9th Chapter

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Soomin: I went to the hospital to discover more about my mom, and a doctor said that she had to choose between me and her. - she took a deep breath - She choose me, which means that she died right after I was born. My neighbor told me that I used to spend entire days at her house because my dad didn't cared about me. When I was five years old my dad started to beat me every day.

Wooyoung: Soomin... - I called her but she ignored me. It seemed like everything was coming back to her mind.


Soomin: He used to pull my hair, kick my stomach, punch me... So I started to cut myself sometimes. Since the first day of school of last year that people make fun of me, and some of them used to beat me as well. Since then I started to cut myself almost everyday because it was a way of kinda replacing the pain that I was feeling inside. I tried to stop several times but it was impossible. Everytime I remembered what people used to call me, all the times they used to make fun of me, everytime they used to beat me and then when I got home my dad did much worse... - this was when I realized I was shaking - My dad always said that I'm the one who caused my mom's death. I know that it is my fault but it's so hard to hear that... My dad made me get a job while I'm studying so we could pay the bills. I work every Wednesday after school. My boss knows everything that's happening and pays me very well. I'm living with him now. He told me several times to deport my dad to the police but I never did it. My mom died because of ME so I just have to deal with it. I remember alot of what my dad did to me...


I'm at my neighbor's house, playing with her and some toys she gave me. I'm here because my dad went to a bar and left me home alone so my neighbor invited me to come to her house.
We heard someone knocking on the door very violently making us scared. She got up and opened the door.

Dad: Where is she? - he asked very harshly.

Neighbor: In the living room.

Out of nowhere, I feel a hand pull my arm dragging me home.

Dad: I told you to stay at home! - he screaming and slapped me making me fall.

I didn't answered.

Dad: Your mom died because of you and you even disobey me like that? It was you that should have died! She shouldn't had died because of a piece of shit like you. - he kicked me and went to his room.



Wooyoung: Soomin stop... You don't need to continue. It's not your fault that your mom died. She chose you, it was her decision. And thank God she did it, because if she didn't you wouldn't be here and I would never met you. You're strong, even after everything you've been through, you're still here! Don't listen to what those people say about you. And don't forget what you promised me! Please don't cut yourself anymore, you can always talk to me, I'm here for you. - I smiled and squeezed her against me, getting closer to her. She was still crying and shaking a little. I wiped her tears with my thumb. I got even closer to her and kissed her forehead, then both her eyes, both her cheeks and when I got to her lips I looked to her eyes. They were closed, feeling my touch. I closed my eyes too, enjoying the moment. When I opened them, she was still in the same position. I took a deep breath and kissed her. She stayed static for some seconds but quickly kissed me back. She pushed my shoulders back making me lay on the bed again and sat on my lap, never breaking the kiss and started moving her lips against mine. I placed my hands on her hips and she placed hers on my neck. It wasn't a wild kiss, it was a calm kiss but it felt so good.

We broke the kiss and she rested her forehead on mine. I looked at her, she was still with her eyes closed and with a smile on her lips.

Out of nowhere, she opened her eyes and looked at me very serious.

Soomin: What are we?

Wooyoung: Whatever you want. - I smiled.

Soomin: You don't want the same as I do... - she said sadly.

Wooyoung: Why you're saying that?

Soomin: I'm ugly, I cut myself, I'm bullied, I don't have anyone, I have suicidal thoughts...

Wooyoung: HEY HEY HEY HEY! - I interrupted her - You are gorgeous, the most beautiful person I've ever met. I'm here with you, no one will make fun of you anymore. Also, you promised me you're not going to cut yourself anymore, okay? You promised me! - she smiled weakly and I pulled her to my lap again making her sit with a leg on each side of my body - Promise me you're never going to do anything like that again. Please!

Soomin: Okay, I promise. - we pinky promised.

After a while, I made a decision.

Wooyoung: Soomin? - I called her nervously.

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