Bittersweet Embrace

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"Yes, In my dreams we were in a relationship Carlos." Ben could barely say his heart pounding like a jackhammer in his chest.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Carlos tilted his head in confusion making him look like a curious puppy. It was one feature of his that Ben always appreciated in his dreams.

"I didn't want to freak you out or make you think I was crazy. I also didn't want to assume you would be interested in me just because of my dreams." Ben shrugged looking down at the slightly shorter male. Carlos shook his head smiled at him looking up slightly at him.

"From the moment I saw you I felt I knew you from somewhere for a reason. I think this is that reason, Ben. I may not know you like you know me but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot. I know it's a lot to take in today for both of us but I do like you Ben, and those chocolates were really good. Thank you." Carlos leaned up slightly and kissed his cheek. For a moment, Ben's lungs forgot how to breathe, how to consume oxygen. That small kiss may not have been the full scope of what he wanted but he took it. This one small gesture he took and placed in his heart, cherishing the warmth that his lips felt like on his cheek. Ben's face ignited into a crimson flush and Carlos smirked.

"All that from one small kiss huh? You're cute when you blush." Carlos winked a little bit and turned to leave. Ben gasped and surged forward wrapping his arms around Carlos before he got too far just hugging him from behind. Carlos hugged his arms a little surprised but not complaining. Ben rested his head on Carlos' shoulder and nuzzled it into his hair, smelling for real now the scent from his dreams, the one uniquely Carlos that smelled of fresh earth and nature with a hint of something musky and completely Carlos. It was such a small thing but it mattered to much to him how many times he could swear he almost smelled it but couldn't quite.

"You don't know what it has been like falling in love with someone you never met... It's been so hard. I don't expect anything right away. Just... can I hold you for a bit?" Ben practically begged, his voice was small and sincere. Carlos let out a goofy laugh and bubbled with his own personal brand of joy.

"Of course Ben. I'm glad I'm here now for us to try. I don't know what your dreams are from but we will figure it out together." Carlos caressed his arms as Ben continued to hold him from behind. He was so overwhelmed with joy right now that tears began to trickle from Ben's eyes til he was fully sobbing into Carlos shoulder. It was such a bittersweet thing, this moment, it gave him everything he wanted yet still held it out far enough from him that it wasn't his yet. He wasn't mad about it just a little frustrated and plenty overjoyed. All the feelings he had been bottling down for the past months now surfaced and Ben was drowning in them. Carlos turned around and pulled him down into a proper hug, rubbing his back and keeping him close. "Shhh... it's okay Ben. I'm here. You're gonna be okay." Carlos soothed and Ben couldn't stop the vulnerable whimper that came from his lips.

It took a bit of cooing from Carlos to finally stop the tears coming from Ben. "God I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to unload like that onto you. I just was so happy that you are here that I got a little overwhelmed." He admitted honestly, not seeing a point in lying about his emotions at this point. Carlos smiled warmly in that way that makes Ben feel fuzzy inside.

"It's okay Ben. I'm happy that you're happy. I kind of am pretty tired though... see you tomorrow maybe?" Carlos asked and Ben nodded sniffling a little bit still.

"Text me" Ben did his best to give his most handsome smile. Carlos was dusted with a soft blush returning his smile and nodding.

"Goodnight My Prince." Carlos teased over his shoulder heading back towards his dorm. Ben flushed again feeling more happy tears prickle at the corners of his eyes. He whispered to himself.

"Goodnight My Pup." It was what they called each other in his dreams as pet names. My prince and my pup were well known to him and without meaning to Carlos had just used it making Ben's heartache with bittersweet joy even more. After taking a moment to compose himself Ben went back to his car and headed back to the castle.

Meanwhile, Fairy Godmother sat across from King Adam and Queen Belle. Fairy Godmother was looking tenser and worn with age than she usually does. King Adam was slightly frazzled and Queen Belle was quite upset.

"We shouldn't have let him make that proclamation. You know the closer he gets to those four the more we risk everything. That spell was a one-time thing and there's already side effect. Our son is barely acting himself these days. We can't jeopardize everything like this." Belle was furious with her husband and Fairy Godmother for letting this happen.

"Belle, love, I know you want to protect him, and we will do our best but we have to let him have some space. If we denied his proclamation, there may never have been hope for him to get better. At least with Carlos and those VK's here maybe he'll turn around." King Adam attempted to soothe his wife. Fairy Godmother's frown deepened, and she looked at the two.

"We have another problem. Mal seems to have noticed the remaining ripples from the spell. They will dissipate with time, but she is already suspicious. I'll keep an eye on her but so far things seem fine aside from the side effects.

Once Ben was back to his room, he picked up his phone as it vibrated. "Hey Ben, I just figured I'd text you now, so you have my number it's Carlos." Ben smiled and stroked his thumb over the words on his phone longingly before texting back.

"Thanks, Carlos. Sweet Dreams." Ben stripped down out of his clothes and threw on his pajamas before slipping into bed with a weary sigh. It had been a long day and all he wanted was to dream of Carlos and get some sleep.

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