Fairy Versus Fairy

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Mal wasn't stupid. While she didn't know exactly what was going on with Ben, like she had told him she lied. She knew more than she was willing to admit. The truth is she knew who casted the spell on Ben, the question she only had left was, what the spell was and why. So that is why she was here, standing outside of Fairy Godmother's office knocking. That golden sparkle of magic around Ben was unmistakably hers. It was the same brand of magic that trapped her on the isle. All she could reasonably think about was how this knowledge could be leveraged. What was the price of this knowledge? She knocked again waiting for that sickeningly chipper voice to call through the door.

"Come in!" Fairy Godmother called making Mal smirk. This might be easier than she thought. Mal walked into the office and her smirk grew to a grin at the look of immediate discomfort she put on the Fairy.

"Hello, dear one. How can I help you?" Fairy godmother's voice twinkled like gumdrops coated in glassy sugar crystals. It took everything in her for Mal not to gag at how sickening it was. How could anyone be so... cheery? It was disgusting.

"How can you help me? Hmm... no, I'm here because of how I can help you." Mal cocked her head with a smugness that made Fairy Godmother's sugary exterior crack and show her sincere dislike for the girl.

"I have absolutely no idea what you could possibly mean." She feigned innocence regaining her syrupy composure. Mal knew better than to buy innocence from someone like her. Fairy Godmother wasn't as good or innocent as people thought and she knew it. The way the barrier was set up proved that, cutting off any real hope of enjoying anything and stranded on a small rock. It was torture and it was Fairy Godmother's hand that made it so. Mal was undeniably bitter but she didn't let that show, all she portrayed was a palpable arrogance that was so strong you could practically feel the tension it caused in the room.

"Don't play innocent high and mighty. I know all about that spell WE put on the prince. Oh yeah. I saw it with my own eyes. That's some pretty strong magic, would be a shame if something happened to it." Mal picked at her nails like a dragon cleaning its claws after a fresh kill. Fairy Godmother gulped and tensed. She narrowed her eyes on Mal, clearly, she had underestimated the girl and it infuriated her. Fairy Godmother's temper was something well hidden behind her typical candy-coated exterior but this girl was already pushing it, the worst part was she knew it too. She was playing right into Mal's hands and there was no way she could stop it.

"What do you want?" Fairy Godmother croaked out lacking her usual grace. Mal cackled with joy at seeing the fairy squirm, oh this was absolutely priceless.

"I want to know everything. I may not know why we casted a spell together like that, or how for that matter but I know it couldn't be a good thing if I told Prince Idiot that you are the source of his bad dreams." Mal taunted her and Fairy Godmother's nerve was struck. Her face boiled red with anger and the young evil fairy just grinned.

"Listen here. MY spell was perfect, there shouldn't have been any side effects, but your memory spell is why he is having those dreams not me. You are the reason he even knows about anything." She snapped giving Mal even more power over her.

"Fine. You want me to listen, I'll listen. What I want to know is why. Why did we cast a joint spell that powerful on Ben, prince of wusses." Mal asked head cocking to the other side now more inquisitive than before. Fairy Godmother groaned head still tomato red, ready to explode.

"Because the boy died! You can't cast all magic with only good magic. The spell we used required both good and bad magic to be cast. If you even attempt to remove that spell who knows what kind of calamity you could bring about. If you were as smart as you act there wouldn't be any reason for you to mess with it." The good fairy seethed in frustration and annoyance. She played perfectly into her hands and it was marvelous. It was absolutely intoxicating to have this kind of sway and power over the world's strongest fairy. Mal grinned from ear to ear and walked closer to the good fairy.

"If you want me to keep quiet and keep my hands away from that spellwork. You are going to give me everything I want." Mal's voice mocking the sickeningly sweet tone that Fairy Godmother always used. The good fairy fixed her with a glare but nodded.

"Fine. I'll give you whatever you want but only within reason. I'm not letting you do something crazy just for one boy. The King and Queen would have my wand if they knew that you knew about this." Fairy Godmother groaned and Mal delighted. Every ounce of discomfort, annoyance, and frustration she brought to the fairy godmother only brought her joy. She hated this woman with every fiber of her being, but she wasn't cruel. She had never intended on messing with Ben, she felt something deep down for him, a caring that she couldn't describe but she didn't let show. She wouldn't jeopardize his life especially with Carlos getting so close. For now, Mal would keep all of this a secret at a cost of course. What is the point of leverage if not used? Mother's number one rule of course.

"Good. I want access to all of the restricted books in the library. Especially any books on magic. Just because you guys like to pick and choose about it doesn't mean I'm not going to use it." Mal said with all the arrogance and pride of her mother.

"Done." Fairy Godmother felt like she was signing her own death certificate but agreed none the less, how could she not. They used the biggest spell in Auradon's history. If word got out that kind of magic existed, who knows what kind of chaos it could cause. Mal left the good fairy's office with the biggest and brightest smile anyone had seen on the girl in her whole life. 

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