20th Chapter

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Soomin POV 

When I got there I came across Wooyoung talking to Hyunsoo, very close to each other. She looked quickly at me out of the corner of her eye and grabbed him by his shirt, kissing him. I couldn't see anything else next, tears started to cover my field of vision and I started to run.  

This can't be happening to me. I continued to run. Where am I going? The beach, nobody will find me here.

Wooyoung POV 

I was talking to Soomin when I wanted to go to the bathroom.  

Wooyoung: I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom. - I said getting up. I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

When I was about to go to Soomin again, I was interrupted. 

Hyunsoo, again.

Wooyoung: What do you want? - I rolled my eyes.  

Hyunsoo: End your relationship for good.  

Wooyoung: What? - I asked, confused. I noticed that she looked away and kissed me quickly. It turned out to be just a peck, because I pushed it away. She had a proud smile on her face, and when I looked to the side I realized why. Soomin was running in the opposite direction from ours. She saw. She misunderstood everything.  

Wooyoung: WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? - I screamed. She flinched, but soon returned to normal.  

Hyunsoo: It's for you to learn... NO ONE turns me down. - she smiled and I laughed scornfully, noticing the whole scene.  

Wooyoung: So this is all because I turned you down... - I repeated what was going on in my head, but out loud. - You tried to end my relationship, WHY DO YOU THINK I TURNED YOU DOWN?- I spoke this time quite loudly.  

"I don't believe this..." I murmured, putting my hands on my head and pulling my hair.

I looked at her angrily.  

Wooyoung: I won't hit you here and now, because you're a girl. And you don't deserve me to waste my time with you. But, if you get into my relationship again, just once, I swear I forget who you are. - I threatened. 

She opened her eyes wide. Fear, that's what I saw in them. I turned my back and went to look for Soomin all over the school, in all the places we were together, in the park.

I looked everywhere, and no sign of her. No one saw her. I just hope that nothing bad happens...

Soomin POV 

I spent the whole morning at the beach. Feeling the wind hitting me, the grains of sand between my fingers, the sound of the calm waves... The beach environment, when there are no people to disturb the silence, calms me down.

At lunchtime, I had lunch at a restaurant next to the beach. I didn't tell Changwook I wasn't going to lunch at home, I didn't tell anyone where I was, or even what time I was coming back. I needed this time for myself. When I finished lunch, I went back to the beach and sat on a rock.  

Everything we went through this time couldn't have been a lie, could it? He always turned her down and grunted when she approached, so he can't like her, can he? And all the "I love you" that we exchanged were not fake, were they? And the girl who called me... Now that I think about it, I already saw her with Hyunsoo. And when she called me she said it was urgent. Did she set this whole scene up to separate us? She always tried to hit on Wooyoung... 

I have to think about it, but I better go home before it gets dark.

Changwook: Soomin? - who could it be? Only I have the key - Oh my god Soomin, I was so worried! - he hugged me - What happened?  

Soomin: Can we talk at dinner? - I asked - Now I just want to take a shower... 

Changwook: Sure. - he nodded - Oh yeah! Wooyoung came here looking for you. I don't know what happened, but he was very worried and left this letter. - he handed me the letter and went back to the kitchen.  

I went to my room and put the letter on the desk, then went into the bathroom. When I showered I put on my pajamas and went to the kitchen, since Changwook had already called me.  

Changwook: Are you going to tell me what happened? - he asked, after minutes of silence.

I sighed and started to tell him everything. From his statements, from the "I love you" we exchanged, from what he told Hyunsoo that I even heard on his phone, from what happened between them both today, from the girl who came to call me and I took advantage to tell him where I was today, and the thoughts I had on the beach.  

Changwook: Do you want my honest opinion?- I nodded - He loves you. - I smiled sadly - That Hyunsoo just wants to ruin your relationship. You will make the right decision.  

Soomin: Can I stay home tomorrow? I'm not ready to look at them yet, plus, I need to think more clearly and read the letter.

Changwook: Okay... Now go to sleep. - he smiled at me and I nodded, heading for my room.  

I texted Wooyoung before I went to sleep. I tried to be as dry as possible.

Soomin: Don't pick me up tomorrow.

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