1st Chapter

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I'm now on my way to school, one more day which everyone makes fun of me. I never did anything to that people, why do they hate me so much? Oh wait! Maybe because I'm not rich, I don't wear expensive clothes and I don't have a good body. I only wear black, which matches my hair.

When I saw the school gate in front of me, I closed my eyes and breathed in the max air I could, psychologically preparing for one more day.

I opened my eyes and walked through the big gate. I looked around me and saw everyone talking but, unbelievably, it wasn't about me. For what I heard, there was a new student and, by their words, he's "so hot". Amazing, another one to make my life even worst.

I walked to the classroom while there wasn't anyone inside. Once I got in, I sat on the last row. I put my bag on top of the table, my arms on top of it and rested my head, enjoying the silence, but unfortunately, it only lated a few minutes.

I'm not sure of how much time the silence lasted, but once I heard the bell, people started to get inside the classroom. Everyone that passed through me looked at me with disgust on their faces, but that is normal for me. Like everytime, nobody sat next to me. Nobody wants to be next to me, only to make fun of me, of course.

When the class started, I lean my head on the wall and closed my eyes, but listening to what the teacher was saying. The teacher was about to write on the blackboard, when someone knocked on the door. Quickly, I opened my eyes to see who it was. It was a boy. I never saw him before, he might be the new student.

Xx: I'm so sorry teacher. I got lost. – he said scratching the back of his neck.

Teacher: No problem, you might be the new student. Come here present yourself to me and the class.

Xx: Hi, my name is Jung Wooyoung and I'm 18 years old. – he smiled.

Jung Wooyoung. Beautiful name. He has black hair, brown eyes, he's style was kinda like mine and when he smiled you could see dimples on his cheeks, which makes him even cuter. He's not very tall, he might be around my height, maybe just a little taller.

Teacher: Welcome Wooyoung. Choose a table and have a sit.

Wooyoung: Thank you!

The girls were hoping for him to sit next to them. They were all fixing their hair and pulling their shirts down making their boobs be almost out. I rolled my eyes towards their attitude.

When I looked at Wooyoung he was looking at me and smiling, he started walking towards me. Oh no, he isn't going to do this. Unfortunately, for me and for him, he did it.

He dragged the chair beside me and sit. I widened my eyes and looked at the people in front of me. The girls were looking at me with their mouths opened and hate on their faces. But I was already used to it.

I looked at the boy beside me that was putting his stuff on the table. I leaned my head on the wall again, not caring about his presence.

Wooyoung: Hey... - he said, seemed nervous. I didn't answer. – Hey? – he repeated noticing that I wasn't answering.

Soomin: You shouldn't have come to this table. – I said cold.

Wooyoung: What? Why? – he asked confused.

Soomin: Nobody sits here, nobody wants to sit with me. They're going to forgive you because it's your first day, but if you keep doing this, you will go through the same as me.

Wooyoung: What? I don't understand...

Soomin: Just don't get too close. – I said deeply staring at his brown eyes, but looked back to the teacher.

I think he was confused but decided to don't insist. That's good.


I arrived late to the class and the teacher asked me to present myself. When he asked me to choose where to sit, I started looking around. All you could see was girls fixing their hair, pulling down their shirts showing their boobs. They looked like a bunch of hoes, anyway.

I looked at the last row and there was a girl alone. She had long black hair and was wearing black clothes.Her skin was lightly tanned and she had brown eyes. She looked at what those girls and rolled her eyes. I smiled.

I like her.

I walked to her table. I tried to talk to her to find out her name, but she just told me to don't get too close to her or I would go through the same as her. I didn't understand what she meant with that, but I gave up on trying to talk to her for now. Yes, for now, because I won't get away from her. She kept my interest.

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