Chapter 64

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Whoa. That was surreal.
'I can't believe that Robert Downey Jnr just told you to keep his number.' Viv said, wide eyed.
'Yeah, I know. But do you think I should? Or shall I just delete it?'
'What the fuck Becca? Don't you dare delete it!' Ella cried a bit too loudly.
Becca raised her eyebrows. 'Calm down Ella. Why do you care if I delete it or not?'
'Because having Robert Downey Jnr's number is just... the coolest thing ever. Better than Kim Kardashian's even.'
'Urgh I wouldn't want her number.' Becca said, not sharing Ella's obsession with that family. 'And it's not like I'm going to phone him and and say, 'Hey, Robert, let's meet for coffee,' am I?'
'No, but you could. That's the point.'
'Okay, okay, I'll keep it.'

+403 555 678 changed to Robert

'That's what you're putting him down as? Robert?'
'That's his name.' Becca said. 'And I don't know any other Roberts, so I don't need to put his surname.'
'It's not very Hollywood though, is it.' Ella said.
Becca just laughed.
'So now you have Chris Evans' and Robert Downey Jnr's numbers.' Viv said, sounding awed.
'Yes. My life has gotten very...surreal lately.' Becca agreed.
'So, I guess Chris'll be messaging and stuff every five minutes again, now that he's back.' Ella said.
'Well, maybe not every five minutes, but hopefully I'll hear from him a bit more now that he's back. Hopefully...' She tailed off.
'What?' Asked Viv.
'No, you'll think it's stupid.'
'Probably, but tell us anyway.' Ella said.
'It's just...hopefully the reason I haven't heard from him much since he's been away is because he's been busy and the time difference.'
'As opposed to?'
'Because he's lost interest or met someone amazingly gorgeous over there.'
Ella laughed. 'Sweetie, it'd be the biggest u-turn in the history of dating for him to lose interest.'
'I guess.'
'And as for meeting someone amazingly gorgeous, he likes you.' Viv tried to reassure her.
'Yeah, can't understand why.' Ella said sarcastically.
Becca laughed and threw a cushion at her.
'Do you suppose we should get dressed at some point?' Viv asked.
'No. I'm going to spend all day in these pyjamas.' Said Becca.
'Those pyjamas are disgusting.' Ella said. 'You should burn them.'
Becca laughed, they were her oldest, rattiest pyjamas, but she loved them.
'What about when you get hungry?' Viv asked.
'That's what takeout is for.' Said Ella.
'Or, there's ice cream in the freezer.' Becca said.
'I call dibs.' Said Ella, scrambling up.
'There's enough for everyone.' Becca said, laughing. 'There's chocolate sauce in the cupboard too.'
'Okay, Becca help me with the ice cream and Viv put on a movie.' Ella said. 'But no soppy romances.'
Viv thought for a minute. 'I know - how about an anti-romance? My Best Friend's Wedding.'
'Ooh, good choice.' Said Ella.



It was half an hour later and they'd just joined in loudly with the karaoke scene when the doorbell rang.
'I think that's my delivery.' Viv said, jumping up. 'I'm expecting something from home.'
'She's keen.' Ella observed as Viv raced to the door.
They could hear the indistinct murmur of her voice as she spoke to whoever was there and a deeper reply. Becca had less than a second to think it sounded kind of familiar, before-
'Becca! Chris is here for you!' Viv called through.
What? No! He can't be here now, I'm a mess - I haven't even brushed my hair today!
Becca looked at Ella in horror.
'Shit!' Becca said.
She looked down at herself, remembering that she was wearing her mankiest pyjamas.
Oh God, I've even got a splodge of chocolate sauce down my top!
'Quick! Run and change before-' Ella started to say, but Chris walked into the room.
'Dammit.' Becca muttered under her breath.
He's probably spent the last three weeks with ridiculously glamorous people, and here I am looking like this.
You know, just once I'd like him to drop by when I'm looking amazing.
'Hi.' He said, breaking into a beaming smile when he saw her.
'Hello.' Becca said. 'I really wasn't expecting-'
She stopped talking in surprise as he walked over, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a bear hug. And he didn't let go.
After a second's hesitation, Becca put her arms around his waist and hugged him back.
This feels so nice. He gives the best hugs.
'I missed you.' He said softly, hugged her a bit tighter and kissed the top of her head before letting her go and stepping back.
Whoa! What just happened? Did he kiss my head? What's that all about?
She looked up at him, with no idea what she was about to say, when she noticed how rough he looked. He was paler than usual, with huge dark circles under his eyes and a couple of days worth of stubble covered his face.
Poor Chris - he looks exhausted. No wonder he needed a hug.
'I'm sorry for bursting in like this, but I wanted to see you on my way home and give you the chocolate.'
He held a largish box out to her, which was wrapped with a Lindt ribbon.
'Thanks.' She said, taking it. 'Jeez, have you put a brick in here?' She said when she felt the weight of it.
'Well, I couldn't decide what to get you, so I just got a little of everything.' He said, looking a little sheepish.
'Thank you.'
'So you forgive me? For just turning up uninvited?'
She smiled. 'Of course. But five minutes warning might be nice next time so that I can make myself look a little bit more presentable.'
'You look fine.' He said.
'I haven't even brushed my hair today! And these are the mankiest pyjamas that I own - they're definitely not for public viewing.'
'I hadn't even noticed.' He said, and then looked at her hair. 'But now you mention it, it is a bit scruffy.' He said with a grin. 'And those pyjamas have definitely seen better days.'
Becca laughed and smacked him on the arm in mock annoyance.
'But I'm sure that I'm not exactly looking my best.' Chris said. 'After a fourteen hour flight and three solid weeks of working.'
'Well, I wasn't going to mention it, but you do look a bit rough.' Becca said.
Chris burst out laughing. 'I can always depend on you to bring me back down to earth.' He said. 'We've all had so much attention from fans these past three weeks, I can't tell you how good it is to get back to normal.'
'How was it?' Becca asked.
'I'll tell you all about it, but first I gotta go home and sleep for about thirty hours.' He said.
Becca smiled. 'Okay. Well, thanks for bringing the chocolate.'
'No problem. I'll be in touch once I wake up.' He said as left.
She watched him walk towards his car and just before he got in, he looked back and waved goodbye.
'Well, I think that answers your question.' Ella said from behind her.


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