15 - Packing

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Hermione was rushing around her and Draco's room, packing as quickly as possible. She hadn't even thought about packing and they were leaving for the manor tomorrow.
She was too worried about exams and she hadn't been on top of everything, so she needed to put all of her brain power into her exams.
Which she had passed with flying colours.

A minute after packing up all of her tops, Draco walks in, finding her running all over the room, folding, sticking things in her suitcase, and mumbling about what she hadn't done

"Woah. Hey, otter. You know we have magic to pack for us...right? And we're gonna miss dinner." He laughs

"Sometimes I do forget that I'm a witch...you're right. I'll finish this after dinner. Gosh, I'm so scatterbrained right now." She sighs, tucking a pair of pants into her suitcase

"Hey. Nothing to worry about...So, my mother is going to spend Christmas Eve at the manor and leave right after we have dinner for France." Draco explains, trying to ease some of Hermione's tension

"Okay...so we'll be alone on Christmas?" Hermione asks

"Yep. Totally alone. That's okay, right? Because if not I'm sure we could invite someone over, I mean-"

Hermione cuts Draco off with a kiss on the cheek, "Draco. That's perfect. Thank you for thinking of me. It means a lot that you're taking me in since I don't have my parents this year." She smiles, grabbing his hand as they walk to their last dinner before being at Malfoy Manor

"Hey, we'll be married soon. That's my job." He smiles, giving her hand a squeeze

"Speaking of marriage...Harry proposed to Ginny on Friday..."Hermione lets out

"I figured he would do it soon. Bugger is head over heels for the ginger. I'm guessing most people are going to get engaged on Christmas...it's like 'Merry Christmas, here's a wedding ring'...I say don't do it at Christmas...that's already a holiday. Do it so you can have your own day." Draco smiles

"Who knew Draco was such a little romantic? I agree with you. I think it's so tacky to propose on Christmas." Hermione giggles as they enter the Great Hall

"Let me know when you're done eating and I'll head out with you so we can both finish packing." He tells her as he walks her to where her friends were sitting at the Gryffindor table

"Thanks, Drake. Bye." She smiles, kissing him on the cheek as he walks toward the Slytherin table

"'Mione! I have a question for you...will you be one of my bridesmaids?" Ginny asks excitedly

Hermione Immediately tells Ginny 'Yes!' And then gives her a hug, discussing her plans for the wedding.

Ginny was already thinking about bridesmaid dresses, a wedding dress and what colours they would be themed around

"Gosh, Gin...with how much you've already seemed to have planned it's like you started planning your wedding in your head years ago." Hermione giggles at her friend's excitement

Ginny blushes, deciding not to answer Hermione, giving her an answer.

She had been planning it for years

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