used her magic to create a fire when the group was having trouble.

They were all sitting around the campfire, bellies full of fresh fruits. "So what's the actual plan Uma? We left the ship and the crew back on the Isle?" Harry questioned quietly as Gil had already been passed out.

"Revenge. It's always revenge but whatever we do we aren't going back to the Isle. I'd rather die than spend another day suffering on the pitiful rock while we survive off table scraps from this place. It's too good here and I'm not going back." Uma insisted and Harry nodded along, he almost always agreed with Uma. The two curled up together and spend the night sleeping by the fire.

In the morning the fire was out and the group had a fresh hunger in their stomachs. They got up and went to the nearest town, subtly stealing food as they went. They stuck out like sore thumbs but that wasn't too much of a big deal for now. Uma stopped and asked for directions while Harry and Gil swiped anything not nailed down that looked like food. They took their haul out of town following directions to the museum of Auradon where Fairy Godmother's wand was left. Why she didn't keep it on her person at all times was beyond Uma but that just made things easier, or so she thought.

They ate while they walked, eventually making it to the museum by night and they broke in using Uma's magic. It took a couple of tries as she was still adjusting to using it before capturing the guard, tying him up and gagging him before sprinting up and around the museum looking for the wand. They came upon the hall of villains only to see their parent's likeness on display. Ursula was casting a spell, Hook was fighting with Peter Pan, and Gaston was attempting to shoot the beast, the current king.

"Do you ever think our parents would be proud of us?" Gil asked innocently before Uma scoffed fixing her mother's statue with a look of supreme disdain.

"Of course not. They're villains and we don't need them. We never needed them before and they sure as hell never cared about us." Uma spat before turning and dragging the two of them with her. They made their way to where the wand was. Uma looked at how it was floating and tilted her head. Definitely there were some kind of protections. Before she could stop him, Gil slipped past the railing and dove for the wand setting off an alarm and getting knocked back by a forcefield.

"Damn it, Gil!" Uma hissed grabbing him by the ear and hoisting him up. She felt like a mother scolding her children and she hated it. She groaned and motioned for them to follow as they sprinted back outside as quickly as possible fleeing the scene. The last thing they needed was to get caught when they didn't even make progress towards any plan. The idea of just flat out stealing the wand was bust. The only other plan that Uma could come up with was that they needed something to trade for the wand. They needed something just as valuable that they could bargain with, it was the only idea she had, and it frankly wasn't a great one. She knew how slim of a chance that they could pull this off was, but she had to try. What's the point of getting off the isle if she can't also get what she came for? No one would stop her and if they did, she would rather go down trying then hiding like cowards in a forest.

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