Never Forgotten

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One the wand was done Mal went to Fairy Godmother's office, not bothering to knock this time. She barged right in and held out the fake wand. "We need you to enchant this with a trap spell, but it has to look like just raw magic. Uma kidnapped Ben and we are going to try and trick her but we need your help." Mal demanded not in the mood to waste time anymore. Fairy Godmother looks at her perplexed but nodded taking the wand from the girl and causing sparkles to pour from the tip of the fake wand. She enchanted the wand muttering a spell under her breath before handing it back to Mal.

"This should suit your purposes Mal. I hope you bring him back alive this time..." She says solemnly. Mal nods respectfully for the first time.

"We will." Is all she says before heading out of the room.

After Mal came back from Fairy Godmother's office with the fake wand enchanted the group headed off to the forest. Jay took the lead showing them the way to the pirate's camp. Sensing them coming, Uma grabbed ahold of Ben and yanked him to stand. Mal and the group stopped feet a couple of feet away.

"You got the wand?" Uma asks letting magic swirl from her mother's necklace threateningly. Mal holds out the wand to show it. Uma immediately looks at it and grins gesturing for her to hand it over. "Gimme the wand!"

"Give us Ben!" Mal demanded and Uma growled her eyes flickering between the group before suddenly looking suspicious. She looked at Mal in the eyes.

"Wait, this is too easy... prove it's the wand. Do magic, but nothing fancy or Ben here's spell gets removed." Uma threatened. Mal growled and looked around at the group before looking back to Uma. Mal clenched her teeth and used the wand trapping herself in a mini version of the isle's barrier. Uma cackled and shook her head staring down at the group. "Did you honestly believe that this was going to work? I'm a witch, I could sense the spell through that fake magic. I guess if you don't want to save him. I should just take away this spell to prove a point." Uma let magic swell before Carlos cried out.

"Uma don't! If you remove that spell you'll kill him." Carlos got on his knees begging. "Please don't kill him." His eyes welled up with tears. Ben looked terrified. Die? He was going to die if she removed that spell? How did he know that? Ben's head swam with sudden questions as dread began to fill his gut and bones. Was this going to be how he died? The feeling sent chills through his whole body making him feel weak. He locked eyes with Carlos who was still begging. Uma looked down between Ben and Carlos before sighing heavily.

"It's not personal Carlos. It's business." Uma let her magic swell from her shell necklace. "By the powers of the sea, break this spell and set him free." The magic from her shell snaked around Ben working its way into his aura, the magic around Ben, a mix of golden sparkles and smokey green mist became visible. Her magic pierced his aura as everyone stood watching in horror. The magic tore at the spell around Ben and he cried out in pain feeling every bit of it as it wrenched free from him slowly. The spell became unstable and there was a loud crack of energy as Ben screamed in pain. The magic rebounded and a massive wave of magic exploded from him as the area filled with golden sparkles and green mist. Ben slumped to the ground as everyone was sent flying backward knocked into trees and bushes. Uma was thrown into a tree and knocked unconscious. Gil and Harry were knocked away, harry getting stuck up slumped over a tree branch. The group was sent flying back. Jay caught Carlos mid-flight as the two slammed into a large oak. Jay was knocked unconscious as well. Carlos recovered quickly and ran for Ben who laid in the middle of the now cleared clearing. He shook Ben.

"Ben wake up... Ben... Ben, you gotta wake up please." Carlos begged shaking him harder than he probably should but not caring. He leaned down and listened for breathing. He wasn't breathing. "Someone anybody. He isn't breathing please help him." He cried out. Lonnie came running after recovering from being thrown by the magic rebounding. She slipped down next to Ben starting CPR.

"Come on Ben. Don't do this." Lonnie commanded doing chest compressions before leaning down to force air down his throat. She did three sets of compressions but still wasn't giving up. She just kept going but Carlos wasn't paying attention anymore. He fell to pieces clutching Ben's hand. He let out the most painful wail and sob hugging the limp hand and arm to his chest. He was completely overcome with heartbreak and grief his whole body felt like it wanted to shut down at the same time. He just wanted to lay down and die too. It felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest and had been stomped on. He didn't care about anything right now other than Ben, who he assumed was gone. Lonnie was probably still trying but Carlos couldn't see anything anymore. His eyes were shut as tears poured down his freckled cheeks.

Once the spell around Mal wore off she ran over to Uma and ripped her necklace off and tied her up. Evie did the same thing to Gil and Harry, after pulling Harry down from the tree. They rounded the three up and Mal cast a spell to keep them unconscious so there wouldn't be any more interruptions at this point. They all turned back to Ben, Carlos, and Lonnie.

Carlos was sobbing so loud he didn't even hear the sharp gasp beside him. The only thing he felt was Ben's arm move. "No! I'm not letting him go." Carlos cried assuming it was Lonnie trying to move him. Ben groaned and sat up rubbing his chest gently from where Lonnie had done chest compressions.

"Pup... can I have my arm back?" Carlos hazarded to open his eyes and looked to see Ben smiling at him. Carlos launched himself onto Ben holding him tightly still sobbing into his shoulder.

"B-ben... I thought... you died," He barely managed between choked sobs.

"I know... it's okay. I'm here." Ben soothed pulling Carlos into his lap properly holding him comfortingly. Lonnie got up and went to check on Jay who was just waking up. He saw Ben sitting and holding Carlos.

"Is he okay?" Jay asked quietly to Lonnie who was inspecting the back of his head for injuries.

"Which one?" Lonnie joked briefly. "Ben nearly died, I'd wager he was dead for a second there and Carlos is fine thanks to you." She smiled and sat next to him patting his arm. Ben picked Carlos up bridal style making his chuckle despite his tears of joy and relief.

"Next time I rescue you." Ben chuckles setting him on his feet. Carlos's face scrunches up for a moment.

"Let's not let there be a next time." Carlos laughs and pulls Ben down into a loving kiss in front of everyone.

(A/N: Story is almost over. The first chapter of my next story is up. Love is a Battlefield. Guess what? More Benlos!)

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