Begging For It

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Once back at the castle, Ben and Carlos sat on the bed going over homework together. The problem was Carlos didn't really want to communicate much, even when he needed help with his English assignment, a subject that Ben excelled at. With a heavy sigh, he sat and just fixed him with a concerned look.

"Carlos... you can talk to me. Whatever is bothering you is making your schoolwork harder. You don't have to tell me, I'm not trying to pressure you but I'm here for you." Ben stopped and took Carlos' hand. He looked up from his schoolwork finally, squeezing Ben's hand for comfort.

"Jay isn't happy about me getting so close to you. He won't tell me why really beyond that he doesn't trust you. I do trust you though, I can't explain it but quickly I've... oh just fuck it." Carlos pushed his homework out of the way and lunged forward pressing their lips together, pulling Ben in and kissing him deeply. His shock immediately wearing off to find himself pulling Carlos into his lap and kissing back with all his feelings crashing down into this one kiss like a tidal wave. When they finally separate both are breathing a little heavier. "I'm falling in love with you Ben, I don't know how I could so quickly but I can feel it. All I've been able to think about since we met is you and I know how you feel about me. I heard you say it last night Ben. It's way too early for me to say it back but I do feel myself falling for you and Jay doesn't like it. I tried to talk to him about it, we used to talk about everything but since we got here he has been nothing but mean." Carlos' mouth finding Ben's again for more kisses as if their lips together was the remedy for what ailed him. While he wasn't complaining Ben couldn't help but think back to when Jay threw him against the lockers before class. Ben broke off the kiss and pulled away a little bit.

"Did he tell you what happened this morning before class?" He asked curious and concerned. Carlos unsurprisingly shook his head confused. "He grabbed me and threw me against the lockers outside class and threatened me for getting so close to you. At first I thought he was just protecting you... now I think maybe he is jealous..." The thought tumbling out of his mouth before he could fully realize what he was implying. Carlos looked stunned for a second before it melted to anger.

"I can't believe him. I knew he would try and pull something but wow. I wasn't expecting him to actually go off and attack you." He seemed completely beside himself with frustration pulling out his phone and texting away furiously.

"I am fine Carlos. He didn't hurt me. I just thought you should know. If Jay is jealous, it means he likes you. Do you like him?" The very notion of it making Ben's heartache but there was no other way to feel about it.

"No... yes? I used to but I got over him and he knows it. We tried dating before, but it didn't work out. There just wasn't a spark. I'm really bad at explaining things but when I kiss you I feel it, like little fireworks inside my chest. I didn't feel anything when I kissed Jay. It isn't the same. I told him that but I guess he just can't let it go. I'm sorry for all this Ben. You don't need more of a mess and here I am making more of it." He gestures wildly at the mess of neglected homework around them. Ben smiles a little bit and cupping Carlos' cheeks.

"I can handle messes Pup." The word slipped out before he could filter it into something else. Carlos' face scrunched up a little bit at the word.

"Pup?" He asked confused and Ben's face went red with embarrassment. He really needed to get a handle on himself before he ends up sticking his foot in his mouth.

"It's a nickname I call you in my dreams. One of our first moments was me introducing you to dude the school's campus mutt. You were terrified at first but once I showed you he was harmless you two were inseparable. I called you pup because of how puppy-like your eyes are when you beg... I mean uh..." Ben stammered covering his face with his hand, there it was, him sticking his whole foot in his mouth without even meaning to.

"Beg? For what Ben?" Carlos smirked playfully fixing him with a gaze that made him feel like his whole body was melting.

"Please don't make me say it." Ben whimpered embarrassed looking away from him. He chuckled and pulled Ben to look at him in the eyes. Chocolate brown met hazel-green and the meaning of what Ben meant seemed to slip between them unspoked. Carlos flushed a little pink still smirking, teasing.

"Do you want me to beg?" He teased even more, the frustration he felt gone and replaced by a new feeling, warmth. A warmth that wrapped around his body like Ben's embrace. The look on Ben's face was absolutely priceless. It was a mix of embarrassment, surprise, and something darker behind his hazel eyes. Carlos knew exactly what that darker thing was, and he liked to toy with it, tease it. He was almost surprised when he realized he felt as if he had done this before. He REMEMBERED liking to do this to Ben. That wasn't a thought for right now though. The moment was still laced with teasing and playful energy.

"Maybe..." Ben admitted his face at its maximum redness. Carlos let loose a laugh and leaned in pressing him into a kiss. Falling in love with Ben was so natural he barely even knew it was happening, he just felt it. That headlong spiral into something wonderful. It filled his chest with light and made everything feel right. There were no words for how wonderful Ben made him feel but he wasn't going to tell him that just yet. It was all still new, but Carlos didn't exactly care for the rules of love or war. He pushed Ben down onto the bed, laying on top of him and kissing him more intensely, his phone lay buzzing on the bed completely forgotten.

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