16th Chapter

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Classes ended quickly. I spent the whole time holding hands with Wooyoung under the table.

It's lunch time, Wooyoung and I were walking towards a table when someone came against me, causing all the food that was on my tray, to land on my shirt.

Xx: Oops, I'm sorry. - she pretended to be sorry.

Yes, it is exactly who you're thinking of.

Wooyoung: What is wrong with you? - he raised his voice.

Hyunsoo: With me? She's the one who came against me!

Wooyoung: Just leave us alone!

She smiled ironically and walked away.

Soomin: Ugh. - I complained, trying to clean my shirt with a napkin.

Wooyoung: Come with me, I always have my favorite shirt on my car, if needed.

Soomin: I hope it isn't colorful, I only wear black.

Wooyoung: Don't worry. - he giggled.

When we got to his car, he showed me the shirt. Thank God, it was black.

Soomin: Thank you. Where do I change?

Wooyoung: You can do it in the car. - I widened my eyes - Don't worry, there's no one here and I promise that I won't peak! - he smiled.

I got in the back seats of his car and changed. I had to fold the sleeves so it could perfectly fit me.

Wooyoung: Wow, how does it fit you? - I showed him the folded sleeves - Ohhhh, my girlfriend is smart! - I blushed.

Soomin: Thank you for the shirt. - I hugged his waist.

Wooyoung: You're welcome baby. - he kissed my forehead - Put the dirty one on this plastic bag and put it on your bag.

I did it.

Soomin: Your house or mine?

Wooyoung: Mine. So I can spend more time with you, since I have to drive you home. - he winked and I laughed.

Once we got there, he opened the door and I ran to his room, hiding behind the door.

Wooyoung: Soo? - he entered the room, laughing - You know I'm going to find you, right?

He looked inside the closet, on the bathroom and now was going to look under the bed. When he crouched to look, I ran to his back, making both of us fall.

Soomin: Boo! - I screamed while laughing.


Soomin: Boo! - her laugh is the cutest thing in the world - You didn't found me! - she smiled.

Wooyoung: You're right, but I'm not letting you go now. - I squeezed her.

Soomin: I wasn't planning on doing that anyway.

Wooyoung: Do you want to have dinner here? - I want my mom to meet her.

Soomin: W-what?

Wooyoung: I want you to meet my mom.

Soomin: I thought you lived alone.

Wooyoung: I live with her, but I don't see her a lot due to her job. Usually, when I get out in the morning, she's sleeping and when I come back, she's working. But, luckily enough, she's having dinner at home today.

Soomin: Ohh, I see. But... What if she doesn't like me?

Wooyoung: Don't think like that, she's going to love you. Also, if she doesn't, that's her problem. - I smiled at her.

Soomin: Do you like me?

Wooyoung: Nope. - her smile faded - I love you. - her smile came back, even more beautiful.

Soomin: Okay then, I'll have dinner here. Let me just tell Changwook.

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