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When they got to the separation of the different wings of the dorms, Ben agreed to show the boys to their dorm while Lonnie showed the girls to theirs. As they walked down the hall Ben gave Jay and Carlos an amused smile. "Just so you know, you probably shouldn't steal around here Jay. It'll get you in trouble. Oh and Carlos, I left you a box of chocolates on your bed. They're gonna be your favorite I think." Ben gave Carlos a playful wink making him blush again. Goodness, the things that his blush did to Ben. Ben stopped himself from thinking about it too much and took several deep breaths before opening the door to their dorm for them, letting them in. "This is your dorm. Everything in here is yours to use. Try to keep it, clean guys." He couldn't help but laugh goofily remembering a dream where he walked into a complete disaster and ended up seeing Carlos' underwear for the first time.

"Alright, Dude. I don't know how you know us but don't act like we are buddies okay? We don't even know you." Jay glared from his side of the room, unloading some of the things he stole from his person onto the bed. Carlos tried to give Ben an apologetic look, but Ben seemed sobered. He forgot that he was the only one who had these dreams. They didn't know what he knew or at least thought he knew. Ben sighed and nodded respectfully.

"Sorry, I just... I know a lot about you guys and I just really want to be friends." Or more, he thought to himself before shutting that line of thinking down. Now was not the time to start flirting with Carlos or making things complicated no matter how much he wants to.

"How do you know so much about us..." Carlos asked surprisingly nicely from his spot on the bed already digging into the chocolate with a soft moan. That sound momentarily short circuits his brain. That was a sound he had heard his dreams only a couple of times but now hearing it in real life made his body feel like it was melting. He cleared his throat attempting to focus.

"I uh... it's sort of a long story... and it is pretty complicated." Ben rubbed the back of his neck a bit and looked away not really wanting to talk about it. Carlos tilted his head like a confused puppy and shrugged. Ben silently appreciated the fact that Carlos wasn't pushy. He really didn't like the idea of telling anyone about his dreams, but he knew he would have to, especially with Lonnie, who now knew something major was going on. "I'll see you guys later. I left my cellphone number on the nightstand incase you have any questions. Bye." Ben turned to leave but quickly felt a hand grab his and pulled him back toward the room. Carlos stood holding his hand looking at him in the eyes.

"Have we met before?" Carlos asked squeezing his hand. Ben felt his cheeks warm again for what felt like the eleventh time. He smiled and shook his head smiling charmingly.

"Not in person I don't think... why?" Ben tilted his head a bit the way Carlos had done not long ago. Carlos seemed conflicted just looking at Ben for a long moment as if searching for an answer that was written in his eyes.

"It's complicated..." Carlos couldn't stop himself from frowning. Ben lifted Carlos' chin to make him look at him again.

"I can handle complicated Carlos." Ben gave him his brightest smile making his dream boy blush and smile. He nodded a little bit at Ben, holding his hand still.

"It's just a feeling I have. It's like I know you from somewhere, but my brain can't quite figure it out. I can only really feel it. I felt it the moment I saw you." Carlos explained though seemed embarrassed by his less than clear explanation. Ben, however, knew how that feeling felt. He has been feeling it since the dreams started.

"I know what you mean Carlos. I can't remember us ever meeting in person." Ben and Carlos stared into each other's eyes for a long moment as if there was something, they both desperately wanted to say but decided against. Carlos finally let his hand go. "Call me or text me if you want to or need to talk okay? I'm here for you Carlos." Ben gave him another bright smile before heading back towards the divide between the two dorm wings. Lonnie was already there waiting for him. She gave him a less than pleased smile before gesturing towards the empty hallways for them to walk and talk. Ben gave her a knowing but reluctant nod. He really didn't want to have to explain himself but he knew it was coming regardless. That's just going to be inevitable the closer he gets to the VK's. He definitely intended to get close to the VK's one way or another, he just didn't know how. It seemed that Carlos already didn't mind him as much as the others did. It was a comforting start considering how much he already felt for the monochromatic heartthrob.

"So... are you going to tell me what is going on or am I going to have to guess?" Lonnie asked more playfully than serious but there was a clear seriousness to her words.

"It's those dreams I have been having Lonnie. All of them contain those four in one way or another. They are like memories, but I know that they never happened. It's extremely confusing but I already know things about them, in my dreams they are some of my best friends next to you. It complicates things." Ben can't help but adjust his suit nervously mind deep in thought. Lonnie nods slowly as he talks seeming to understand slowly.

"So then what is up with that Carlos guy? You seemed to be surprised to see him." Ben really was hoping that Lonnie wouldn't ask that question.

"In my dreams Carlos and I are a couple Lonnie... I know some of his deepest secrets and what he likes... It's strange but I can't help but feel things for him. I know I shouldn't all things considered but I can't help it." This seems to surprise Lonnie, but she smiles warmly and nods.

"Seems like Benny Boy has a crush." Lonnie teased making Ben's cheeks glow like rubies. She didn't know the half of how badly this crush for Carlos was.

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