18th Chapter

569 31 4


Yeonhee: I love it. - she said smiling at us, when we finished talking, alternating her gaze between Wooyoung and me - You really like each other, don't you?  

Love! - we said at the same time and looked at each other, starting to laugh.  

Yeonhee: Okay, okay... I get it! - she said laughing as well - So, how did the classes go?

The same as always. - we said again at the same time and opened our eyes wide.  

Yeonhee: Okay, this is geting scary!  

I agree. Stop! - we started laughing again.  

Wooyoung: Anyway... What about your job, mom?

Yeonhee: Tiring, but it was worth it. - she sighed - Thinking about it, Soomin... I would like to invite you and your parents to come here for dinner one day.

As soon as she said that I dropped my fork on the plate. I looked at Wooyoung with wide eyes, and he had the same reaction as me.  

Wooyoung: Hm... I don't think it wil work out...

Yeonhee: What? Why? - she asked, clearly confused.  

Wooyoung looked at me, as if asking for permission to say it, and I sighed.  

Soomin: My mother died and my father is in prison. - I whispered.  

Yeonhee's eyes widened.  

Yeonhee: I- I didn't know. I'm sorry.  

Soomin: No no, it's okay. My mother died when I was born and if it wasn't for your son, my father wouldn't be arrested - I explained. 


Soomin: Oh, no! You got it all wrong! - I hurried - My... - I swallowed hard and sighed - My father beat me since I can remember. Your son caught him doing it and called the police, which I couldn't do. That's why I went to the hospital, remember the story?  

Yeonhee: Ohh... - she said once she understood the situation - I'm really sorry.  

Soomin: Please don't feel sorry for me... - she nodded.  

Yeonhee: Well, since you just finished eating, you can go upstairs. Unless you want some dessert.

Soomin: Nope, I already am full.  

Wooyoung: Me too.

Yeonhee: Then you can go upstairs.

Soomin: I can help with the dishes.

Yeonhee: Thank you Soomin, but there is no need.

Wooyoung: Okay then, see you soon. - he said hugging me from behind.  

He lifted me off the floor a little and started walking out of the kitchen. Yeonhee looked at us with a smile on her face. We got to the room and Wooyoung kissed me once we got there.

Wooyoung: Do you want to sleep here today? 

Soomin: I don't even have my stuff here.  

Wooyoung: I'll take you home and, if Changwook allows it, we'll get your stuff for tomorrow and come back here. - he said - What do you think?  

Soomin: Um... I agree. - I smiled, just like him - But is that okay for your mom? - I asked.  

Wooyoung: Let's ask her. - he said taking the car keys.  

We went downstairs and into the kitchen.

Wooyoung: Mom! Soomin can sleep here tonight, right?  

Yeonhee: Sure! But what about her books and clothes?  

Wooyoung: We're going to take care of that now. See you soon! - he said and pulled me to the car, opening the door for me as usual. 

When we got to my house, I went to Changwook right away.  

Soomin: Hello Changwook! - I said hugging him.

Changwook: Hey guys. - he waved at Wooyoung.

Soomin: Wook, is it okay if I sleep at Woyoung's? Please, please, please! - I begged.

Changwook: Okay! - he said defeated.  

Soomin: Good, you're the best! - I kissed his cheek and he opened his eyes wide.  

I ran to my bedroom and left Wooyoung with Changwook.


Changwook: Wooyoung? - he called me and I looked at him - You're very good for her. She never kissed me, neither me nor anyone - he gave me a sad smile - Promise me something.  

Wooyoung: What? - I asked curious.  

Changwook: Never leave her, never make her suffer and never stop loving her. - he grabbed my hands.  

Wooyoung: I promise. - I hugged him.

[HIATUS] My Savier | jung wooyoung Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora