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It was just after dinner when Ben's phone vibrated, It was a number he didn't recognize. Without much to go on he opened the message.

"Hey Ben, It's Mal. We need to talk." The message read. Ben quickly grabbed his jacket and texted back.

"On my way. Be at the dorms in fifteen minutes." He quickly slipped the blue leather jacket on and slipped his cell in the pocket. He wasn't really thinking but something about this whole situation told him he needed to take a leap of faith. He hopped into his car and drove back to the school heading to the dorms. Instead of going right towards the boys dorms he hung a left and went into the girls wing of the dorms. He remembered Mal's dorm from the sheet earlier and headed up to door number fourteen. He gave a quick knock before Evie opened the door and pulled him in by the front of his jacket. Mal sat on her bed flipping through her spell book looking frustrated. Evie went back to her mirror to check her makeup for a second before sitting on her bed with a bubbly and giggly smile.

"Hi Ben." Evie smiled playing with her a hair a little bit. It didn't exactly seem flirty but rather a habit of hers. Ben smiled and waved at her before turning to Mal with a look of confusion.

"You wanted to talk to me Mal?" Ben's voice semi serious but trying to sound less than he meant it. Mal looked up at him from her spell book before groaning.

"How did you know about mother's plan." Oh... this. He was hoping for something else.

"It's complicated... Let's just say it's a secret. Why does it bother you so much?" Ben tilted his head looking at her with a mix of curiosity and concern. It was a reasonable thing to be curious about all things considered but it didn't exactly warrant that she call him here to talk about it.

"Fine, let me cut to the chase because I'm already sick of this cryptic bullshit." Mal started crossing her arms." Since I left the isle there's something going on with the magic around Auradon and I can feel it. I don't know what the hell is going on but it is some seriously strong shit. Now I'm no expert but the fact that suddenly you know everything about us and there's some major magical malfunction going on I'm going to assume the two are connected. So what the fuck did you do Ben." She snapped at him in a way that made Evie frown. She didn't seem to know that any of this was going on until now. Ben shrugged looking confused and frustrated.

"Look Mal. I'm not magical, I can't do magic and I don't like magic to begin with. I had someone try to slip me a magicked cookie once and I haven't trusted magic since. So frankly, I don't know what you are talking about. You should ask Fairy Godmother not me." Ben tried to keep calm but her attitude was already wearing down his patience.

"That's the thing. I did. She told me that there was nothing wrong with the magic and that it was probably me adjusting but I'm not stupid. I've read countless books on magic from the isle and I know what magic is supposed to be like. You in particular are giving off a very strong flux of magic. So even if you don't know it someone spelled you or something. So whatever you aren't telling me. Spill the fucking beans and get over yourself." Mal demanded, Evie went to say something but Mal glared at her and she shut her mouth. Ben furrowed his brows even more infuriated and confused. He didn't like the way Mal was talking to him but at the same time he had to admit with all the dreams and visions he was seeing something was reasonably going on. However, the main problem was that he didn't trust her enough to tell her yet. The only person he would happily open up to was Carlos and even then Carlos would think he is crazy. No way is he going to ruin his first impressions with his dream boy for Mal.

"I can't tell you what is going on because honestly I don't even know myself okay. All I can tell you is that I know things I probably shouldn't. Okay?" He was being honest, though omitting quite a bit at the same time. Mal seemed to appraise him before flipping through her spell book three more pages till she seemed to find what she was looking for. Ben looked at her worriedly. "Mal... don't." Ben said backing away hesitantly. Mal just glared and picked the book up.

"Beware forswear reveal the magic hidden there."She wove her finger in a swishing motion before magic swam around Ben's head and heart. It was a mix of magic and colors that made Ben feel nauseated. He didn't know what was going on but he gagged a bit and ran into the girl's bathroom throwing up in their toilet. The voices were back, Carlos, Mal, and his own all yelling now in his head so loud it hurt.

"DON'T FORGET BEN" Ben sobbed at the pain clutching his head. Evie came running in to grab ahold of him looking at Mal. The sapphire haired girl was speaking but Ben couldn't hear anything. Before he could even gather what was happening it all went black.

Voices, the first thing he noticed besides the blackness of his eyes shut were people talking softly.

"What the fuck Mal. What did you do to him?" It was Carlos' voice. Mal groaned and seemed to pace.

"I only casted a spell to read the magic around your dumb ass prince and the spell rebounded. Whatever happened to him magically, it stronger than anything I've even heard of. The only thing even close is the barrier around the isle." Mal rationalized. Ben opened his eyes when he felt someone grab his hand. Carlos was sitting next to him on Evie's bed looking down at him. Their eyes locked and Ben practically swooned. Carlos was backlit by the light on the ceiling, but it only served to make the boy look completely angelic. Carlos smiled softly squeezing his hand.

"Hey sleepy. You feeling better?" Carlos genuinely seemed to care and for a moment he forgot he wasn't dreaming. He squeezed his hand back and smiled weakly.

"Now that you are here, I feel a lot better." Ben was smooth enough that the blush that rose onto Carlos' cheeks only motivated Ben to sit up enough to kiss his cheek, deepening the blush. Mal audibly gagged and scoffed.

"Now I think I'm gonna vomit. Could you not?" Mal whined and Evie just giggled giddily.

"S-sorry... " Ben backstepped but Carlos shook his head still holding his gaze with his chocolate irises.

"It's fine, I'm glad you are okay." Carlos and Ben smiled at the same time making them both chuckle. Jay just sat glaring not seeming to like this at all. Ben swung his feet around to sit up next to Carlos looking at Mal.

"I heard you say what happened to the spell... I really don't like people using magic on me, especially you Mal. I can't tell you why but I really don't like when you use magic on me." Ben gave her a serious look.

"Oh don't be such a little priss. It was one measly little magic identifying spell. Big whoop. Now untwist your knickers and tell us what the hell is going on." Mal gave him a harsh look. Ben looked over at Carlos who nodded.

"Please Ben?" Carlos asked with big puppy-like eyes. Fuck, was all Ben could think to himself knowing there was no resisting him.

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