Chapter 69

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A/N: Sorry for the really long wait for this next chapter. It's been really hard - I've rewritten it so many times that I've lost count...and I still hate it ☹️ but I'm posting it and moving forward. Otherwise I'll never end up finishing this story. It's kind of a two-parter - the second half should follow much sooner.
Here's hoping that you don't hate it as much as me!

'Well, here we are.' Chris said as he parked the car in front of a huge house. 'Are you ready?'
Becca took a deep breath. 'Okay.' She said.
They walked to the door and knocked, and Becca felt herself tense as they waited for someone to answer.
Okay, here we go. It'll be alright.
But the door wasn't answered by Robert, or any of the other actors, instead it was opened by an attractive brunette holding a young boy of about four or five.
'Chris.' She said with a smile and warmly kissed him on the cheek.
'Hi Susan.' Chris said, returning the woman's smile. 'Hi buddy.' He added to the boy, giving his back a rub.
'Chris!' The boy squealed, bouncing up and down in his mother's arms and holding his arms out.
With a laugh, his mother passed him over to Chris.
'He's been really excited to see you all.' She said.
Becca watched Chris smiling and chatting with the little boy.
God, why is it that guys look so much hotter when they're holding a child?
'Becs, this is Susan Downey, Rob's wife and his son Exton. Susan, Exton, this is Becs.' He said.
'Hello Becs.' Susan said, smiling at Becca.
'Hi.' Becca said to Susan. 'Hi Exton.' She gave him a small wave but he hid his face in Chris's chest.
'He's kind of shy with new people.' Susan said to Becca.
Yeah, him and me both.
'I can relate to that.' Becca said.
'So, you're here to finally meet everyone?' Susan asked.
'Err...yeah.' Becca said.
Do I sound as terrified as I feel?
'Don't worry, they're a great group. Give it an hour and I'm sure you'll feel like you've known them forever.' Susan said.
'That's what I keep telling her.' Said Chris.
'Well, you're the last ones - they're all downstairs already.' Susan said, closing the door behind them.
Oh God.
'Are you okay taking yourselves down there?' She asked Chris. 'I've got to get this one to bed.'
'Aww.' Exton whined as his mother took him back.
'Yeah, no problem.' Chris said. 'Night buddy.'
'Can you let Rob know the pizzas should be here in about ten minutes?' Susan asked. 'I'll send the delivery guy down.'
'Sure, but aren't you joining us?'
'Not tonight.' Susan said. 'I've got over a hundred pages of scripts to read before a production meeting tomorrow.' She said with a grimace.
'Ah, okay. Have fun.'
'It was nice to meet you, Becs.' Susan said with a smile.
'You too.' Becca said.
'This way.' Chris pointed to the stairs.
'Susan's a big-shot Hollywood producer, by the way.' Chris said as they walked down. 'Rob might have the fame, but she's got the power.'
'She seemed nice.'
'Yeah she is. The games room is right up ahead, through those doors.' He said as they reached the bottom of the stairs.
She could hear raised voices coming from the other side of the door. There seemed to be some kind of friendly competition going on.
Oh God, that's them! They're just on the other side of this door!
'You okay?' Chris asked.
She realised that she'd stopped walking and was just staring at the door.
'Kinda terrified.' Becca admitted.
He smiled warmly at her. 'It'll be okay.'
'But what if it's not?' She said, feeling panicky. 'What if I freak out and say something really stupid and they think I'm an idiot?'
Chris laughed softly.
'It's not funny.' Becca said. 'I say weird stuff when I'm nervous sometimes. One time on a date, I started talking about this serial killers book I'd just read, but I went into way too much detail about all these grisly murders. Poor guy looked absolutely horrified, but I just couldn't seem to stop myself.'
'Look, I'll be right with you. I won't leave you on your own with them if you don't want me to.'
'And you'll stop me saying something stupid?'
'Definitely. If you start talking about serial killers, I'll change the subject.' He said with a grin.
'Just kick me or something.'
'Okay. Ready?'
I can do this. Everyone says they're nice.
She took a deep breath and nodded, and Chris opened the door. 'After you.' He said.


Oh God, there they are!
It was an enormous room, filled with sofas and chairs, a bar and lots of games tables and arcade games, but it was the people that drew her eye. Chris Hemsworth and Jeremy Renner were playing on a driving simulator and Robert Downey Jnr and Scarlett were standing near the bar.
Becca's heart started racing, and she was so nervous that she felt sick.
I'm not sure I can do this.
None of them have noticed us yet - it's not too late, I could still leave.
'Hey there.' Chris called to them.
And there goes my chance.
Robert and Scarlett looked up and smiled before starting to walk over, but Hemsworth and Renner were obviously too into their game because they hadn't reacted.
Scarlett made a beeline for them, while Robert went over to where Hemsworth and Renner were still driving, and smacked Hemsworth on the back of the head.
'Hey!' Hemsworth said, rubbing the back of his head. 'What the hell was that for?'
Becca watched Robert lean down and say something, and then Hemsworth turned and looked at her.
'Oh.' He said, getting up.
Scarlett got there first.
'Hey there.' She said, hugging Chris and smiling at Becca.
It's okay. Don't panic - you already met Scarlett, you can talk to her.
'Hi.' Becca said, nerves making her voice sound squeaky. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry.
You're okay.
But then the others came over and she froze.
Okay, now you can panic.
'Becs, this is Robert, Hemsworth and Renner. Guys, this is Becs.' Chris said.
'Hello. Welcome to my games room.' Robert said.
'Hi.' Renner added.
'Great to finally meet you.' Said Hemsworth.
She couldn't seem to force her brain into gear to say anything.
'Hi.' Robert said again after a few seconds when she hadn't responded.
Say something!
She saw the look the passed between Hemsworth and Renner.
Oh God, they think I'm an idiot.
Say something! Anything!
'No need to look so scared, we don't bite.' Robert said.
'Yeah, we promised Evans that we'd be on our best behaviour.' Said Renner.
The more seconds passed, the harder it was to speak. And the faster her heart raced.
This was a mistake.
'Chris, does your g- I mean, does she speak?' Robert said.
'You okay Becs?' Chris asked kindly.
'Why don't we get you a drink?' Said Scarlett.
'Not sure that's wise.' Hemsworth said. 'She looks like she's gonna hurl.'
Why had she thought that she'd be able to talk to them?
She took a step back, about to bolt and turned to Chris, shaking her head. 'This was-'

Part two to follow, and don't worry, Becs does regain the power of speech...

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