11th Chapter

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I woke up in a good mood today. I got up, got ready, got out of my house and sat outside next to the door.

Ten minutes after, I heard my name being called. When I looked up, I saw Wooyoung standing next to his car, with his arms crossed and looking at me while smiling.

Soomin: For how long have you been there? - I asked walking towards him. When I got close enough, he grabbed my waist, pulling me against him and kissed me gently.

Wooyoung: For about 5 minutes I guess. - he smiled - I was admiring.

Soomin: Admiring? What? - I asked curious.

Wooyoung: Your beauty. - I blushed right away.

Soomin: I'm not beautiful. - I lowered my head.

Wooyoung: You're right. - he said unconcerned - You're perfect. - he kissed my head.

Okay, now I really look like a tomato. I hid my face on the crock of his neck.

Wooyoung: And you're even cuter when you blush. - he giggled.

Soomin: This isn't funny. - when I was about to hit his chest, he grabbed my wrist and kissed me.

Wooyoung: Let's go, we're late.

When I was about to open the door he quickly ran to me and opened it.

Soomin: Wow, what a gentleman. - I giggled when I saw that he was blushing - And you're even cuter when you blush. - I used his words.

Wooyoung: Ha ha ha how funny she is. - he said getting in the car.

We spent the whole way to school singing the songs that were playing on the radio. We were so distracted that we didn't even realized the time passing. When we got to the school we were 20 minutes late.

We ran to the classroom and once we got there, we didn't even knocked on the door and opened it right away.

Wooyoung: I'm sorry I'm late. - he said trying not to laugh.

Teacher: I hope this doesn't happend again. - he said rudely, as always - Can you tell me why you're 20 minutes late?

Wooyoung: Traffic. - he lied.

Teacher: Hm... And you miss?

Soomin: I came with him - after I said this everyone started whispering to each other.

Teacher: Shut up! And you two, go to your table.

We went to our table. I became a little nervous because everyone was looking at us, especially at me. I guess Wooyoung realized that because he grabbed my hand under the table. Just that little gesture calmed me down.

The morning passed quicker than usual. Wooyoung and I spent all the classes writing little notes to each other and we spent all the breaks together.

We were going to the cafeteria at lunch time, when someone gets in front of us.

Xx: Hi Wooyoung.


HyunSoo: Do you want to sit with me? - she said touching one of his arms. I started boiling right away.

Wooyoung: No, thanks.

HyunSoo: C'mon... All the girls are there. - she smirked.

Wooyoung: I'm sorry HyunSoo but I'm going to have lunch with my girlfriend. - he said and I smiled.

HyunSoo: What? Who? - she said loudly, looking everywhere - Behind this weirdo? - she looked at me - Get out of the way!

Wooyoung: My girlfriend is that "weirdo". - he said getting closer to me and hugging my shoulders - So you better don't call her that or anything like it. And it should be you getting out of the way. - he smiled.

She turned around and left.

Soomin: Thank you. - I kissed his cheek.

Wooyoung: It's my duty. - he kissed the top of my head. We looked for a free table and we sat there. When we finished, I remembered something.

Soomin: Wooyoung? - he looked at me - I want to show you something. - I got up and he did the same looking confused.

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