Back to the Isle

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The group dispersed to their classes for the day while Evie prepared an outfit for Lonnie. By lunch, she was finished with the base outfit and at the end of the school day, she was completely finished. Ben, Lonnie, Evie, Mal, and Carlos all met up at Evie and Mal's dorm to see the final result. She sent Lonnie into the bathroom with a folded-up outfit and when she came out she was dressed in Jade green leather with magnolia pink accents. It was themed with an equal mix of eastern and western fashions including silk accents and an easy to move in design. Technical aspects aside she looked like a villain kid, like one of the crew. She blended in perfectly with the three other VK's.

"Alright well she has the look, but she is gonna have to learn some rules about the isle," Mal Said somewhat impressed by the actual transformation. Carlos nodded in agreement.

"Slouch or strut, keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing, don't stare at anything, don't look people in the eye, and don't have any manners. If you want something take it, and if you can't take it, break it. Think like a villain honestly. Be mean, be nasty, and always have an attitude. Any sign of weakness and people will use you or take advantage of you." Carlos laid down the rules pretty clearly. Ben couldn't help but feel proud of how good his best friend seemed to be at all this. While at the same time, trying to ignore the creeping jealousy that she got a VK look and gets to go and he doesn't. He wants to be there for his boyfriend, but he knows he can't be. Just another bittersweet feeling for Ben. Everyone has to protect him because of one reason or another and all he wants is to be able to be a part of things without anyone stopping him. He wasn't going to argue with Mal over the decision but it didn't make the decision any easier.

Ben called Chip to bring the limo that brought the VK's. Once he was there three of the four climbed in. Carlos took a second to pull Ben into a loving and longing kiss, one that left his lips tingling.

"I love you, my prince." Carlos smiled brushing his thumb over Ben's bottom lip.

"I love you too Pup, behave yourself and don't get caught." He gave Carlos a tight hug before ushering him into the limo and closing the door. Ben gave chip instructions to drop the Vk's off, hide with the limo near the bridge and wait for them to return to bring them back. Chip agreed and they set off for the isle. The drive wasn't particularly long, but it certainly wasn't short, especially once they had to cross the magical bridge. The whole way there everyone was pretty much silent but there were plenty of sympathetic looks give to Carlos who seemed to be the most stressed out about the whole situation, reasonably so. His best friend had run back to the isle, with no backup and no one to help him, but his boyfriend was left behind in Auradon with no way to help. He felt kind of alone despite the other VK's there. It wasn't the same without Jay, and now it wasn't the same without Ben either. Thankfully Lonnie saw this and took Carlos' hand giving it a comforting squeeze the way Ben does.

"They're gonna be okay Carlos. I know you're worried, but it is going to be okay." Lonnie reaffirmed for him. Carlos nodded but didn't let go of her hand, appreciating the familiar comfort. He knew she was looking out for him for Ben's sake which wasn't much of a surprise. Ben most likely instructed her to watch out for him the way she does him. Which in fact he did.

Once on the isle the group started prowling old territory looking for any signs of Jay, they had to be careful to avoid being seen by their parents or anyone who knew their parents but for the VK's this would mostly be easy. They checked from one side of the isle to the other, wasting away daylight and far into the evening. The very last place they checked was the hideout of theirs. Mal threw the rock at the sign to open the way and Carlos, Mal, and Evie climbed up, momentarily forgetting about Lonnie.

As they were searching the hideout Mal and Carlos looked equally frustrated. "I have no idea where he could be at this point. We checked everywhere." Mal complained plopping onto a chair to think. Carlos looked around briefly before panic rose in him.

"Guys?! Where's Lonnie?! Lonnie!?" Carlos started frantically looking around the hideout with Evie, both coming up empty-handed. They scurried down the stairs back outside. As they reached the bottom they saw a figure coming through the dark tunnel. "Lonnie?" Carlos called as the figure grew closer and finally stepped into the light. It was, in fact, Lonnie, dragging an unconscious Harry Hook behind her.

"Sorry if I scared you but this guy and some pirates tried to jump me back there and didn't expect me to be able to fight back, I guess." Lonnie shrugged. All the VK's looked at her with silent blinking stares for a long moment. "What? It wasn't that hard. I mean there are like at least five different ways to get out of grab from behind like that." She smiled then remembered she was on the isle and dropped it to a smirk.

"I am very glad we didn't bring Ben at this point or he probably would have gotten himself captured." Carlos grimaced at the very idea. Lonnie shrugged and nodded.

"So is there something we can do with this guy?" Lonnie asked still dragging Harry Hook by the collar of his shirt.

"We bleed him for information." Mal sighed matter of factly leading the VK's and Lonnie up to the hideout and tying Harry up. Mal splashed the pirate with water and he sputtered awake.

"Wake up Hook. You have some explaining to do." Carlos growled not happy in the slightest to see him.

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